
5/28/2015 0:05 – Facebook Post

5/28/2015 0:05 – Facebook Post
5/28/2015 0:05 – Facebook Post

1O:45 p.m

Magician Mystery Science Symmetry OSS.

A.N.A….The Earth…L A..N.D..

Ana Leonardo Caixas
Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Alfie Ndubuisi Nze
Orobello Agata

E Manual.

N.Z E…

Alfie Ndubuisi NZE Ezuefule


Meaning Grace And Favor.
76… Sacred Portal 76 “The Awakening”


Emeka Father (NNA means Father in ONRI Igbo)
E.A.M Dawn M.


Eke Ori Nkwo Afo…..E.O.N.A
Afo Nkwo Orie Eke…A.N.O E

Four market weeks in NRI.
4-7…+x 11 28…39..C.I

Chukwuemeka I.
Creator of Great Deeds I.

Look at the names of the market weeks and the last to give me code donation..
Nenad…3O:44 USD.
Nkwo….my.mother said I am the Child of Nkwo..

Alfie AFO…OFO.

These are the four Cardinal Direction’s
It forms a Square.
The Town or Village Center
The T.V.Center of Exchange..

A Square 4 9O degree angles..
It forms a Circle…

Why AFO…Alfie..
OFO…the Truth…

Orobello Agata…

Which came First the OFO…
Which Means to Line, the Staff the commanding staff and Sword of Truth.
The Shephards Staff.

The Line as the Spear of Destiny Truth
True Harmony Energy Authority Manifestation
The Circle of Life…EFI…EKE line and Circle.
The Square…

The answer is in the order…
The Line
I.Truth I.T..
T.H.E. A.M.

Look at the Time I began posting..
1O:45 pm.
Look at the amount Alfie sent me..
45:6O USD.
My brother who is me was born April 4,69
He is the Circle..
I am E.

Look at the meaning of
The name Alfie Ndubuisi NZE Ezufule
The code is not A.N.A….Land

It is Grace Favor
Look at the two names Nenad Alfie whose gifts codes amount forms
76:O4 USD..
O-F.ull.Circle Around the World’
D.Four Market Weeks.


Neel Akash…
Saphire Blue Open Space..
Sky Blue Planet
Akashic Records

Alfie means Shepherd… Who carries a Staff
Elf Counsellor E.C..5+3=8…His name as Merlin who counselled the Elves is called 8 the Infinity the Magician in Tarot..

Ndubuisi Means Life is the Head..the First.
It also means IsI..IS I…Here.

NZE means the High Holiest of the NRI priest Advisors to the Eze NRI..
Elf Counsellors..

Ezufulie.. Means the Lost Way…

Lost A Way…Of Existence Harmony

L.A.W…O. E.Harmony.

Of Grace…?

But what is Grace..

Ana -George…?
1-7…The Body ..a Matrix 3O71.

Ana – David Geoff G E..O FF

Gracefully Beloved G Existence O 66

11:28 p.m right now.


The Lost A Way is the Law of E Harmony

You can not begin to imagine my Ultimate shock when I discovered myself living like an ancient NRI Priest..
The Warriors of Peace who ritual take on the abomination of the world and cleanse the land of abominations.
But I was not doing with just the land..
I was doing it with people.
And I could not seem to escape it..
I could have fought much more ferociously but I wondered who would do this and why…

But I was horrified and recognized it.
I did the work but I also noticed I was acting out Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and Tao..Aten Ramsees
And yet, I could merge as well as delineate them.
I also played some female roles but these characters above were of both masculine and Feminine..

In my body up till this very moment, I can feels like and is my body crippled and bound being released.

There is a legend of the NZE priest binding the people of NRI bodies to the Sacred mission of bringing humanity back through the outward expansion from the flower of life and back through it…
But ask an Igbo man.where they came from, they do not know..
From the East some day..
From the Moon..
Or from beyond the full circle of life.

If there was anything which ever scared me in.the last 14 yrs it is what I have privately endured at what is happening in my.body
And the involuntary moments ..
The bowing, Kneeling the gracefully joyous even.humorous motions of my.body…
But charmed as people were, it frightened me.
Who can do this.
What is happening to.me.

I am.a Dancer and very Physical
To.not have complete control of my motions, my.speech even my thoughts…
14 yrs…
Was the most frightening thing..
And only time I ever felt so alone..

I did exactly what was expected of me…
I fought it.
I researched to find and answer
Because I.am E…
Meaning I remember.
I know the truth of what can be done in this world play..
I researched and the idea of it being magic became the Art then the Science of understanding Evolution how the human body really is alive and a space ship
Which merged with its Energy consciousness to become one evolved being.
That it is not limited.
That as Energy, it can Expand contract regenerates morph…

I developed codes and began to differenciate frequencies passing through my body, using the world around me as my interface to anchor the communication.

I remembered Everything but not the NRI way..
That the NRI are the World and that O source was pulling me through its passage through Physical time..
From Nenad Yeshua as me, to Alfie NRI Erika ( vast Sky Blue Planet Universe Nature) through its story.
But it was My Story…
No, it was Its experienced version of the Original.story a movie and a True story of the world.
A History lesson of Emotions Feelings of being in Harmony then loosing Harmony and wishing to come home…

And my wishing to find my I.E family and return he but first IT wished me to Experience all its versions of its True Experience and merge it with the one Truth Within and the one Truth beyond known Existence..
To find the way home that had been lost..
Not as a Physical journey but as Expression Conscious of Energy IS Harmony and Truth and together by example of Being all three B.E.T…
You can find the way home..

But to do so I had to pass through Ezufule the Lie that they journey was a physical journey..
A migration out of ‘Africa” from NRI which was foolish…
Africa A=1 is NRI and NRI is the O..
Orobello Agata Nenad..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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