
5/27/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

11:16 p.m.

Hugo Boss is on The Delta Manor- Screen Saver…H B…!
A Porsche with the number 1.!

See my commennts under Locker Art I posted Yesterday..
*See meaning of the name Chandravanu Art…

….And right besides it is a cellow car with a Ring or tire Circle on top of it with the number 75… G E/ E.G

Recall that it had a Sports Car with 87 On it.

See the Sacred Portals

Alan Bean
Allan means ‘Beauty Handsome Harmony Stone Rock…”
Sacred Portal 86..

The play is about ellimination fo the False Gods… The Amercican and World False Idols and Rocks Stars…

*’Alan Bean, Apollo 12 astronaut and fourth person to walk on the moon, dies at 86

Updated 10:21 PM; Posted 10:18 PM”

Look at the Codes… A B… Apollo 12…
See below details all encode of numbers below including the dates November 14th, 1969, Nov 11th, 19th
( 11-14, 11-9, 11-19… )
4th person, Landed November 19th.
4days- series of 4…
Ocean of Storms..
Date of his Death.. 26…

Donald Turner joined me where I sat…
Emeka Randall Michael Anthony Ottah… E R A..
Donald… Turner… age 63… He began recounting and experience-about the use of Power and Control by the Staff here.
On my way here I read the correct waves of codes when I observed a young Woman in Lime Green ( Elizabeth Clarizio E C’s higher self identified that code… Neon Green before she left the play…”It said Staff” – it linked to my train of thoughts..
I knew immediatelty what is was talking about.
That it was is, the Staff at Delta who are the True Angels & Demons.
* I had intentionally and consciously, chosen not to buy dinner tonight, though I could afford to-I had observed Peter this morning one of the person who works here who plays those kind of power games… with the homeless ( how Pathetic.. play games with people who have been stripped of everything, including the trust in thier ability to reason for themselves…)
Anyway, I knew I was consciously allowing myself to enter into a play when I decided to go and ask him to keep me a plate.
Earlier, I had come into the office and pointedly, told him my first name implying that if he know called me ‘Kolo” it was be seen as an intetional slight.
I was aware.

So when I saw staff I already knew where the play led and sure enough it was set up, a poer play once more.
I may have said that Peter was right that Vibranium- Black Panther movie- using Powerful Vibrations on Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis was correct but it is also how you use that power of Fear Shock.. It must move the person to the correct understanding, not make them quake in fear…

Any way that was the play I waled into..”Ho Hum”
And then Donald age 63 began his recount.
At that precise moment I was finally summoned downsrairs in perfect harmony because Peter had sent for me to get my dinner.
It was a set up that which I was set up to see confirmed.

He ended up waiting for me as Donald insusted in relaying me his story, but I took the codes..
800, 90.. 23… 67…

He also D T also mentioned the two people who always get things done who he goes to..
Kelsie and Alexis… K.A….

A Pause to link Space and the Egyptian Story and Meddling.

*Egyptian Religion.

Ancient Egypt was a place ruled by magic and religion. According to Egyptian creation stories, the god Atum created the world out of chaos, utilizing his own magic (heka).[1] Because the earth was created with magic, the ancient Egyptians believed that the world was imbued with magic and so was every living thing upon it. When humans were created, that magic took the form of the soul, an eternal force which resided in and with every human being. The concept of the soul and the parts which encompass it has varied from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom, at times changing from one dynasty to another, from five parts to seven to nine. However, most ancient Egyptian funerary texts reference nine different parts to the soul: the khat (physical body), the sahu (spiritual body), the ab or jb (the heart), the ka (double, Coptic kw), the ba (soul), the khaibit (shadow), khu (intelligence), the sekhem (form), the ren (name), the akh (combined, immortal, ba and ka).[2] Rosalie David OBE,[3] an Egyptologist at the University of Manchester, explains the many facets of the soul as follows:

The Egyptians believed that the human personality had many facets – a concept that was probably developed early in the Old Kingdom. In life, the person was a complete entity, but if he had led a virtuous life, he could also have access to a multiplicity of forms that could be used in the next world. In some instances, these forms could be employed to help those whom the deceased wished to support or, alternately, to take revenge on his enemies.[4]

1.a spiritual entity, an aspect of the individual, believed to live within the body during life and to survive it after death.

*Meaning: The “ka” is a very complex part of the symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology and represents several things: the ka is a symbol of the reception of the life powers from each man from the gods, it is the source of these powers, and it is the spiritual double that resides with every man’

*Ka is Hindi a word, which means “of” in English, while in Hindi it’s also called as “ki/??.”.

