
5/30/2017 19:54 – Facebook Post

6:29 p.m.

This is the Representation in the Universal Script of the designated home of the 5th Dimension…
The Home I have been speaking about.

Dina Singh was the one who alerted me to to it
D.S… 4-19… You will notice the Code…
And the Scriptures…

I wrote an entire equation on this page a moment ago but after completing it and beginning to post the the completion of where it linked to the Movie 2012 …
In Which only Africa Survives…
My Computer Crashed…

Wrong Story….

2012 is a 2009 American epic disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich, and stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson. The film was produced by Centropolis Entertainment and distributed by Columbia Pictures.[1
As the wave breaches the Himalayas and approaches the site, an impact driver lodges in the ark-door gears, keeping a boarding gate open and preventing the ship’s engines from starting. In the ensuing chaos where many people attempt to board the ships, Yuri, Tamara and Gordon are killed, Tenzin is injured, Ark 4 begins filling with water and is set adrift after Air Force One crashes into one of its supports, while also causing it to skim the hull of Ark 6 before drifting off. With Jackson and Noah’s help, the crew of the Ark manages to regain control of the Ark narrowly before it fatally smashes into Mount Everest.

Jackson is reunited with his family and reconciles with Kate. Twenty-seven days later, as the waters recede, the arks approach the Cape of Good Hope, where the Drakensberg (now the tallest mountain range on Earth) is emerging. Adrian and Laura begin a relationship, and Jackson and Kate rekindle their own romance.

The Afrikaans name Drakensberge comes from the name the earliest Dutch settlers to the region gave it. They called them the Drakensbergen, or “Mountains of Dragons”

See the Codes the Arks 4 and 6…
Mountain of Dragons… M.O.D…
The Name of Nenad M. Djurdjevic Father which really means Beloved…D.B… Mother of Dragons… M.O.D…
Osiris Phallus… Eye Of Horus…

See 2012… 5 years…
See Bed 5-009.. 59 and Sacred Portal 59… Terrel Law..
T.L.. 2012….
Who I recognized a few days ago as John Shows Energy…
John brother of Thomas.. Tom Truman…
John Thomas… Phallus… * Sacred Portal 25″
Sacred Portal 68… Passing through the Eye of the Penis”
The Correct Sacred Portal is 86…
And it is Energetic…

Chiwetel Ejiofor.. C.E…. Sacred Portal 35…
Joseph Ejiofor J.E.. 10 5..Wiltshire Bay…

This is not an Igbo Story or a OINri Story

2012… 32.. Bed 3-002 Room 3A. is the Bed I was re-assigned after being given Bed 5-019.. 5 19…E.S…
D.S 4 19.. is a Story of the 4th Ark.. the 4th Dimension..
Sacred Portal 59 “The End of a STORY…Of Fear. Filth”

I moved from Room 3A..Bed to 3-002… 32… To Room 4B.. Bed 4-016..
And Completed the Transformation of that Fear Story by December 2016… And was given as a Christmas gift ( 25th DEC…) The Seamans Hat with the Code 115 OA which are my Initials…
And then moved to Room 5A….
And have Spent 5 extra months moving The Rock… Roqu to Alignment with the C…Constancy is the True Rock not the Rock as the Physical Representation of the Full Circle or Orb being a Planet…
Or Even a Galaxy IIOI IC..

6:53 p.m.

That was the Symbolic Play.. the Anchors used to help People Navigate through the understanding that which is Constant…
Energy Light.. It is Constant and the Eternal C of Ever Rest.. E.R… 5 18…Which has no bed number in this DELTA play of the 4th Dimension and the 5th Floor Idea of the 5th Dimension being contained in the 4th.. When the 5th Manifested the Fourth…
5 -4… 5-004… Jose Anthony Roque.. Caesar Rivera Who are right now hanging out.. I noted that on the last post when it was 5:38 p.m.

Peter the 21 years is right besides me and used my H.P ( 8 16) Computer to Charge my phone to my laughing indignation…
21 is U.. Universe is a Person…
Peter means the Rock is a Person..
Dragan Dragon is Nenads Father.. Me at Delta.. N.D… Emeka… E.N.D… Thantis Hympos ( Two Men) Erose.. the One

T.H.E.. E.N.D….

7:00 p.m.

So my computer allowed me to link for two hours…
Then Crashed…
Two aspects of which the E refused to incarnate in Humanity and link their E to the the Human Spirit was because of this their Filthy Expression of Gossip and Hypocrisy…

But I knew what this delay was about for Two Hours… It concerned what Happened while I was posting..
Lisa Natalie Johnson took my Photo while I was posting…
But only because Lota George Odabi sent me a image of Son and his Brothers Sons… And the Mothers of both his son and nephew by his brother Kingsley… both Caucasian Woman who had found the perfect
Lota and Kingsley… L.K…George Kingsley… G.K.. 7 11…
See?.. Seven Eleven.. S.E.. Always Open… 19 5…
They are from the 5th Dimension and I had to go backwards literally in my last post linking
Ashley and Lisa who were here when I arrived..
To Meridith the Grizzled man who told me he is 4 different parts of Native American Indian as well as Afro.. he is black brown skinned and Celtic… *See my share of the Dancers today from Face Book Memories today.. Mack and Merridith…

