
5/25/2019 19:07 – Facebook Post

5/25/2019 19:07 – Facebook Post
5/25/2019 19:07 – Facebook Post

4:33 p.m

D C C.


E Y T S.

E B E T. S ..J.A..

I just recieved some intelligence from John Mack at 3:31 p.m From Strange Creek

It aligned to to the Hour Glass as Time and Nature aligned to.the E.T
Code Effiel Tower.

John MacDonald yes Brother of Holly MacDonald and McKayla Rays line is represents a Consciousness not of Creation Nature Universe 4.5 Earth 13.8.Universe as I. He is from Beyond time and Space
5.4.. 8.13
E D. H M. ..D. 84 H D
E D H D..

His last 4 digits of his phone is 8459
8 45 9 .. 84 45/ 48 54..

I passed through the Portal 84 to reach 59
My year of birth on Facebook is 1984 “Big Brother is watching you”
George Orwell G O
M A N. G O… John loves Mangos

The bridge which links Africa Pangea to the Perfection Attained was, is represented by
Tree Sage
Kim Arthur Hines.

4:43 p.m

Which was played out yesterday by Emeka and Kim, Kim Emeka
E K K E..
5 11 = 16.
16 16
32. 5. E.

The connection between the Beautiful Past Present and to the E.T which in my Mothers Family especially my Uncle and Mother left in Nigeria Engugu Nsukka ( E N ) who have the two aspects of D NA and D ne and the memory in them of Eri Nri..and The Legend Myth of the Beautiful Ones and First Contact between the E.T and the Human Naturals

This is the play which John Mack natural confirmed without even being aware of the profound significance of his awareness and Harmony Perfect Timiming waa, is completing the Script.

4:55 p.m
D.E E. P

The Two Men incarcerated for 42 43 years
Uncle and Nephew
Universal Nature.
H N M.
May 1976 align to myself and Tree Sage
Emeka Tree
Emeka Kim

My Uncle is called Pius N duka.
Chukwuemeka N duka
C N Pi.

I love my Uncle and always have he was the only one apart from me, who saw Nnamdi for the last time in 1981.
I always saw him.
He sees me
My mother is Cecilia Onuabuchi

And the play between Myself and Kim yesterday was the Completion of the Bridge linking “Umeano” the 4 Divine Breaths in One ( North East West South Winds into one) 4 1 then aligned to the 5th Dimension represented by Emeka John Alexander Mackayla.)
To the 5th Dimension outside of Time and Space..

* John sent me the text at 3:31 p.m
Kim waa born 87 ..11-4..and is 31 years old and we sat together on the 3rd Floor.

The play with Sarah Kaizer who had a reading telling her that she was not looking at the world through the See of her body within but outside of it at 8.. As 8th Chakra .
Which she confirmed herself as having experienced it..

5:08 p.m

Which means she reps the line in Harmony with Nature of the Universe Harmonics as well as outside of the Universal Body 8.

S K.
Kim and his Daughter Serenity.
S K.

Yesterday Serenity was called away by her mother just before Kim and I were to meet
I knew why she was not allowed by the Universe to come.
Because she represents 8 Harmony Children
But Chiefy Kim, represents an ever Higher frequency than 8.
He is at 89.. H I

The WOW Africa phone card I bought have codes on them aligned to this Script
89 89 145 89…

The Two co workers with Chiefy Kim, at Cosmos International where he works ate two women who we says act like twins but as Ying Yang. 69.

Really 87,69 USD play confirmed by Isabelle Ilic?
Kim.is 87 69..96..
And the Two women who work with him at C I are names Henrietta and Irene
8 9
H.E. Heaven and Earth O I N R I. Inside Outside Natural Reflection of I .. the Extra Terrestrial Truth of Alpha..the Begining

Henrietta has a Son Alexander
H A. Kim Arthur Hines
K A H …
Mother and Son H A! 8 1..
81/ 18. 18 is the Reflection of 8 1. 1 8
K.. say AH
11 at 1

5:20..5-21 p.m right now

Yes I am E.T and E Universe
I.came from the Future I travel through the C. Speed of Light and Transform the True Beautiful Expression Every thing in my wake..
First with Word Expression W.E / E W
And in this End Incarnation with Silence as With Sense and Sound ..Voice

This 89 confirmed

And John

5:25 p.m right now
5-25 2019 Date

E Y. Male chromosome
E Man
E B E.T. S J A O-F. Frank.

