
5/30/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post

8:45 p.m.

5-30- 1 O…

5 3 O 1 O… 1 8

3O-5-1O…1… 8
3O 51 O 1… 8
C.O. EA.. Area 51.. Room 5A…1 Full Circle…


I am in the Spirit World…
It was a Foggy World.. The Illusion of Chaos and Confusion everywhere…
But It was not really..
i could always see clearly through it…
My initial confusion was more.. How is this possible and which world was I in.

I was used to clarity it.
Walking through the Human Spirit World who though they were alive.. but where living with the Ghost of the Dead..
To move through it Naturally without at first being aware, then made aware by Clarifying and Explaining how I was able to see through it and if what I was seeing was in deed a fact and True.

I am still reeling from all that is coming into clarity today and the sheer Incredulity and Audacity of this Set up…
That it is Real…
That Some dared. literally to give some one, anyone such a load to bear….
And then by the sheer devilish cheek of it..

And I was reminded that this morning I went down stairs, exhausted still stunned, and not even aware that the play had already started with the Next sent by Professor Lota George Odabi.. ( Patrick Okolo is also Professor… Doctor… Professors at such young ages.. Professor of Beauty Doctor of Love… Luke Simon..)

Suddenly I observed as I waited in line that a dark complexioned man always carrying books papers. was wearing a black track suit with the Number 99 patched on one Ass Cheek of his Track Bottoms.. I did not know whether to Laugh aloud and Cry out GeZus! And not stare at his ass and give the wrong impression

I am fully aware as to why we are going down.. From 990 Face Book Friends.. to 989…
* i arrived to 89 on my World Icon.. I already knew that it was the H.I…
Which is Professor Lota George Odabi sending me at 8:27 a.m
the party for Okey Chikwendu… Meaning ” The Gift of the Creator and the Chi “E-Spirit agree to Life…” Se sacred Portal 43..
Yes the Grateful Dead.. Memorial Day… M.D.. Who did not wish to rise or live again.. not after the experiences they had in this World.

And thus it was done… The 990 Twice.. Malicious Gossip M.G..
Hypocrisy -Pretense ( About Caring)

The Hi was about the his sending me memories of my Past..
I went to the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
Lota George Odabi George, is apart from my family on Face Book who knows me the longest..
He knew my History up until 1977 when we moved from Winnipeg Canada… W.C/ C.W..

My Grandfather lived in Nsukka and I considered it my Home.
The Family House was there and all the history I lived was linked there..
Nnamdi Azikwe lived there was family Friends…
My Grandfather along with Doctor Nnamdi Azikwe the First President of Nigeria all helped build that community after the Civil War which compelled my Grandfather to move from Idah, in the North and settle in Nsukka in 1970…

i had agreed to this journey and mission when literal representatives of that realm here in this world had insisted that I help on the condition that My mother and immediate family were taken care of.
They had agreed.
They Lied.
My mother was subjected to such Malicious Gossip and Hypocrisy and Pretense that at one point she could not leave her house.
I was astounded by the virtrol and the venomous expression of what had become of me…
Did they not remember me.. who I was am… that I had never done anything but bring pride to the community and even the one scandal which concerned me again Gossip was not about my sexuality… But Jealousy..
I obviously liked and love Women and nearly all were aware of that…
I was often punished for it.. other aspects of my sexual nature was no one business and it was more that Hypocrisy because I and my brother where very good looking kids and I suffered a great deal for it.. and spent a lot of time fighting…that assault.

So, I could not understand why no one, none of my friends spoke up or protected my Mother, at least went to see her…

And so, I had no desire to return and I had already created the Code of Destruction Death beyond any idea of Dante Inferno.. D.I.. Or even Okwu Mmuo… Hell of the Spirit World..
I had walked through all this…

A Few people of O.INRI Ancestry testified to this here on face Book.
It was not my world, not my Truth.. But I was ‘Spirited Away” S.A”
To walk for a Life time in Their Self created Truth which I did not believe in but which I had to Live…
I lived there for 11 years… K…Kolo…
11-22-47 ..68… 74.. 86…

Right to Delta Manor… transforming it to the E.. The Eternal Realm by correcting and aligning their Creations Stories and All the Worlds Creation stories…

I have activated the Blue Flame…
Fritz Venneiq is aware of that kind of Retribution..
Dragons of Existence. D.O.E..
Tazha Hevenz Flame…

This was not about me going Home to Nsukka…
See Sacred Portal 111…
It was about recovering the Last Line of the Two Men…

155 USD…89.


9:30 p.m

Lota George Odabi line..
Cross River.. State…
C.R…. S.
C.R.O.S.S…. In Purity…
See New York Times Menorial Day Front page..
And then see mine…

9:31 am,

too much… too much!!!

9:32 p,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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