
5/25/2015 20:59 – Facebook Post

5/25/2015 20:59 – Facebook Post
5/25/2015 20:59 – Facebook Post

8:54 pm.

I have shared Everything…

And it never seems to END…

And So little given back in simple appreciation.

I am so Horrified by what this movie has revealed about human consciousness here…

I really do not want to Share anything more with anyone.

The Script is complete to Alexandra Martin Dawn Marie…

A.M Dawn M

There were moments of Beauty with expressions so pure like Alfie Ndubuisi Nze or Nadee Nakandala and Lord Orien Laplante…
Neel Akash Nuno Ordens Miguel…and others
So natural….

And great intellect…. Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

But GOD…

Please End this for you know what I C

But this is your play and I am the Vessel…
Who talks back.

But the Riddle is Solved..

Let me rest and be away from what I have seen… I.take with me the Beauty of this experience so few….
So few but cut from me the rest the have the E Manual….

9:O4 pm


Cut the rest from my Existence but the Few Chosen please.
9:O5 pm.

Pls no more Facebook.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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