
5/29/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

I found a Black Button where I sat when I arrived…

Bill..One Dollar Bill… O.D.B… O.. 42…

I had 42 USD in my wallet…

Now 41.. Elegua.. S.P 41… Crossing Guard… Crossing Death..

See sacred Portal 42.. OHM.. Power…
See Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.. Meaning Of Existence..

A Curious case of Benjamin Button..

Meet Joe Black.. J.B…

See Brad Pitts Z… Zombie…

Latest Movie WAR Machine…W.M… Woods Metropolitan

Brad Pitt… B.P…. Beautiful Pride..
B.P… 128/89…. 1 TWO 8.. 88..8 IS 9

*In “Buttons,” Carl Sandburg uses buttons to symbolize the military forces of countries during World War I. This is immediately obvious because of the different colors of the buttons and their distribution “back and forth across the map.” These buttons are able to be moved easily and without care from afar, but the impact of their locations may be devastating. By using tiny, miniscule buttons to symbolize military forces, Sandburg emphasizes the detachment of civilians from the full impact of the war.
Finally, Sandburg asks a rhetorical question to perfectly conclude his point that the civilians “in front of the newspaper office” had no idea the consequences that moving a few buttons could have. “Buttons,” as satire, exposes the folly of the human ability to be completely ignorant of the effects of actions

Neil Gaiman Cora-Line… C Line

N.G.. 14 7… Sacred portal 147 A.B.. “Emmy F.O.I”
C Line… ( Not Gay Man… Man is not Gay as Sexual he is Open… Happy)

.”They were looking at her with their black button eyes. Or at least she thought they were looking at her. She couldn’t be sure. (4.128)

These eyes are definitely creepy. The black button eyes let us know that we’re in the other world and highlight how disturbing it is. Buttons are a seemingly harmless object, but in the other world, they become sinister and threatening’

( Nothing to do with the Buttons of the Menorah..)

Part Two of Encoding and Changing Reality with Embodied Energized Activated Written Word…

Memorial Day…

Memory Day…
Remembering K-Night…

Double OO… 7 8 .. 9 9 I I O…I I.C!

R.O.O.M…E Harmony 58…Spirited Away the Correct Way….
5 14… Evolution of Consciousness to the 5th E Men.. from WU-Men 37…10 1O..
R.D/D.R… Bed 5-004… 54… E D… His name is has the code in One…
Derrek Radcliffe…

It is not Two Men… David Rosario…
It is One… 54… is 9… I…Delta… D.


5:28 p.m.

There was a play which took place with Caesar Rivera and I yesterday

Which replicated what took place with Nenad M. Djurdjevic and I..
Notice that my day began at 7:46 a.m.
Linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson who I noted last night, looked like a Little Girl.. ( I understood why.. She understood that her unconditional love had not been bertrayed)

Note that my post began at 1:55 pm and just turned 1:56 p.m.

That is the Amount which I received as the last Money code from Nenad M. Djurdjevic… 150 Euros which became 155;89 Cents…
I now have 41.. Sacred Portal Da.. Elequa who is not the Devil…
He is the Crossing Guard.. not the Deciever…
That was invented by the White Man playing White God White Christ Plagerism..of anothers culture.. their roots and White Washing it Laundry yesterday R.M.. 5-008..

156 am and 4:06 pm when I received Nenads Text…
3 Hours and Ten minutes before I had already been on it…
7:46 AM…4:06 P.M,.

Ceasar told the story of his own idea of God so loving the World that he he always found a way to save it … But he suggested created a War to force Gods Hand to appear and see what he would do…

I said that I had walked that story…”Star Wars”
E..S..A.W… What WAS.
But I think he did not hear me and I was glad…

I responded that That Force had already seen that Possibility before he had…
I quoted that both of us started at age 19 on our missions…
19 19… 38… But that I had written the whole story by age 7 8.. G.H…Grace Harmony ( Not Gossip Hypocrisy )
19=7 = 11…
19 = 8=10…
10 11….Galaxy.. 1O 11…I.C

And now here is the enactment….or my Expression Tested Checked but I do not see it as a Challenge or a Contest but rather an Investigation to see for himself…

His Idea of God was Correct… But it was not necessary to Test him or Trick him into revealing Himself.. He was already here…
The Easter Egg Hunt, was to Find him..
Search under every Rock, under ever stream…

3 hours and 10 Minutes…
31… Sacred Portal 31…

Lisa Massaged my back and then paused and told me, I feel it, where it is twisted and locked…
I showed her that my world icon on my page was at 55…
Sacred Portal 55 is Universal Sensie and the family arriving from his back.. his Vert-Bra.. 31… But it really means his Beautiful Pride… Standing Tall and Beautiful Pride in Being the E line…
There are 31 Vertebra in the Spinal Column…

And Multiple Sclerosis is what I was given to endure and cure
that is what J.D my Nieghbor in the Cubicle in Room 3A when I was sent down that first day by Marina at the Shelter from Room 5B.. a four man room now occupied by Jose A Roque…
He was bed 3-001.. I 3-002…
He remembered Egypt and Outer Space…
* It is all detailed here in real time…

6:31 p.m.

3 Hours.. 3… Earth Saturn… TEN… The Elegant Nomad…

7:46 am to 4:06 p.m… 7 46 46…
4 hrs 14 min + 4:06…..8 20….
28 82..
Nadee Nakandala born 5-28
Fritz Venneiq born 82…
Emeka Kolo ( me) 11 28
My sister Nons… 7:28…
Dee who works at the Cafteria replace M.O.E…
Daughter 7:28 8 years old.. Son 9 Months..
M.O.E…Meaning Of Existence.
1 917… 56..9… 6 4 55… Is my phone number…
A IQ….Bed 56…S.P 56… I…D..E E…. ( IDEA in French)…

M.O.E…D.E E…
M O ED…I.E E… 1 E.

