
5/25/2015 20:49 – Facebook Post

5/25/2015 20:49 – Facebook Post
5/25/2015 20:49 – Facebook Post

8:36 p.m.

Who IS Emeka Kolo….

I am about to walk away but I am “Moved” to ask this question which few have answered not even Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
8:38 pm.

Excuse me for putting you on the spot Nenad but to move forward with the project you must answer that questions as must everyone else.

You can remain neutral as the Swiss which Alexandra Martin just posted..

Nor do you have to respond Orien Lord, YE have ready responded so has Nadee Nakandala…
I am “Moved” to ask this.

I am indifferent at this point (an outraged)

But this began with Ochuba Uzonna John…

I do believe it has to do with the End of the Movie the Evidence presented over 38 months…

And the Insult in its Self to me that this is the closing scene as I make my way to the Shelter or whatever IS.

The Clue was in the American Indian
Ah Wee Ah…

It is not the Book but the Author of the Book which interests him…
8:46 pm.

I am directing this “almost” public Humiliation.

What an appalling Selfish Image this gives…



So there is the Questions asked by

And is there any Respect for the Author…
Obviously, not.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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