
5/27/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post

5/27/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post
5/27/2015 19:55 – Facebook Post

5:44-5 p.m





E.B G.H.

N.Z E.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Alfie Ndubuisi Nze.

“Sending gifts is an ancient way of sustaining Holy Sages in the olden days that the world has forgotten. It only goes to show how we have been corrupted.
I have watched and observed you, and realized we are not doing enough to support you in your weaving and solving humanities riddles”

Alfie Ndubuisi. NZE ..

“I havd begun to understand just how much we must do more to sustain out Teachers and Sages”

Luke Simon
Author of the Article on E.K, called Professor of Beauty, Doctor of Love

L.U..K.E…”LU”, in French means “Read K.E”
It also means bringer of Light..

Robert F.Black I knew was being used as the record on the Black Coal of the two C.
I checked his consciousness about the Ancestors..
He repeated almost word for word what Alfie stated..
I had given him 1O:1O commission.
The only one I had ever done so.
2O..T, I knew the Truth was in him.

This was then followed by an expression which was poison to my ears.
I had read the codes as we walked to the Western Union on Mott Street where I had used to hang out with David Roman Nicholas..

I knew our business was complete.
He represented the Wall and his true Spirit had been indented with the last of the Truth and thus, I was no longer required to interact with the man.

This play was never really about the Man, or the human beings (Greed False Ego, lies filthy expression when they don’t get what they want, whether deserved or not)
It was what each persons Eternal Self and Truth represented in the play.

Robert F B..
R Face Book.

It has nothing to do with the perons, you are just a portal or at best an Avatar…unless as the Few you are aligned or nearly aligned to the Truth in you… Then I and the E fight like ferocious warriors for you to align and become one with the E and your T…by helping you C, by our telling stories using code expression, explanation until your C us clean.

If you go back through the 38 months you will see me enacting that out.

Kachy Ihem is correct I do love Humanity, but I love the True and Truth of Humanity.
I despise…really despise the Lie of them.
Why so much..
Because I have seen the Truth.
“A W.E”
The other makes me turn into truly the most dangerous quiet assassin ever…
Go back and see.
I am that good…
Beautiful at it.

Notice E + your Truth + your C create
E.T C…
6:28 pm.
F .B.H.
*( I am being informed by the Espirit abd the E Realm that Facebook is in Harmony through Sixth sense and now age of Reason…
Which moves us 33 as Logic to Reason to Vision the Beautiful Intended Vision…B.I.V
Affirmed by Fritz Venneiq and Nenad. D M
Not the vision so many had when I came to New York of fear.

I loved Collin David Lovvern the moment he told me that his girlfriend called from Texas to inform him that thier area in the Lone Star state was flooded after a long drought, immediately after my talking about the Blue water in us and the blue planet aligned

I had asked him what it meant to him.

“Cleansing, purfying and preparing for a beautiful change… And flood of knowledge”

I could have hugged him.
For it signified the end of people who had vision of Revelations being only of fear and horror .
The Great food and carnage.
We had finally crossed over to the Beautiful Intended View…

Which is why I was surprised that I am still linking until I saw Sidney Davis share.
Which I knew was NRI letting me know not what was a threat but how far British Imperialism
B.I (29/92) went…
Just as did C I.A
But the F B…is I

Which has been affirmed yesterday by Nenad D.M.


The NZE are the Aristocracy of the Holiest Priest of OINri, they are the keepers of the records and the rites and sacred knowledge.
In the ancient days the Eze NRI ..E.N were chosen mostly from these rank.

My Mother is from OINRI and my grandfather took me to meet the then Eze NRI where they had a discussion in my presence which I did not understand
Passing the Back Wall of Death.
Death as the Wall is the Embodiment of that which knows the Truth but will Sting you with malice…
Death as the End is Jealousy And Malice.
As in Traffic Jam.
Blockage of the Flow of the Truth. .

By Bullies and those who uses Extreme Extraordinarily Toxic Expression as I witnseed today to block and prevent your Truth from being expressed.

This I have witnessed to a level that I personally would have struck these people down with lightening on the spot…
And had them slowly burn to a purified crisp.
Especially those who read my posts and the knowledge contained herein and try to apply the codes.

Recall OME..
I recieved a text from Robert C.Cole..


