
5/3/2017 18:53 – Facebook Post

… But there is something wrong, terrible wrong with the Conscious Perception of the Species…
Something so wrong that It has now become the Main Issue in both sides of the “Pond’

In Africa, and Asia, Mental Health is dealt with in a very much different manner and is less rampant in the day to day living because of the Understanding of the Spirit world Cause and Effect…
And well as the support structure of the Society, Culture and Family.

One, perhaps can equate the erosion of the Body to the Erosion of the Spirit… which moves further back to Energy which the Body expends and which I call E-Spirit, because The Body is basically ‘Inert’ as is Animated by Motion which is Spirit and to activate “Movement- Momentum, ‘Fuel’ is required- Being Energy.. the Purer the better…
And Energy source is Expression..

Energy is Expression.. not the other way around.

Thus, that which links them all would be the “Cosmological Constant” as Einstein called it.. C.C…33..
And Tesla.. The Riddle of the Universe… 3 6 =9…

Yes Einstein Tesla.. E.T.. One wonders the why this would have meaning.. Well, lets apply it literally, E.T Means Extra Terrestrial in popular culture. And Extra Terrestrial is that which is of the earth but at the same time is something “Extra” or Beyond or has gone beyond…
A-Lien.. A Link.. to something Alien…

In this current world culture, the world Alien is almost synonymous with Fear, but it could simply means ‘Different’ – what people have not experienced or understood in this World Time Line..

And one can of course, see that relationship in the perception of both Einstein and Tesla…
As well as the fact that we can not forget that Everything is Sound, and this a Wave Length… When we utter a Word.. We pierce the stillness of the airs current and add to it a Force of Motion, uttered with Breath and Powered with Energy which gives it momentum, and within that momentum there is intent, meaning, information.. and purpose
And it moves through a different dimension of space to reach its destination.. Which would be the E.A.R of which it not only goes in but is Understood..
To Understand something requires a Mechanism be in place which can translate and decode the information and which the Body ( The Ear because sound and motion create an effect on all aspect of the Body the ear serving only as an entry point for the Brain Assimilating the Structural Language Logos and Meaning).
To understand something one must be Conscious…

But Consciousness is more than just Awareness of being Stimulated
– Something getting your attention, it requires to be absorbed, digested…
Yes, Constitution…
Thus Consciousness is the Awareness of what is beneficial to you Constitution.
Your Well Being..
And thus, for that Awareness of Something Being Beneficial for your Well Being- there must be a Mechanism within that Recognizes that which is not only what is beneficial but, that which your Body requires for it “Optimum Efficiency”…

Are you following where this Linking is leading… I know I am…

I wrote about going backwards, yesterday and once more not passing the portal of The E Ga la xy, and I noted that even a few days ago some intel I solved came out to ‘Let Emeka Go!” – I decided not to go into that when the equation led there…
I also observed yesterday while linking that, it was to go back for 64, which represented my Sister, and that it was 69 the code of Nnamdi my later brother which symbolizes the Milky Way MW 69 And in the Room play at 5 A…Jose Roque…Bed 5-004… 54.. ED… 5+4..to reach 9 in stead of 3+3+3=9… E,T…
Which instead of the use of the E.T 3, uses the 2…
2 as in 200.. as in two who are One…
Two represented in my personal Template as Emeka Nnamdi..
And more current, Emeka David… David being the one who showed me the Bodies Physical Metamorphosis and who has the same memories of my brother as well as meeting a young woman called Tanya who I recognized as almost the exact same Energy of my mother…Cecilia.. Whom David and She were born the same day…
11;22… D.C…Daniel Craig…

Daniel was my Grandfathers name…

The name has two origins. In some cases it can originate from a nickname, derived from the Scottish Gaelic word creag, meaning “rock,” similar to Peter. In other cases, the given name originates from the Scottish surname Craig, which is also derived from the same Scottish Gaelic word.

I have Daniel Maman Daniel W Mills Sr Daniel Mabiei Mading Mbrawa Daniel..4 of them each forming a code which completes to a full Circle…
D.M ( Linked to Delta Manor…And to Daniel Maman code 66 and who I met when I was in what I stated was the Simulation of the Holy of Holies…And was at the same time of the Syria Crisis…I bought with Billy Hung sponsoring most of the Antique pieces I used to create the same altar Art which is in my Lockers.. Transforming the space into a Holy of Holies which was also a very luxuriant and comforting elegant home..
Now I am Delta Manor..6 months…

* This is taking much longer to complete… this post… it keeps linking…to where it wants to go…
The Arrow, the ‘Command ” which is coming from another Dimension which is causing my brain and focus to immediately “Break Down Understand and Express through Release, which allows me to See it and become “Conscious” of it, as the Awareness Meaning, A/M…Rises in me.. And with the Consciousness completing when I Complete this post I will understand the T.R.U.E….Reasonable Understanding Explanation… Transparent Reflective Universal Treasures Harmonics…
T.R.U.T.H…E.U.R…T…/ I Flip the expression as I go along.. 69…E U R T…my Aligning it with the Truth experienced already by me, first within and then Experienced within Time…And it becomes True….