*Hawa… I I
The meaning of the name Hawa is Form Of Eve. The origin of the name Hawa is Arabic. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language.

*The ‘Bâ’ (b?) was everything that makes an individual unique, similar to the notion of ‘personality’. (In this sense, inanimate objects could also have a ‘Bâ’, a unique character, and indeed Old Kingdom pyramids often were called the Bâ of their owner). The Bâ is an aspect of a person that the Egyptians believed would live after the body died, and it is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb to join with the Ka in the afterlife[13].’

Little did he realize what he was saying and relaying…
despite the meddling with expression about Delta Manor which was very obvious and a 63 year old man with his intelligence and expericnce should have been aware of that.
I came back with my meal and he had shifted to sit besides Randall Michael probally in his usual quie huff ( he wishes to speak and converse and tell his stories… ailment… Not really old age but in a way yes, they wsih to be heard.. Lonely..
Randall Michael obliged him, gracefully.
I and he had excanged greetings which was light.
Quanma’e Lewis had passed a test of respect of the correct Vibranium- That this is deadly serious..
I had made eye contact with Little Anthony age 44..
who dresses like a Druid and can not me more than 4 feet and extra tall but also a Hood and his Bushy Beard… There is Beauty in his features… elfin.
Lewis who calls me Babalawo came dancing over wearing all white like a High Priest of the Santeria…

He was Holwing at the Moon and looking at me as he danced.
I acknowledged him.

“Lucifer… Master” he called me.
“Well done” I had murmured to myself…
He had not only divined my real name as a character i this story ( pervrted to no end ) but aslo my Espirit Fenrir of The Abyss- another character.. also real in this story.

* I was born on the Day of the Wolf.

I smiled to him and told him that he has honored his lineage for he has retained the true gift of Prophecy Divination which is to Devine “To sort of arrive at a conclsion after gathering all their data and then making a Guess…)

He told me he sees me and grows afraid…
Afraid how real this is…
I could see his face.. He had stared into the abyss recall and had retreated. That was the first day we had spoken.
“Yes, ” I assured his suddenly worried expression your mind can tale this…

“It can?” he asked for assurance.
“It can” I said firmly.
“Yes.” it can, ” he confirmed.

Robert Kyle Murphy inruded into my space ( Familarity breeds contempt.. even innoncently because of the audacity of my playing such a role.. a BOY.D…
For so longe whenI am the Beautiful Assassin and the Messenger of my Father ( Son) in this play of the Awakening)
I corrected him ( he took it gracefully, but then why should I have to constantly corect them?
All these years, correcting set ups created for me to show how Harmomy is Builtm broken and rebuilt…

* Billy Hung had commented that maybe when I leave I will be everywhere…
I almost lost patinece, but on Hindsight understood his meaning..
See the movie “Lucy” that is my Grandmothers name..
I call her Mama and my Mother is Mumsie… Mums..
Mama Dawn… M D… Dawn Marie Dawn of the Husband..
Mari.. George Farmer.. G F.. is really Husbandry..
and not Animal Husband or the ‘Gay” meanin but rather more like the Heroes of Greek Mytholgy..
Achilles Patroclus.. “Pat.. Patrick.. P my locker reflection Patrick Okolo moved in alignment with the wordl mirror…
A P..
Alexander Hephaestus…
The list goes on… Beautiful Male Warrior who loved Men and women of Beauty Heoric in the same way.
That was in all the world stories when the world was young before jealousy set in…

Lucy is the Mother of C and C… Onu.. and plays Ceres in this story, literaly my moments with my Grandmother was in her Farm harvesting Maize.It was right besdes the Grand Hotel he managed for my GrandGather and her own Store.

Lucy the Movie..”I am Everywhere”

It is true. I realized, the play I was in, I was everywhere in the past I wanted to growl to him,
Fractaling As Emeka Eze// F A… E E..
Ada Ezza Ezekuna.. 6 was attained before she arrived 6 as F-Act..
Billy Hung had already arrived.. as Fact… as well as Kyle Murphy * Galaxy 1O11 C I… Despite it still not fuly sinking into being the enormity of this…
Perhaps still thier Helmet.. Achilles – Kirtan L was wearing..
* Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis had been listenting to Kendric Lamaar when I came down seated in my corner as Yuin had yesterday..
He was aware of that so was I because I had quiety wished to see if it was an act of defiance, but led it off by first addressing him, heading off the play of which could have led to my enacting out that which he really does not know is real..
Or that I would do it without blinking and eye.. or regret.