Two his seemingly reserving a seat for me besides him when there was another table free…

Ashley who charges me 54c for the 2;67 Coffee when she can, and I tip her a One Dollar Bill… “Bill” each time…
And Lisa stood at the Wood Side of the Cafe…
My seat was reserved on the Metropolitan side- The City…
Woods Forest that is what Igbo means “Forest People.. F.P)

Tiger Woods, Axel Love whom I met in 2005 At the Bean 1st and 3rd…
7:12 pm
Lota George Odapi… L.G.O…./ Geoff LaCour.. L.G..O.. 2005
57 Street.. 33rd Strert.. St Lawrence…
Black and White People?
Brown and Pale…
Pale and Tan.. P.T.. T.P..
The Point.. C.E…?
They are one…

I was posting the of Dilone cause I did the code of The Cosmic Egg which was in on the Toilet role next to the Dove Body Wash which was where the 21 years old Tom Boy models image is photo is..
Showing here Beautiful Back and Behind…

Long Island-born, 21-year-old Dilone is having a great year. The Dominican model with the covetable curls and boyfriend haircut
Mar 29, 2016 – Mary Janice Dilone…
Tallest of Ten Children.. New Yorker…

Look at the codes.. C.R…Mar 29..
M.J.D… Mary Jane Weed Sacred Portal 34… Caesar R.. C.R acted it out to perfection… without being aware…

M.J.. Micheal Jordans..,
J.D.. 20 USD Bill 26 on it..
John Delguidce… “Judges Bench”.. ( I sit on a bench at the Cross Roads Taylor St… And in the Parks of the World..
I am sitting in a bench.. Bench Bank right now…)
Judges Chambers.. J.C… Jose Caesar…
J.D… 10 4…104.. S.P… Crossing Death… My Past.. Me.. Emmy…
1O4… 5.. E..
104..0 Does not Exist… Thus I passed through Non Existence made to be temporarily real.. to bring 14.. N.. Nothingness Nature Naturalness to Somethingness.. Sarah Stephan…. 19 19.. 38…
See sacred Portal 383… Leaving in a Ladies Beautiful Behind…
Tallest of the Ten…

Lota George sent me the image at 5:36… E.C..F. Full Circle…
I asked him just a moment ago what was the names of his really cool Handsome Sons- one who whom looked liked Marianne Whom Axel introduced me to on 2005 on 17th Street.. 17… Where David Took me to test my Awareness and Cee… Then to Hells Kitchen.. Where I fought the Magic of Africa with my Evolved Altar Art Science which I had re -invented and Refined which Michael Frazer witnessed and was directed to present me with a Alien Druid Headed Sheath and Dagger as the Master Magician… The One Master after he saw what I had transformed the Loft into in that battle to destroy the World and Leave only Africa s the Constant Rock standing…

Which is why the Magicians of Africa and the World had been attacking me for the last 12 years…
12..L Doing things normally not possible but which was allowed..
To proof the Supremacy of the E..My “Magic which is Transparent and Pure and based on Color and Beauty…
2012.. 32.. B.C.. Beauty is the Constant… E…

At 7:14 p.m… Elizabeth Clarizio.. E.C…
I asked Lota George to tell me the names of his sons…
Destiny and Jordan… D.J../ J.D….

M.J.D/ D,J.M…
Delta Manor D.M?
M.D is the only thing that is Real…
Jordan Colon…

7:39 p.m.

I time traveled using Expression and sequence of Words instigated by A.L.. Axel Love.. A-A..27…
George contacted me at 8:27 am… A sending the Video of a Part of two people.. I was close to the younger brother, like Nnamdi was Lota Georges friend… Okechukwu “Okey” Chikwendu…His elder brother is Chikazie.. Whom I was close to and stunned that I who never forget suddenly could not remember his name.. As of I no longer could remember my name… O.C/ C.O…
I am at 1530 Beach Street.. Okey just turned 50… 1967..Aligned to Me… at Delta 1967… As well Chikazie..
And so Finally L.K.. D.J…L.O.K.O…DEE.. J.AY…Z
KOLO…J.D…E E…J.A.Y…Tuan..John Thomas.. O 3 O..
O.C.O… E O C O E..
E O.CC O E… C is 6…and I..
E O F O E…
OFO.. Truth..Eternal Full Circle…
E O.F..O.E…Eternity.. Eternal Truth.. E.T.. 5 20… 20 5…

7:49 p.m.


See sacred Portal 49… Death Ray… David Rosario… D.R
Derrek Ratcliff.. D.R.. Is Finally Complete.. And so I looked Rosario in the Eyes..
Death Destruction to All that it and the Bed 5-007 represent…C.G
Finally given the Authority…
By the 7:52p.m… Sacred Portal 52…
The extorted me using Mercy and Grace as an Excuse when it was really to raise them and the last of the Universal Body to Evolution Fact.. The E Family.. Line of my brothers Best Friend.. Lota George O DA P.I…His Self and His Twin Brother aspect.. Me…


7:55 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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