So E.T created 3 3 3 Codes… so who is the third..? Max Planck based on our unraveling of the Script of 60 months and where it anchored.

Okay..and now the Two… C.D…E.D… Cecilia David…
Daniel declares “God is my Judge”

According to the Hebrew “Abraim” site it means “To Swear an Oath”

Which is the same meaning as Elizabeth…
Elizabeth Clarizio….
I received a text from Elizabeth Clarizio at 9:45 p.m…”I D E…”
I.D Emeka is E… Expression Energy E.M.PATH…E…

The text was “You Are Beautiful- Pass it own.. YA! B..P.I.O…
( Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo… M.D.. Patrick Okolo…
Y.A! B.P..I.O… Yes Beautiful Pride ( Blood Pressure 128/89 L-A B H/H…20 17… 12+8=20…2O… Two Beings in one… Twins…
Tom Bocek Tom Benzian
11 17…K.Q…1 8..A.H….9…I.)
Weight in K.G… 90 718… IO…S.P. 90.. Spirit E.. 718.. Entrance into Mainland USA Area Code.. G.R…E A T…E..R.. E..
On the flip…but in the correct aspect…
O.I. P. B.A.Y…..The name of the Director here at D.M IS BAY…
A Bay
“a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward.
“San Francisco Bay”
synonyms: cove, inlet, estuary, indentation, gulf, bight, basin, fjord, arm; More
an indentation or recess in a range of hills or mountains.”

* It is on Beach Street….

So, as you can see, I am unraveling the Information on the Data…
What was the Impulse Stimuli…”
Elizabeth Clarizio of course….at 9;45 a.m.
I saw it and responded at 12:08 p.m.
Our communication ended at 12:35 p.m.
Meaning that 12 meaning Completion as does 9… I.L..
Infinite Limitlessness…Intel Data had been completed for 35.. C.E..
Which in this reality they call the pass B.C.E.. or C.E..
*There we go… that is how I the Memories of Music of the past MW 69 keep dragging me backwards into thisworlds story…

Now let us solve this…
Daniel D.M through codes of Face Book friends has been moving backwards to the Story of Time as Human Expression which does not interest me. We are at Delta Manor dealing with issues of Mental Health causes by the meddling and tampering of that which there was nothing wrong with, instead of passing through the portal into the Completion of the E story and its proven activation…
We have been de-evolving and observing the Body decomposition by what had been done to the True Human Spirit, by what people were made to do with their Energy.. All by use and abuse of Expression…

Freedom of Speech.

When in Truth, we should have been simply accessing that E within all things and moving through this Dimension but at a different frequency accessible to those who bodies can actually HEAR.. but could not identify because there was no Conscious Structure of Language which the Brain and Body could Digest…
Something which I have provided…
6:00 p.m.

New York Times today
“Trump and Putin… (T.AP… Tale of the TAP.E… T.P…2016 The Past.)
Agree to Pursue Syria Cease Fire”

All that Fuss for nothing.. What they do with the NEWS…

Daniel Maman D.M…
Daniel W Mills Sr D.W.M.S
Daniel Mabiei Mading D.M.M.
Mbrawa Daniel M.D

Do you see the code…?

*The first part of the name Daniel comes from the Hebrew verb ??? (din), meaning to judge, contend or plead:
The whole name Daniel would mean something like God Is My Judge (NOBSE Study Bible Name List & BDB Theological Dictionary) or, more interpretively, God Rules Me. Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads Judge Of God.”

Oath and Judge of God… Portal I passed through
18 Mountain View
Jonn Blackwell.. ( Sarah Nkem Blackstock )
Jonn Delguidce… ( Gods Grace From the Judges Chambers.. Bench…

6:06 p.m… * See this post from Face Book Memories last year…

Thus Daniel who is the name of my Grandfather is actually my Mother…Cecilia.. And Cecilia is her Son Nnamdi… C.N.. 3.14….
3.15 is Pi Plan-E.T..I… P.I.O…
Chike Cyprian Nwosu..C.N…
Ckc Nwakonobi… C.N…

Elizabeth Clarizio:
The text was “You Are Beautiful- Pass it own.. YA! B..P.I.O…

Todays date 5-3…

Nnamdi / Nenad M. Djurdjevic (Star of David… D.O.S… Donna OSullivan.. Wife of Jonn Delguidce..,.. Her Father Robert… M.O.I.

