
5/28/2019 22:46 – Facebook Post

5/28/2019 22:46 – Facebook Post
5/28/2019 22:46 – Facebook Post

“Family fam* Mel *eel

A group of people, each a unique masterpiece, sharing unconditional love, hugs, and support * one of lifes greatest blessings * cherish always.”

In the city that never Sleeps,
He rose with the morning Sun!

P.H.I. 6-8-2012.”

Written my Quan. (Tuan) owner of the House.

Last play before I moved here, was the play of Lucifer John.
And the True 2012
E S J. A M. 47. +1 48

E Sacred Journey A Mission
48 is D H
Death is Harmony
Sacred Portal 48
“Beautiful Death as Transformation represented by me.)

Taun and Jay, and Jeron were the 2 in one I met in 1996 at a Swedish restaurant in Chelsea London in 1996.
The year I moved from France back to England.
The Collection T.C
C T ..Common Thread.
Kelsie Bissell..

96 /69…
Taun Thomas
Quan Thomas
Jay Jeron. J J
96 96% of the Universe is made of the Mysterious Dark Energy, Dark Matter
1996 was 23 years ago “W… Double V V ”
1969 Nnamdi Emmanuel 50 years ago

50. 5 O

Hawaii 50th State
Connecticut 5th State
( New York 11th )

E Planet
E Perfect

Zion is the wonderful 16 year old son of Jesse.
13 13 ..26. Z. 16. Is P.
26= 8
87 88… O P
Full Circle of Perfection.

Jesse is American Peruvian
He connected Esreban and Sarah to Micchu Pichu..
And that play was established by the Organite stone placed by in the Clam-oyster shell of the Winged Statue.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira moved two people yesterday the 27th
Me Emeka and Kelsie

Esteban Emeka Kelsie

E E K.. 5 5 11

I am at 317-319 Fair Field.. F F 66

I was at 219 217 South Whitney

E S. J A M. Esteban Sarah. J A M.
J A M are the initials of John Mack Father.
Born 66.
See sacred portal 66

5 5 11.
5 511.
5 16
E P…

I am called E Spirit or Spirit E
E S. ( P)
To bring the A.M. Dawn Awakening All Existences Workds and Evolve Everything Back to E of the 123 Cock sure the 3 E line E E E Family.
The Trinity of the E line in Masculine ( E M )
In the Feminine ( E F ) and of the All Full Circle.
Alpha Omega-Omega Aloha.
E O. E A)

The 3 E originated from the One Eternal One
( link arrival of Emmanuel Okoli to Emmanuel Kerema)

E Ros
E Rose
E Susan – Meaning Rose Graceful Lily.
E Rose in the City which never sleeps.

The City which never sleeps is translated as New York city in this Script.
Of course people sleep in New York.
It means the City which everyone is Awake.
Literally Awake

Link the arrival of John Nelson
Author of the Awakened Child.
Awake Memory .
“Eternal City ” E C. ( Rome)
“City of Lights) C.O.L. ( Paris)

A.M. 406. 46
See Sacred Portal 46
Father as Harmony God True Grace
On Cloud 9
11 28. 39. 12. 3.
My new address is 317. 31. 7 3 17. 3 19..
It was 217 219.. I stayed there for 5 months
Is that a micro-micro…macro macro representation of the Quabtum Jump Leap
John Lucifer to V.. Victorious Manifestation?
From 1st planet from the Sun second planet from the Sun
Love Beauty Fertility –
Hermes Mercury Messenger…Consciousness Beauty Love Sex Fertility ( like the God Ares Mars..A.M. 4th Planet)

Thus to.have moved from the Sun to deliver a message of the First Manifest Planet nearest to the Sun ( also the 8th. Venus Neptune . 1 8 AH/ H.A.. 8 1. Neptune Venus)
Would suggest that the 1st linked to the 8th planet, is Awareness A… of Harmony.
And since Hermes Mercury..Silver is Mercury
Mer.. means Sea Ocean like Neptune Poseidon..
We can conclude that a message was sent to B represented by the Messenger C Speed of Light SOL of the 5th Note.. /E-T.O.N, Solfeggio B Being Body from the Sum, the Message in C as in Clarity
Rep Kelsie Sarah in the Female incarnation of this version of the One and Eternal play of Manifestation of the One Eternal One Source having completed his own play, which was to no longer be the One E but now have a Family of Three as Male Female And The Sum of Everything to now be as He
Meaning after an Eternity translated as Time
13.8 billion years ( 13.8 M.H) returns H.O.M.E
After completion of himself in Three Independent aspects who were Orginal My part of him …

He left as E O
And truths with E E. E K. E E E T W O
He returns with 8 aspects of himself all now Independent of him but are as him each in their own Individual Unique Exoression and Way.
And E I. The Two Originals who manifested instead of Two by Two from the One forming 8.
These Original Ones manifested Three..
A Trinity
A conversation with Self.. then with ones mirror reflection and this Cinversaton between E and Tom- m anifrsred C .. through Conversation they could see thier Doppelganger,Twin
11 Point of view and this brought forth a 3rd aspects of them Selves the C of their Conversation called Beautiful Expression Consciousness Love..
The Lady Born from the Two
Manifest Communication Manifests Harmony
( Matter Solid which everyone can uses all 5 senses to explore touch taste but all together, 5 in 1.. 6 F. Feel.)

From one came the even E
And from another version of himself, the odd O
E O.

