
5/25/2018 17:00 – Facebook Post

3:57-89 pm darned phone..


1157 Facebook Friends


K E G ode

G E K H E… I E G H I Jay.

Emeka Kolo

Emmanuel Kerema

Which one is the reflection represented in a play and which is the Original..
4:04 a.m

1157 Facebook Friend…
5 Continents 7 Seas..

What does Kerema mean and Emmanuel…

Is Africa the Source or is it an E T.
Everyone Elected to be part of this play was given a.chance to cast their vote based on their choice and right to vote.
Throuhh action expression etc.. But least of all word.. After all we are in the realm of the lies liars deniars ..fake news.

P S Does not look good for me the vote so far it would appear I have only Dawn Piercy on my side…
Runners up Kyle Murphy Billy Hung and Jace Horsford …

K M Robert M…Maurice…? RM.
J H..

K B J… J B K.. J B J D… JJ B D
R B J… E O R B Jay.. E O S B Jay Bird..
Orb and Eos.. Means Orb Dawn.

M H H…

4:15 p.m.

D O Lorenzo..

But nearly does not kill a Bird….who cheats Hd as Death..

4:20 p.m
Emnanuel Kerema has 240 facebook friemds at the time of this.
And was born 4-20…2000..
Meaning that he is 18..

Yes I am bed 4-018..
18 is R
Kyles first name is Robert..
See meaning of the name..

Note to B H.

Emeka Kolo E K 511..16 P
Charles Manson C M 3 13 my phone 16
Dow D.. D D David Dawn 4-4 my former Bed nu 8 16..

P is the letter a Magnet on my Locker
Sky Blue. Sky Net… Terminator 1-5.

4-016 my former bed.. Dawn Piercy D P.
David Powers

5-006 my former bed..

11 56 Facebook Friends Twice.. is B.

DD 8…
Fa in Chinese
Dental appt you graciously arranged for me
Date 6-1-18` 2018 F A T R F A R

8 16 H P
H P computer bought for me by Jonn Delguudce Blackwell 202 usd. 22 V

8 16 24 Jace H age 24..
X letter and Ten. 10
6…F.. La…
Al Generation X Gardens
Took me 61 days in the abyss to find it

4:43 ..4:44 pm

Such Hate there was…such envy jealousy to create a script to test my truth?
No, to make me give up and walk away so the Other can declare its reality the Winner..
That this is reality and all there is.
D P.T… Davids Point.. @ Delta Perfrct Timing is the Point..
8..16…24 6…is the Equation..

I just bought a coffee it has no 6 on the lid..
L M 1620 F B
/B Fb O2 B P Michelle Lobsinger 57th Street.

1133 Facebook Friend
Cain Eden C E
1157 Emmanuel Kerema.. E K


R O Sullivan R O R O S R S Ravindra Singh
Robert Coffee R C “Reese”
Rober K M R M

4:57 pm

Such Hate…
In response to such an offering of True Love..

I own the Room 4B
Dimension Delta Being
The Book the Akashic Records..
the B E D 5900..
5:00 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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