Nnamdi is David… who was born 68… 11 22 *Nnamdi born 1969..5-4/4-5…
11 22…C. N… Passes through the Nothingness then Nature… N 14…5…1414… 28…B.H…Being of Harmony ( Portal Me reflected by Billy Hung…Bill…Hung… William Hung…)…10.. TEN..
The Elegant Nomad… 10…E.E…5 5…. 14 14… 5 5 …2- 5’s…
E E Expression Energy… Explained…E.. BY..E
EEE.. 555.. 15.. O.. Full Circle by using 15=6.. Sixth Sense….

6:19 p.m
Feeling Sensational
Drew Reyn D.R….
David Robert….

Thus Daniel is Elizabeth…
Evolved from Elizabeth..
*July 4th I was driven and taken by Rav from 268 to
his ex girlfriend home, whom he said she would not let him stay there but surprised him on meeting me, to not only speak to me like her big brother and complain about Rav, but let us stay there for almost a week which then led to meeting Billy Hung and David John…and my trip to Forte Lauderdale # Apt 115…K.E… Atlantis “An Estate with waterways where he lived.. luxurious.. and was moving out of…”
And eventually to K.EW Gardens and to The Holy of Holies…
Because I had stayed in a hotel waiting for the correct portal to open.
Billy had offered to set me up in an apartment for a year and for even longer if my codes of what he suspected was an eternal Energy resource was correct…
I had no intention in living in a apartment rented for my benefit by someone else…
Jesus.. this story is so awful, evil callous.. the more I unravel it…

Thus Cecilia links to David through N…PI…instead O.I.P..Man.. Being… Universal Sensei… Sacred Portal 55, 64.. 73, 75..


Thus C.N… is the Quantum Transformation point and gap as C N…
3 14= 17… Q…
Ten plus 7…
Lord Orien Laplante born 9-17…I.Q..Area Code… Means the Nothingness is not really Nature of Pelham Park… but Intelliegence is what creates the Quantum Jump. Leap Transformation Quantum…
T.Q.. 20 17…37… 10… 1 O / O 1… 1 is 9..I.. same Symbol.. Unchanging…
Cosmological Constant… CC.. 33..6..9…I…Oe…
10= I0…I0 I0 … Zero does not exist… I O…/ O I…
I is 9O… as well as 1O…9+1..1 O…

Elizabeth Clarizio sent me the code at 9;45 AM

The Curfew at the Shelter is 9:45.. And doors close at 10:00 p.m.

So.. C.N.Q T B D E…. I.E.
E.I…E D. Beautiful … Transformation ( Is Truth True.TT..2020 Vision not 40…They are One) through I.Q…Quantum is Naturalness Consciousness…
C is begins with Naturalness… and then Q T B.D.E.I…E… Moves Naturally by the E already in you… Activated now fully by the E outside of you…

Cecilia Wiebers
Nadee Nakandala
Dawn Marie
Dawn Piercy
Tiffany Dawn Haynie….
Elizabeth Clarizio
Elizabeth Gray
Elizabeth Russell
Brooke Elizabeth Banwer…

4 Elizabeths… 3 with First name E…. one with M
4 Daniels… 3 with First names D…One with B… Manifest Beautifully

44 8… 16…
33 11…6 1… 6 2…

Correct Eq.. the 3….
I I I…I 6 2 Correct …M D…B.E… 17 Q.. 2 5…25.. 17..8…7.. 87L

Consciousness -Chukwu…
Nnamdi Nenad M. Djurdjevic
David Dee Jay U R J-E.V..I.C…

Elizabeth Clarizio
Emeka Consciousness…
It flows all around us all around you
In you
Outside of you…
But you can only Access it by Sitting Being and Moving on your Natural State..

And what is the Natural State…?

There is no Thinking of Brain involved it is already at 100%
E.T… 520… 100…It is the sum total of the past as the X Mulitply…
All that was required was to add A..
Awareness Focus Attention..
A F A..
1 6 1….
16 1 8… Golden RatiO
Godwin Ruth Efe… G.R.A…

The Sunshine State…

Equation Complete.
E.C… H… Harmony…

*See What I mean?”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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