In Hindsight I re-read in my recorder of my mind and pressed play back over and over again ( an onerous task I must do after each pivotal exchange with people here in the play.. filter checking… Peple do not speak thier minds so I have to go in and check… bloody exhausting and a waste of time.. speak up!)
But yes, I realized in hindsight that I am everywhere because the Fractals represnted or which was is in all of you Key players summoned ( without you being aware and conscious of our reason for exhange especially thos I had to live with and do the money play with was because they had been elected . not by me but by the Son Playing the father.. Da Satan..ah…
Santana Dharma… S D…. Stevan Donald… S N…
“Crowed wih Laurels of Sweet Bay leaves of Vctory The Eternal Ruler…”
For activating as a Man, the P W Q B Frequency
Activation Memory… A M
Total Recall… T R…
No Terminator sent from the Computer Matrix Future Possibility programs…

Though I know that is not what he really said, at the same time it was said.

800 … 90… 23… 67….

44=8…. H… Harmony… Mirroed by the line Billy Hung has reflected and embodied a new Line in the world.
Instructed by myself..so I can leave!
90.. I O
23 W… Doule V.. VV…
67.. F.G….Fact GOD… Emmanual Exists…
( that is the one you call Father God.. My son.. I am F.O.I..Father…. Alien .. A-Lien Father AFA…
A FA… R…E … A F A I R…O H…

See sacred Portal 8…”Love Links Desire” lInk Mirriored Affirmed by Dawn Piercy.

Sacred Portal 90..”Spirit Existence… ”
23 “Revealtions of the Source of Existence behind the Veil”

67..’How Far will you go for the Love of your Man’-Billy was elected by Elvira… SP 88..

76…. 32 9… 8…
8 is the One constant bu they all align.

The P W Q B Transformer code of my Fathers (SON ) Brother Equal as E…Play in his Beautiful Conept and horrendous Idea when applied in this world because he did not take in my point of View…

“No one stood up for 3 year old Messiah…

A 7 Year old Boy.. or 5 by some accounts was killed my an MTA Bus Driver … ( / A.T..M… AT Manifestation…A T O M…A Twin?
No A.T… O M… B D/D B… Room 4 B.. MOI.. S P 90…”Moi”
It is the meant to be this refected reality of Enery Ahtom… but it is not… Ths is the distortion the corrected one is linked in through Billy Kyle… B.H… K M… B K… H M…
Yes my BOOK Harmonious Manifestation when I go..
(its Value confimed…)
K B..M.H… The Spirit war I was spirited away to..
See rep Kathleen Beard.. Hecate Great Witch with the Beard…. Anthony… Small Large… Manifest Hate…
Transformed back to “Purity Cleansed” ( Witch Doctor… I am… DI BIA… Husband of Aphrodite… The Black Smith Hepahestus .. but before the Female form as C There were 3 Male forms including her Twin.. David Cecilia.. Onuabuchi ( meaning Song..”Kirtan”.. K L… Kendrick Lamar… Kirtan Locket…
K L…11 12…3.3..

*”May 26, 2018 · A 7-year-old boy riding a scooter in the Bronx was killed when an MTA bus rammed into him Saturday afternoon, cops said. Shevon Bethea, of Brooklyn, was riding his Razor scooter around 3:30 p.m. when an MTA bus heading south on …’

And another was hist today he is reported to have been hit by an MTA Bus… ( oh yes I saw that play… MTA Worker was dressed as a Woman called April she was not MTA…ENVY..
But on my way back I saw an MTA Worker Caucasion.
There is one such who comes to the cafe he anda ver old white man.. also MTA..
Do you understand who is killing all these people who mirror my codes but in a altered reality… ( Link Andre Leon..Tally… The TALLY… account.. Sum…Total comes to…)

*A young boy, approximately five years old was killed after being struck by an MTA bus in the Bronx on Saturday afternoon, police say. The child was struck on East 184th St. and Webster Avenue in Fordham Heights around 3:30. The boy was possibly riding a motorized scooter when he was hit…

A young boy, approximately five years old was killed after being struck by an MTA bus in the Bronx on Saturday afternoon, police say. The child was struck on East 184th St. and Webster Avenue in Fordham Heights around 3:30. The boy was possibly riding a motorized scooter when he was hit…”

3:03… Forham Heights.

1.13 a.m right now…

NOW DO YOU SEE THE BAD idea part of this…
Look at the length of this post..
6.5 Years of this…
Billy Hung lives on 65 Street..
1965 As my Birth year was always incorrect it was a role I was designted to fill in the Play of numbers..
Bill contacted me through FaceBook Messenger
on May 5th at 10:56 p.m.

