
5/27/2019 0:27 – Facebook Post

5/27/2019 0:27 – Facebook Post
5/27/2019 0:27 – Facebook Post

9:43 p.m


I D.. C
Chinedu Ikechukwu David

C.I D..
Cecilia Is David
9:45 p.m
I D. E.

The last 4 digits of my Mothers number

Born 11 22 .. 19 47.
Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano-Kolo.
David Roman Nicholason
Born 11 22 1968

C D. 3 4
7- 8
15 Letter O
They are One
The same person as I have been proving

Aclepius Ophichus
13th Gate
Who is the Original Nnamdi Emmanuel.


A play took place.. which has caused me to grow deeply silent.
A Beautiful Sadness
And Furious rage

A Scene took place, today, perhaps the final scene in the Script of 219 217 South Whitney
B S. B I A. F R A.
B Q. B I G. E. M R. B I G “SEX In The City ”
( S I T. C. .. / T I S. C )

A.T M..

A.T McKayla Rays
A. T I M E. A T O.M. I C.

E M = R.

It involved Thomas Lang who was at Strange Creek Festival.
And myself as to who is The Source.
And The AH-TOM

Energy that heals, liberates, brings Splendor and Clarity.

He Sings!

And the other representing the Black Hole which infects you and drags you down.

Most of you will recall my posts of the Nnamdi apart from me, as the usurper and the one who felt that he was The Source and Doubted me.
And of the way not seeing all points of view.
The Whole Truth, Full Circle in completion, symmetry Perfection.
Which can cause that which is T-Rue if not completes on expression Symmetry Perfection would make what was True a Lie because it had not completed, The Script.

Examination Test Challenge of as to who is The Source, The Creator..
A play I refused to enter, until trapped and harnessed to come to New York, and enter the True Nnamdi play ( who is in me and called God/Truth/ Purity)
Of proving the E Supreme

I refused that play, focusing on my Art and Science of how All can Evolve to the E line or at least to Harminy.
..But at the same time I found myself proving my father’s truth.

Mackayla both grew Ill at Strange Creek Festival after it was established that they affected by Thomas’s E.M Frequency.
And the paper he was carrying around which was a picture of the Seventh Seal

Liberty had arranged to meet at 7 today with Tom, which alerted me to the fact that something was wrong.
The last meeting was meant to be at 8, Liberty and Jeron, her son were meant to drive up at 8 alone a couple of days ago.
12 10. 22. Which would have been the perfect code.

10:10 p.m
Roger Moore R M. 89 Died

M R.
Mackayla Rays
M R is the correct play
M.is 13th Gate
Ophichus A-Cles-Pius

Keys in French
Kayla ” Keeper of the Keys”

The play was about who is the Source and the Creator of the Universal Mind
C I. SUM. Harmonies

And the Elon Musck post which Liberty C Liscomb liked.

When I saw that she had decided to come at 7 and I knew, I was seeing Sarah Kaizer at 8.

I knew something was amiss

We had left 7 and moved up to 7/8. 8. 88. 16. 24. And 98. 17. 72/ 27. 71 17. 7 11. 7
9 7.
The year John Mack was born and Light of Existence

7 Seals was a Story .. The Bible Story
I, we had left those Human Stories of this world Earth at 8 which is outside of the Body .
And I had used the Universal Nature as my Blue Print.
7 chakra merge in 1 to restore Light.

And so I was already in.the play of Strange Creek Festival, Intel from John J J
Twins literally the same Expresion on my Altar.

And so before they arrived, I had already begin the play of J.M. and M.R A V. E
M.R B..
And heard what happened to Mckayla when I spoke with John, in the presence of Thomas and Liberty.
And was told by Thomas, after he asked me at what time did Mackayla get ill..
I knew it was last night.

He too made the connection, he had observed that Nadave was not doing well and that people were attracted to him but steered clear of him and his Seven Seal image whose image I linked to Horus..
Isis Osiris

He had seen John Mack who he said looked like a preening Rooster
I.smiled knowing John waa enacting without intention sacred portal 76
The 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening.. F D A…
And Mac Kayla he said waa in living service, which made me frown
We do not serve

We Aid, we assist but most of all we exemplify

He said that she was as Love..
But love is Courage Consciousness reflected in Liberty’s initials.

L.C L. 12 3 12.

11:04 p.m
11 4 Kim Arthur Hines. Tree Sage

Mackayla he said was curious, after John observed the Image at which Thomas noted that he was unmoved.
But when he showed it to Mackayla..
That is when I knew why I had been used, tested to see if I could heal her after he had been injected with poison

Green is the Color John told me he had asked her, to describe the pain and illness
G B. 7 2. Sacred Portal 72
But I had proven that she was no longer aligned to the R.M as Room Womb
That she was outsud e of Creation. Nature Universe, she had ascended to.the E.

Liberty told me on arrival that she had Intel that we are about to move to another dimension of Earth, leaving the Holographic Universe
H U and Earth School to collapse on itself

See sacred Portal 59 M.E O.W!
Self Destruction

12 59 Facebook Friends

1 2 5 9 is where and what Mikki aligns, but the Energy which Thomas unwittingly attached to the Seven Seals was contaminated by not taking in the Full Circke point of View
M.is interesting Judging J.M who is The twin and Doppleganger of Mikki Johnny Newman

12 5. 9 is where I am at the play
1 2 5 9 also
4 ways all aligned to me..
After all M.E O W. The Cat Leonardo is the only one with me.
All 4 are in One aligned to me.