Nnamdi passed Easter 1982..

The Play which took place this morning in the Room 5 A in the Cubicle was set up not only by the E but by Rosario having read my posts what I stated last night and egged on by his Gossip Malicious of my experience with Paul and my not resorting to physical Violence and the last scare he got,and then the long lull ( which I will Never forgive my Sister and Mother Line in Male and Female in delaying Consequences for so long )
brought forth that arrogance…and sense of set up to be fully aware that I was sleeping,- he had been watching my schedule and avoiding coming around when I slept or at least respecting the quiet.
But I knew he was feeling bold now, and it was the play…
There is only so much talk one can do before the Axe must fall..
If not the creatures of that Virus night… will creep forward bolder…
Never let Evil go that far…
To become that arrogant…
Cut it out…
And the C line went too far in this play to allow the Insult of not only their Source, but one who had obeyed their obsence play for 28 years…
Though they pass through, I will never see them the same way not trust that line ever again…

I defended them in Human form, in This world for 48 years…
( Yes the 48 Code on the Two One Dollar Bills… )
When none Remembered, I guarded their Existence and the Treasure buried within the Human “Flower pot Pod”
(Fifth Elemet.. Blue E.T) I nourished fed and made rise with knowledge through the greatest Hells of Human and Supernatural Existence…
Sarah Nkem Blackstock…

And they left me to the Insult of Germs and Viruses forcing me to dwell in that play of these lies of Creation Stories…
Right to Star Wars….

You may Rise and COME… But never fully into my Heart and one day.. you too will Cease to Exist…
And pay the Tab…

Know this…
Code Odera Adama Umeano…
Odera .. means if He Writes it..
She is my First Cousin… M.D born 1987..
She came on Face Book
Her E is in sacred portal 62…

And so it is Written….
7:37 p.m,

Further Documentation for the Court Records

6:40 pm

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Last night I had an incredible mystical experience. Cannot even find the words to describe it.
It was a ritual.
A ritual in which I was surrounded by some strange figures in a bus.
Well when you can put it into words..
I am here. ??
Tired but I know what it is but it must come from you
Hint S P 30

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I talked with them in an ancient language. Have no clue which language it was. Nothing I can compare with. I was listing up my different names in that language. Only at the end I used the English to say one of my code names…
While they were surrounding me, I was creating/shaping by hand a strange bizzar animated clump-like object like clay and uttering some very powerful magical spells while putting that clumps upon them.
The power emanating from these clumps was incredible, it took literally possession of them. Nobody was able even to utter a word or somehow withstand that power.
All played out in the front of my house in Croatia.
I was inside the house when I realized that a sacred ritual took place outside. Somehow, it was required from me to stay barricated inside the house until outside the ritual was completed.
When I finally was allowed to exite the house I noticed several figures, among which a dark grey bald-headed priest.
After that stage we moved inside a bus where the rest of the ritual took place.
I woke up from it when I pronounced the meaning of myname in Igbo language.
It was a very powerful experience.
But what impressed me most is that “unknown” language I spoke.

Emeka Kolo
Under the Bus…
That is the story I recounted on Face Book of my sister and I..
In down town Winnipeg when we lived on 105 Wiltshire Bay. W B
We were doing a paper route and had a dime each to get home.
Hers rolled slipped from her hand and landed under the B U S
She was fatalistic ( or acted that way) and said she would walk home.
I instead went under the Bus to retrieve it..
The Bus started to move and people started shouting
But I retrieved it just in time
I will never forget the look on my sister face.. Wonder Fear and Victory Exultant

I knew that I had been tested by her Espirit to see how far I was willing to go for my Love of her.

I also wrote about the test my mother gave which was to go under the bed to find something under it… It was a large bed and very dark but I knew it was a test

I also was tested by my grandmother to bring buy her two bags of Rice
5:56 pm

I wrote about this on Face Book

B U S. Being Universe Supreme to go undercover in the Universal Simulation
The System
The B E D. 2 54
Bed 5-004
J A R and Derrek Radcliffe
Bed 5-006
Bring Lisa home and Nenad
L is 12
N is 14
104 to cross Death

You were were experiencing my experience
You were not there you and she were safe in the realm of E
But your empathy made you both believe it was real and your Experience
I was recounting a story to you both
See sacred Portal 35

And that was the play of which you are now Qualified
112 B
Dibia Medicine Man
And Lisa Noni the Beautiful Witch…

Thank you. I think I have to meditate on it for a while.

Emeka Kolo
Yes that makes sense but my posts including the one I am writing will add further evidence to this being set up including the one I am writing

P S Do I have your permission to Share this?

You don’t have even to ask.
Of course.

Thank you Beloved

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Thank you too!

just a second pls
This morning on my way to the office I saw again the car with the license plate CR 257 ZT!
It was in front of me for half of the way!
Yes. The third number is 7.

Emeka Kolo
Caesar R. To Emeka
25 7
Z ( 26 Twenty Dollar Bill J.D)
S P 26
And the Z. The End
20 usd Letter T

C R. ?? G. Z T. 7. 26 20. 46
See sacred Portal 46
First Drop

E. L I N E. Yes you are


Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Please let me add more.
When I went to the car wash on Sunday.
I found a 20 Euro bill on the floor!
It was yesterday afternoon.

Emeka Kolo
Mirrored !!!

thums up!

Bravo… TWO… E and N… E E… Well Done…

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7:37 P.M.

They got me up early for this….?

7:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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