
5/24/2016 19:00 – Facebook Post

5/24/2016 19:00 – Facebook Post

I am not sure if you can see the Bogumile painting which I am sharing, but I just observed what Izzi Creo “liked’ on my Face Cover image of PAN…
She wrote Bogumile…

Curious, I looked it up… and got this…

Bogumile,Cathars,steale,standing stones, Green Man, Thunder gods

Erin Hilleary evokes with her paint brush an invoked presence and potency of the legendary Bogumiles in this Blood & Honey Icon “Bogumiles-Green Man-Thunder gods.” I

In essence Bogumile is the last of the green men who protect the Mother Earth, and honor the feminine aspects within their male bodies. For females, the Bogumile is representing a masculine aspect that follows the guidance of the divine, her feminine. The steale (standing stones) remains of the Bogumiles in former Yugoslavia, are fundamental South Slavic acts of the potency found in ancestor veneration showing a deep affection for Mother Earth- Mother Nature (termed by Slavs as Baba Yaga)

I just wish to point out Sacred Portal 15…The Jolly Green Giant comes down the Mountain..and the symmetrical perfection of the play moving to Sacred Portal 127..Thor arriving as the symbol of the Royal Epiphany…

And the theme of Thor representing a VI Kingor Nordic equivalent of how Thunder Electricity…

*David David Arro Racz recently sent me a Text image of the Statue of Benjamin Franklyn (Rosacrutionists) which recently toppled and fell over…

It is these connections and then linking, which as early seafaring men and even people of the Earth…Connecting the Dots, reading the Blue Print of the Sky, and the signals of nature, guided by the inner G.P.S..until reaching dry land…

Such has become to me personally..the tedium of this play of landing solid manifestation…
…Instead of going the way of Physical Nature, as the wave band to travel on, it really should have been on the frequency of Naturalness..

Anyway, I just wished to highlight the link between the Harmony still playing out..



7;00 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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