The code is not OM Robert but rather
RMO…The room (World View) is full circle complete.
O.M.18 (R…Royal..4 yrs old code ROYG)

Yes, I ignore the “Evil Twin” aspect, (False Ego F E 65 *See the Sacred Portal reserved for it)
and simply retrieve and align it to the correct code…

There is a reason we are both on the streets and meet at 2nd and 3rd..
Or my wearing AIR Black sneakers with the number 23 then met up with 32 yr Joe Carey in perfect Harmony.
I began my journey at 23.
Joe commented how well I looked.
“Always Sharp…you look like a Ninja…”
Beautiful Death..
I observed that J.Stern showed me swimming with Sharks..
I am the Shark..

Who is Joe Black….
See the movie
Brad Pitt
Beautiful Pride..
2-16..32.. J.C..C.B
27…Collin David LoVVern..B.G.
Plays Death.

I am Beautiful Death.
7:O2 P.M…is the time right now

And I am Terrible Death.

And True Death…Transformation…

R.B.F is simply the imprint impression…

Did I mention that I recieved hopefully the last of the code gifts from Alfie…

E Death…F.O.E….of my Enemies those who seek to destroy Beauty…

7:O6 pm.

Added 3O: 44 from Nenad

Grand Total 76:O4 USD

Meaning Sacred Portal 76 “The Awakening” has been granted by the E…A.N.A for the ROYG 4th Dimensions…
Which I realize now, that is what I have been earning at such a cost.

Awakening even in the U.S.A.M..movie…

There is a pretty girl who sat down with an Apple Mac in front of me with the superimposed age of a woman meant to be Eve taking a Bite of the Apple Logo and her head and hair exploded gracefully into birds flying….

That is what knowledge should create.

Not people replying with Poision..
Using it to create Death…
Then I find I am there…

Through the portal of Robert C.Cole ( Robert F.Black ), I recieved to code monies as codes.

I was interested to note, that both had to pass through portals of certain people for me in order for me to get the money codes in order to affirm the play..

Nenad as the Jesus (West. VV) and Yesuah (Middle East M.E) NRI Africa story …N.A…
Linked to Alfie..to Robert =(Record) Royal…
Neel Akash…Natural Akashic Records
Royal Akashic Natural Records I.E
Linked to Orobello Agata Emmanuel L.Una. Collin David L Shveena Vartia to 293 Facebook Friend I.C… Selandra Franchell Thomas…
SVS is Linking the SS victoriously 8…to FT…F is 6 T is 2O…
F B.O…
Zeina Hanna
France means Free woman and Thomas means twins…
The only other person I have met who has Franco in thier name and who is my Facebook friend and added to the equation of 6+3=9 by offering 5+4=9.,
7:32 is not a Charles Freeman the usuprer but Chris Franco…and Raz Berry…
CF and O R B…

See our Face Book..
The other is a carbon imprint.
Carbon Monoxide
Death by poison.

No…I know Chris and Raz are the true.
3 and 2O who never came to Bean but to 😯 Balthazar then to 78 Spring Street.
72 Star Bucks.
They gave me 23 Dollars..
All recorded
5:31 Raz
Line of E…
The got the equation
Emeke Cecilia There as
Ana Leonardo Caixas
Cecilia Wiebers
Inês Guerreiro
Sarah Lagrange…

Nenad and I passed through 4 portals for the code money to reach me

Alberto David Yonathan Robert…
7:2O pm.
And only with the name B.Vitali (Life Vital) in the end B.V…

ADYR…AD Year…After Death YR
RY DA…R-Y is D A..41..,
Shane Michael Robinson Sr.
S.M.R.S…I.E…* he is as my line an Example as the some others now…like Nenad!
Of course!!!!
Supreme Majesty R.I.S.E…
Line of Father…oh my but of course…
I saw his face and posts..
EE…the Past Beautiful Doors
Nenad and Shane..
North South…
Nature Supreme..
14+19…33…ha… I.C…Jesus C life.

And with Alfie 2 portal…
YR…the Year 33…Christ in the story aligned to
12…3 7-3-4…77…
12..3 77…14..5
12 3 14 5…
12+14..26 8
3 5…
8…15 .O F
8 OF…

I see..


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