I was in bed 56 Last year… waiting…
It was never about me, It was Father Mother S.P 54..
Liked at first istance by Marina Burini and Billy Hung
MB B H… W H.
M H… B B…
M W B B…
Milky Way… Beings B B.. 2 2….Who needed me tto bridge the gap
22 =4.. Add “Jose.. 5-15-69… Was bed 5-004… 54..
19…Supreme.. E… Spirit E.. Me bed 4-018.. 4-019…

2+2+19= 23..W…World… Double V.. VV… 22 22 44 8…
2=2+18… 22… V

W O V E…

Making a person manually weave all the Fractaling As Emeka Eze back into one Weave…And through harvesting the seeds of myself they planted in you whom they elected based on ou representing the sum total of all the Evil and Good in the World. And through you all teaching battling with my chosen words and expressions and actions to you- which most are not even aware when that I am fully aware that there is no interaction each day moment which is not me being fully aware that I am DOING THE Work…

3 year old Messiah
7 Year old…ridding a Scooter…


A Moment before Kyle Murphy spoke oh how his Ex called him, that was what he had invaded my quiet ritual of relieving the rigor mortis spell on my body….
I later sat besides where he had taken my seat, after Quanma’e Lewis in perfect harmony vacated the seat I usually occupy which he later acknowledged and offered me, I waved him back…
But I observed that lack of polish in Kyle once more and went back to how Quanma’e Lewis had first chatisized him on our first encounter about respect
And to his telling me yesterday to Chill..
And today consciously giving me work with no space to chit came to his need….
He told me the riddle and I solved it… Trust .. there may be Love but with out trust that Love will always be aN “Ocean Storm”
I asked him her name.. he told me…
But they call her “Scooter”

No one stood up for Messiah… C..

184 Forham Heights.. F H… 6 8/ 8 6…
3:30 p.m 33
Sacred Portal 33 “And D came to E To Awaken And Arouse E.. from a Terrible Nightmare… “My Nightmare awakening you David Born 1968… And Onuabuchi… O…
D O.. Bed 4-015…Lorenzo…. Lorenzo Tripoli L T… T L… E E
D.O.L… Sacred Portal 43… Door of Life…

But it was not about them was it?
I am at Delta.. I am David Chukwuemeka.. Grace…
The One who is three.. Sacred Portal 86…
H F… Hong Fa….
Not portal 68.. David Roman Nicholas… was my Past..
Nnamdi is my Past Present…. 1969…68 69..
66 89…I am Delta David Beloved… D B.. ROOM 4 2…
Sacred Portal 42 “Ohm”

Akil Apollo Davis
Apollo Perez

Apollo 11 and Apollo 12…
K L…
Apollo Oracle of Adelphi…
Adelpi… Fort Green.. F G… 6 7../ 7 6…
John Shaw Tom Truman- I filmed there lived… Luke Shaw..
Marina Burini 2010-2011..

Moon Landing.. M L… 13 12… 25.. Emeka Kirtan.. SINE… On Water…

All numeric codes… Weather Control…
A Matrix of numbers which They thought was rea and sought to control

Anthony Bienke was the last person to like my post.

The Bean… Mitochondra Dna.
The Bean Cafe..
The Coffee Bean
Bean here at the Shelter…

11:22 p.m. C D… C D.. O E… O 5/ 5 O

4.4 Earth Quake his the Island of Hawaii yesterday.
50th State.

4 4 D D.

Alan Bean, a NASA astronaut who journeyed into space two times and, as part of the Apollo 12 mission in 1969, became the fourth man to walk on the moon, died May 26 at a hospital in Houston. He was 86.

NASA announced his death, noting that he had fallen ill during two weeks of travel.

Bean was a Navy test pilot who joined NASA’s astronaut corps in 1963. He made his first voyage into space on Nov. 14, 1969, four months after the historic first landing on the moon of Apollo 11, commanded by Neil Armstrong.

The three astronauts aboard Apollo 12 were Charles “Pete” Conrad Jr., the mission commander, Richard Gordon Jr., the command module pilot, and Bean, whose duty was as lunar module pilot.

After more than four days of flying through space, Conrad and Bean settled onto the lunar surface on Nov. 19, landing in a broad plain called the Ocean of Storms. Gordon continued to circle the moon in the command module, the Yankee Clipper, looking down from 70 miles above.”

1;55 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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