John whose last digits on his tel are 84 59
And I have been stuck at 1259 Facebook Friends for more than 3 4 days now
With the arrival of Excellent James Larkiee Jnr

E J L J… Emeka is John Lucier Jaymes full circle
And Leland Johnson.

E J L.J L J….

Micha. ( My Nephew )

And link Stephen Johnson “i P i”

5:31 p.m

Lucifer John is L J is 12 10 22
( last letters of Kims phone is 80 22)

6:00 p.m.

And John 59. E I
54 45. 99. 18. 9

Line of I
And Esteban Miguel Filgueira who just called me sent text 5:33 p.m
6 sixth sense lined to him.
9 is 6.
9 6 9..

6 is 9 meaning
Stephen Esteban John represent line of Nnamdi and Boom Boom 4-5-1969 and 5-20 -1973..
37. T E. ( R.R. 360) E. 10. 1O
96 Dark Energy. Dark Matter 15 letter O
4-5 /5:4 Source Energy which Manifested Planet Earth.

And he passed away age 13
Letter M.

S J M.
And I am the first Nnamdi N Naturalness
A Nourishing Necessity.
Mac Kayla

I.D Mann/ Nnamdi
Echo Response Confirmation through Facebook Friends
Emmanuel Kerema E.K
Babalola Tobi Emmanuel B T E.
Jacinta Emmanuel J E.
Emmanuel Okoli E O

I began as Emeka Okolo
And in 1989 became Emeka Kolo.

E J M. S E E.

So John and Stephan are both the line of I.F.

Oh Shoot I have been watching a movie yesterday with Renee Zwelegger call I.F

I F is I Fact..
Sacred Portal 9 is myself as Two Emeka John- Stephen Man I.D

E J S M A…

And confirmed through J M and the Script that it comes in pairs of Full Circles
E . J S M M M J J S S E E. M M. A A F F A A C C E E
After merging converging Paricke And Wave back to one

J. SEE M.A. ( Y. A J AY) MY F A C E
E F B.. A M E. @ C H. J B

J always comes with B
10 10 = 2. B.
hence J.B.M..J M/ J M. Z. AT P.

Excuse me, I just had to figure that out.

Oh wow..
We are at the A.M of Sacred Journey Of the E.Family (29 years ago in 1989 I began looking for my E Family of Eternity in 1989, the years I began the Journels, Talking To The Silence and My own Sacred Journey A Mission
S J A M. To bring Evolution Awakening of Everything, both Sacred Journey A Mission- Secret Mission was not what I intended, they were imposed upon me, I had no need to do this Journey and Secret Mission
J S M.
J A S. M I.N. ( 9 14. = 59)
Because I knew that Every thing was already set up in the Begining of Eternity and Time.

But I ended up being sent down to prove ” how I knew everything was set up perfectly and the Evolution Awakening would take place naturally, but instead I had to also prove
“Show and Tell” how a Human Being is from the 5th Dimension by contained in a Human Body as Nature who through Curiosity Naturalness, which is the True Nature of Human Children of Nature, would be curious on seeing Patterns, and investigate where the trail leads raising my own Human Vibration to the Eternal through following investigating the Trail of signs and surmounting the obstacles, riddles mysteries, Q & A, Ambushes Traps along the way.

6:50 p.m.
11 11.
K = 11
J S M/ M S J twice 1 1 to 1
42 42. 84/48 Aligned to John Mack and Jesse Macias

12 12..1

E J M S x2
47 47

Last 4 numbers of E M F. S. Stephen
Tel is 33 94.

He sent me a text 5 33 pm
6 9.4
C C I D.

P.S the N as in M N ( 27. MAN 28)
is represented by Andrey Klebanov
And Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp
Neil Furby Neil the Lawyer.

Through Stephan Esteban John Kim
Same line,
Through Esteban Stephen comes the Evolution Awakening of the E Being a under cover in this world
Through John Jesse J J M M, the Quabtum Jump Leap
Energetic Transformation of all Creation Existence to.the 5th Dimension merging Earth and Jupier E J

And through their Female Embodied Selves

Reo Kelsie Bissell
Brooke Lee Lemery
Solierys Rosario
Sarah Kaizer
Mackayla Burgos
Marina Burini
The I and I
Represented by Isabelle Ilic and Sabrina
Anirbas Lem
Alicia Norris M A N

7:06 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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