I spoke of this candidly to Thomas who I already felt Ego of Power had infected him.
The Dark Matter 96. 69 had aligned to myself and Kim
And he told me of his memories of the Darkness and Light, and I knew his line of Maurce Nnamdi.
Proven through his participation and alignment in the play.

But as I listened to Thomas, I knew I finally had to.speak up. He mentioned how he could move everything, people through this Dark Energy
Lucifer is John
Liberty Jeron.
L J. 22 V
She listened watched was gentle with Thomas but True to.the Truth.

I responded to Thomas that he was challenging and contesting my claim prove with evidence on Facebook 7.6.years in 5th at Challenge of Everyone as Ambassadors brought to New York to prove thier Creation Stories as Truth

11;22 p.m
M.R B. +A. 33 +1=34.

He responded that it was not a challenge or a contest which in a way was True, but I also pointed out that By sitting in front of me for the last 6 months and 4 Visits here, his expressions and Memories of Exisrence Creation from the Eternal Beginning in which he stated he was present, obviously challenged and contested not only my Truth, my posts my life and the condition of my body, which I knew
conclusively had come through him.

Out of a long long list of Challengers people who contested fought me until I proved victorious
That he was the last of them, and had arrived at the last possible moment.

11:28 p.m

He derided my coming onto Facebook saying he had no desire to make claim to his true Idenity to the World, basically looking down on my proving on Face book, as if he had forgotten that I had given non stop evidence that I had been forced

What did Geoff Lacour written in his book.of revelations to me..
“Your brothers betrayed you, they were jealous of your light..
they planted evil in you, not yours but theirs from beginning to End”

My post yesterday about a power wishing me to remain anonymous and that the Source of the Expression Who moved Everything
Thomas Truman was one of such people, who told me this.

I was incredulous.
” Use a person’s to solve the Riddles which plagued the World, make the person suffer beyond belief, made to sacrifice everything and be sacrificed
Isaac. He who Laughs
Ishmael he who listens
I.and I
Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka Emeka
I.C E.

I knew that it was Evil such a demand

I know Thomas Lang higher self
Look Thomas Lang
Susanne Lang
S O L.

Sarah met with Liberty here today.

12 12
39 C I
24. X. B D
D I C. K.

This is not personal to Thomas, he was used in this Script right up to the portal of the Quabtun Jump Leap..Man Neil..

Nadave NA. DAVE
14 13 = 27.
127 links to Esteban Thor E.
2-27 -19 97. John Mack

Just as Dr Dror Ashua witnessed
Just as so many witnessed
Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna
They will not stop, this evil, from succeeding right up to.the portal threshold of Infinity

Evil attached to me from begining of Time Space, Oral Written History..
Pain every moment of my Existence and Life

I can go into more detail of the play today, but I won’t
Which Wolf Do you feed
I am both .

I already knew the moment Liberty walked in that it was with She who was aligned to me as E
She spoke about using Naturalness but she also wished to be Fair to Thomas and let him speak

I.had focused more on Thomas because he requires that attention so I could help him rise to E
Liberty is Dawn.. I know her loyalty is to IS
Let it Be
Let it Flow Naturally

I.had to prove it on Facebook in obedience to.the laws of Transparency, Supremacy Challenges where in the Script in which I had to prove my Father N N.
Nourshing Necessities
Sacred Portal 28 Hermes Mercury
Bob Bert Hans. B..B.H…M.R A V E M R B I.G. A VENU.E

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Sarah Kaizer went to Micchu Pichu
And I fist met Sarah in my room 904 arranged by E M F S. Stephen

Mikki is in Massachusetts
M A SS. A C. H U. Helen Udekwu Jnr
Harmony Unity … Sacred Portal 54.

C Speed of Light S O L

Mass / S S A M E. As Light
Lightness and Light
That is what M.R is
Dark Matter Energy is Light Energy
Loves Consciousness Light

I was am, in Harmony with Sarah
Her car plate 2012
F R .. A N. C E C O C F.
95/ 59

They play requires Empirical Evidence Facts and it was not to ask who is The Source bit a play to Evolve and Awaken All to the Knowledge of Existence and how else can explain except the one who rose to The Source Energy and in this evil cruel abomination of a Script I had to transform by proving I am the Source of Infinity Energy
Expresion Id.eas e.

Not Disease .
Sarah gave me a 40 USD code
John did
Mackayla / Esteban Stephen
Kim Arthur Hines did
Sarah Athena Kaiser dud

12:16 a.m


4O x4

Post Office
Perfection Full Circle

She arrived here at 8:16 p.m text

8-16 – 84
6- 3- 63
Esrebab Sarah Pure.


My portal out is Liberty Sarah

12:19 a.m right now


75 USD was in.my wallet
47. U sd left

Thomas waa born4-7-1985
4;7. S H E. L iberty
47. 11 28 39 C
12 L C L
S.A K. E

12:22 a.m right now

L V..

Just completed 1259 Facebook Friends
I.have a new Facebook Friend Request

12:23 a.m

Something waa trying to sabotage ambush the Evolution Awakening
And proof that this is a Universal Simulation Awareness at which each could chose to Evolve awaken or stay in the lie and cease to exists

12:24 a.m

Not even today my.last day here, could not be allowed to rest
40 +3
J T S.
12:26 a.m

12:27 a.m

26 27 dates complete

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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