
5/26/2015 16:54 – Facebook Post

5/26/2015 16:54 – Facebook Post
5/26/2015 16:54 – Facebook Post

3:26 P M.



I have a New Facebook Friend Shveena Vartia..
S V.

The meaning the Name Shveena is derived from is Sanskrit for Shivina… Another Name of the Goddess Parvarti..
As Life and Death.

Which comes after departure of Alexander M..
But only after she completed her role to release the A M code right to the 5 U.S D. Bill.

And the subsequent sickening play which followed of Kachy Ihem K.I.
and A M…
K.I.A.M…K…I.A.M represents The Dopplergangers as Man Woman playing the lie that thier world say embodiments represents Life and Death.
K= 11…

Of course, it was set up.

It was plain by my posts before literally pleading GODe in me to not put me through the insult of having to ask people to Name or give my I.D.

Despite the fact that for 38 I have been naming in this play of “Name the E Truth” each persons represents or was given by these Awareness of duality illusion to reconstruct the picture, story and face of the Flower of Life.. Which you call GoD which I call Harmony but can be called
Universal Nature
Universe Naturally Expressed.

Note the code of 21 USD given to me through Joseph Carey (91) who commented “using your Energy to create Harmony”…

21 was affirmed non stop as well as U.E..
Then the last play between Kachy Alexandra and Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
The N spoke the correct equation aligned an in Harmony with the plays codes which reveal themselves..
The laws and rules of the play, which despite being extraordinarily unfair to myself, I comply to.

Thus, U.N…U.N.E..

Is it not strange that as Alexandra leaves in her superior huff, that Shveena Vartia would replace her…
Whose name means Life and Death?
Meaning they are not dualistic that they are one..
Embodied by the consort of Shiva…Vishnu.

S V ..S V…A.E./E.A.
S.A.V E….E.
V.A.S E…E.
V.E.S.A. E

( I already knew who she was as a Role or Character as most whose own human consciousness is not in alignment with the play, which is why I post evidence of peoples pages and thier human harmony…
Which is why I knew that she and Angela Marie Alexander were not really sisters and sought with as much cordiality to hint.. SS just came up with my finger…
Yes her SS comments and dreams about that Era, I am fully aware why, but the code of 5 had to be retrieved from that consciousness of the female SS which she did not realize that she too was propagating by coming into a play, acting then reacting.
Most know that through 38 months that I have been through this non stop.”),
3:56 P.M.

I took code 3O:44 from Nenad today but that of Alfie Ndubuisi Nze did not arrive for personal.reasons..
Thus instead of U.N.A..E

Meaning in NRI “You Go home”…E

We are only at U.N…E.

You are now at 1 Emeka…
In Feminine and Masculine aspects aligned in 1.

Shveena Vartria..

The only meaning I could find of Vatria are those who take sacred and Holy Vows…

I took the 3O:44 Cide
C.O.D D…
Aligned to Facebook Friend 292 just as Shveena is 292…
Colin David Lovvorn…
Joe Carey (Joseph means “Add”)
3×4=12….C.D.L….expansion (Emeke)
Collin David Lovvorn…

perfect alignment …
Victory of the People beloved Loving Law-thorn..
Over Life and Death by upholding Sacred Vows of life and Death..Expression?

As witnessed no one more opinion has any affect on this play.
It is only interested in extracting Its beautiful Truth and each persons Truth….including mine.

Which is why I have found myself put in the nonstop inevitable position of being shat upon.

E.J.. K.C

4:O7 p.m

So one can see why I call it a set up beyond Evil even though one can still see the Exquisite Beauty of the Original weave and intention of Tue design of this play.
Because the play is a perfect reflection of what humanity has become.

I gave the one who retrieved the money 1O USD of the 3O 44 USD..
C.O.D.D. (D+D=4+4=8-H.)
Then heard R.F B give his address as
85 Delancy…
I.had lived in Delancy with David and Naim Tanya…E.D.N.T…54-2O14…
Then as we walked I saw the code affirmed car E.L.N 3985..C.I..H E…recall the code E L. Yesterday then today’s play with Nenad..?

Yesterday it was E C A 3627….
Which Brought Collin…
Today brought Nenad .

C N…
My last remaining uncke born 57 or 58 is in Nigeria with my Mother his name is Pius Nduka Collins ..P…N.C…

Then I began to get berated by Robert for not using my talents to make money by making people pay donations.
I as sought to remind him of the play he literally lashed out at me…
You are Homeless you are broke…!

No I am not, I can earn my own money but this is a play of Energy being used by the True Consciousness of Human versus its perverse false corrupted Consciousness to create Harmony or prove Harmony…as Joe Carey J C testified in a True Man Show…

But he was in rage with me.. For my obvious stupidity which they have sought to punish me for these last 14 years every fuckin day and remind me how stupid I am.
And how they are smarter than I am because if they had my talents they would not be in my situation.

I am in physical discomfort but I could have walked away despite this God really being powerful more than me as long as I am in His Her (HHO….H2O…88O…or 82O…)movie…
Of I know its 82O….not 88O..
I am 11-28..
Fritz Venneiq is 82.
Nnamdi left 82…
33 yrs ago on Easter April 5,…45
I am Fritz V.
39..C I
I am Nnamdi.
E N…19….1.O…1.A

C.I.A….27…C D L..H.E….
Code 3O:44 usd.
7-16 8 84 2956…

Emeka Nenad…66-66…
That is now complete.
Nenad just texted me that he could not post until 22:22 VV…44..DD…
3O:44 USD
EH is 5-8.

Dawn left but just before giving the 5E
Meaning in the 4th Dimension the realm of the movie there is the illusion of K.I A M..
But now 4+4=8…
Become more one..
Neminiah 96
Isasiah 45…

But now who is the play declaring the 1Alpha

Tomorrow Alfie as Ana Leonardo Caixas as the line of my Mother sends me a Code.

Collin David…me
Cecelia Onu..me

Sick of jealous Brothers Brothers? They are no Brothers of mine and I look forward to the end of this play so I can send them all Brothers Sisters? Ptah!!!
Back into the non existence and shit hole if Nsi they all came from..
The moment this Play is done…
You reap entotal all and others the benefits

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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