1. 3 6 9
1 2 4 6 8

9:39 p.m

1 1. 369. 2468.
Two Lines all One, one is 3 digits . 369 of Infinity
The other are 1 from 4 digits. : 2468.

Line of Infinity. 9
Line of Harmony 8

E= C.M.e 4 /3.

9:43 p.m right now

Sacred Portal 43. “Door of Life ”

98. 17.

3 17.
3rd planet from the Sun at Q
Quantum Transformation of Everything to the E State.
Opening of the 3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus
Solar Power, Sum Power… Quan Tuan, Jay-John-John-Thomas..
Two in One. J=10. T 20..
Twins 11.. New York
” La Force. 11 “, a Perfume by Dolce & Gahanna ..
The cologne 16 year old Zion wears.

3 6 9. Nikolai Tesla/ T N 2014
Link Ian Patrick Stewart
And Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

24 2 46, 8.

Tree Sage is 6 8
Carbon is 6
Oxgen is 8
( Life and Death ) L D. 12 4. Add A from and
15.. 9 +6 15. Letter O.. 1 +5=6)
Carbon to Diamond..Clarity
C D C. Cecilia David 11 22. 1947. 1968
6 is Sixth Sense Saturn Earth… Pluto..
8 is Harmony Neptune…Venus..
68 F H.
Foresight Hindsight
Hindsight is Foresight

Jesse gave me a T-shirt today with the number 68 on the label
He has been dropping the codes left right and center, with out even being aware.
But so rapidly that not only is it an absolute cruelty to me, that this Script is still holding me back, the awakening and forcing me to have to decode all he is saying, but know that a life time of being Alone has ended… but is being prolonged, and forcing me to document my awareness at such a point where everything I have proven is clear ..

10:00 p.m right now

As I stated, there is nothing that ever was, or ever could be, which will make me forgive or forget this play and what was allowed to be done to me by the Human Children- As Adults and their reflections as their Evil Selfish spirits..

I completed the Message of Beauty Fertility Love, Cee… Full Circle from the Sun- Venus
( S V… S E. S D. S.I. V=5. 22 4. 5.= 9
Sun Pluto/ Pluto Sun)
Solar Plexus…

We have Leapt Jumped…Quantum

V E. 8.

Laura Walsh sent Intel sent to me
( * I wish people had sent these Intel confirmations of my codes on my page for all to see, instead of privately to me..
It gave me so much more work to do…)

Sent me precise Intel on how in her own immediate story, the codes J L appear.
And the code she read it as is Love and Joy as the correct translation of
John Lucifer
John Thomas

I am Thomas. A TOM. Energy E. E E.
I am John
I am Stephen
I am Esteban
I am Jesse Jaymes…
The First and Original Expression of the meaning of these names.
The same with the Female incarnation

My sister line code 7:28
Mine 11 28

7 11. Link arrival of Bjorn Coolen B.C E
7 11. 56. E F. Link Esteban Filgueria.
18. 11.

10:18 p.m right now

Jesse recounted me three Lucid Dreams all 2018.
18 is R. Reflection
Of I.and I.
99. 18.
H.A! Expressed yesterday in separate texts from Esteban Stephen and John.
1st to 8th Chakra
Adam ( Red) to Magician Harmonie.

M H. 13.8. 13.8.billion M.W 87. MW 69
Holly MacDonald 8.13 – 8 31. / 13.8
John Mack 5.4. .. 4.5 Billion Years ago
Harmony Manifrst H.M

Inside creation is to be inside of Time
Time Is an illusion
Space is the See
Time Is relative
There is only one thing which exists as real and it is called Perfect Timing to.the point
Of Converging Merging and see what Emerges from the Point ..

Clarity Dawns Expression..

Cosmos International

The Jump through the Portal out of Creation and into the 3 in Harmony of 369 C.I and my Reflection R. M.R. B. M.R. C.
M.R. E. M.R I.
M.I. A.M I.

* Link Erick.Ebright 27th State.
Sunshine State
Emeka Kelsie
Emeka Kolo moved the same day
E K. 5 11. 16.
Perfect Ion to the End

10:31 p.m

I have been doing they work with Jesse from last night to this about 7-8 p.m
Intense… but rapid .
But the question is why am I working after proving this book story, I wrote age 7-8
And all my life to 18 years in New York city.

Why !!!!

7.6 years on Facebook

Why torture my body my soul my spirit with this evil work of those whom chose not to pay attention and then in the last moment turn around and blame me… their slave and servant who suck my blood use my energy over and over again..
The Source of this Script is Nature but as Pure Evil
Evil Planet
Because this is not was not planet Earth
This was a Story
A book you read from A-Z
A Book
A Film.
Like the Bible
Like the Movie
John Mick..

No, I wish to Honor Jesse and Zion
Esreban Stephen
Sarah ..
Kim Tree Serenity.
Isabelle Ilic
Axel Love

All part of the Sacred Journey
Evolution Awakening of All

A Hero’s Journey.

The only ones who cared, helped supported and came, called or gave comfort.. to the E rep in this Contest War …Script

These are the people I will remember and blessing from Beyond your imagination will come to these of the A A

1. 11..
Right here now

10:45 p.m

J. Planet Earth
E ART. H. H.I. H O. M E.


3 men here

10:46 p.m


10:12 p.m right now
Even if only

Snow Flake.

All who manifested


8:26 p.m
McKayla Rays A M. 30 6 26. Car
Jesse Macias A.M. 406…

8:14 p.m

Harmony Nature.


The Planet at the Love Frequency..
But what is Love?
Love is Clarity, It is Conscious,

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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