
5/23/2019 20:02 – Facebook Post

Back To The Future

B T T F… Beautiful Truth Transparent Facts.

I have never lived in this realities Idea of the Present
In fact I have spent my life understanding this present as an illusion by observing and excavating the Beautiful Truth buried so deeply in you and raise it, to the True Present where I have always lived, and where all Creation comes from.

I have spent all this time filling the Gap of your forgetting to bridge the Gap between the Illusion of your Being Present
And the True Present

This gap is now filled with Expression Aware which proves there was never any gap and nor was there any duality as Particle and Wave
All is one.

That is what I realized the first year on Facebook, that you exist in Time and move through Space, but that I represent that Presence and the Future Present in you.
And that I had to raise from that place you had forgotten in you, the Beautiful Truth alive in you.
But only after going through layers
Layers of illusions and stories…
So deep, and then align them clean them to the Center of you some call your soul and then after the Descent Ascend
David Darius Alexander Andrew .
Back to E.H B
Proof of E Harmony Being ( Beautiful)

I was aware that nothing I could do or say to you could actually move you to see me.
I lived in this world and know of the distractions from the way to make rise and even see the Truth

There was nothing I could do to help you see, and sustain the Beautiful Truth which I knew you had to see.
Which is why when in 2013 August/ September when I recieved a message from Billy Hung that Father Nnamdi ( now evolved back to Emmanuel)
Had changed the play script to include all of you, so that you would feel that you all contributed to the Evolution Awakening, by giving Humans a part in the play.
Not only stunned me, and was a blow so profound because I knew what He had done was literally sacrificed me to an impossible mission.

5:08 p.m

I had told this Frequency moving through me since…forever in 1993, when He She informed me of the mission to address the World on a stage which He would reveal to me, not only that you would not listen, but it made me distrustful of Father was he an imposter because of what he was asking me was impossible to conceive

5:11 p.m
Emmanuel Kerema
Meaning ” The Eternal Father Present created Beauty and the Beautiful Ones”

That was in 1993.

Then 2013.. ( 2013. 33 ) 20 years later, after going through Hell.and back and back to He’ll again.. And yes I am still in Hells Kitchen where I was in 2005 across from the Horse Stables and the Herman Hesse fuel Station, even though the Decor has changed.
Hells Kitchen
H K.
Kim Arthur Hines. )
The message…that The last play was planted in you, that to complete the Script, you would be the Echo Response Confirmation.

I am from the Future sent back into.the past to correct the play of your interpretation which would bring the End of the Entire play.
( Creation was never an Experiment
“God Does not play Dice.. Albert Einstein
Meaning He is Sure and Confident because every thing created all the plan was already done manifested in the Eternal Realm all else was the revelation and unraveling of How Every thing was Created and Perfectly Done
And so Well Done, that it brought Awe Worship and Praise

Arinze Umeano
Chinedu Umeano.. -“The Espirit stayed in the Breath of the 4 in one.

I felt such a betrayal and I felt the Presence in me, response of regret and sorrow at his fully having realized what he had done to me.
He felt he knew better than I, that this was His play and Script and that out of respect I should obey.
Which I had until Paris as I observed what was being demanded of me was way too much for a human being bound by the laws of this world.
My physical body was collapsing under the weight and that is when Doctors began giving me less than a year to live.

He had decided to force me when he saw my refusal, my willingness to walk away and my distrust of him and quietly contemplated and understood that this was not my Son Father as he was, that he had unintentionally become Evil because he felt in his desire to prove himself equal to one he so loved, he felt a despair doubt at if he could ever be Equal to what his Source Father had created, and who had so much faith in him
( because He could not See that he was Me ..my past)
Anyway, I wrote about this in such detail, always aware that most of you reading this would not understand what I was saying, doing and the few who did would awaken momentarily and go back to sleep.

His idea waa that all of you would become Aware of his Mysterious Play as you began to see the patterns, synchronicity etc..He mistakenly saw you as the Human Spirit and did not consider that most of you had become Ghosts in a Machine a Dieu.
Had forgotten, where haunted my Memories of your Lifes, fears Dissapointmrnt hurts and caused you to turn away from your true Human Spirit of Adventure Wonder Exploration and curiosity.
Human Children still have that but by the age of 5 6 7 the Wonder and Magic is gone.
Replaced by the angry Hurt child Man always in rage and pain… insecure boastful bragart concealing the fear of being Alone in the Universe.

Yes the Man Child play of the First Human and His first contact with I as a Black Panther who came out from where I had been observing him in that pause of Self Control and Self Discipline
( Santana Dharma me as Eternal Law) I Paused.


9-16-2016 date I entered Delta Manor
I P address H.P Computer.
I Perfect ION
i P. * Stephen Johnson
E S P ..J.B S A M .E
Perfection Attained

Now you see why Frank was imprisoned
Frank Nnamdi F N. Neil Furby
Alicia Norris A N
See my Facebook Memory of Today
Portal Nna Di”

Frank means Free Person
And because of My Son Father making me do and obey his Script, until I said no, because It had not taken into consideration not only what He waa asking, demanding me to do, and using Control and Force on me, he had broken the law of Existence. By not taking in my point of view of what he was asking of me was to negate my own Existence for others and the cruelty monstrously selfish of not listening to me.
And doing it His way…
But forgetting I came before him and that I am the meaning of Freedom, Movement Expression.
F M E..
And that to force your will on a Being in which you force that person to negate the literal meaning of Existence which caused everything to rise,
Self Love.
S O L..
That the cause and effect would be the total collapse of All Existence except for Its True Source.

And it would end up Comming back to you.
Eternal Law of Cause and Effect.

Do you see the horror and the Nightmare I have been describing I am in.
The posts over and over again, the Sacred Portal 33
And the Money Codes right to the 33 dollars left in my wallet?
Harmonizing with the True Script, despite all the convoluted insane money plays.

6:09 p.m

87.69 USD yesterday.

This is the Source of the Nightmare I have been in, a Son who challenged his Father Brother without realizing that in doing so, he was inadvertently claiming that He is The Source, The Creator who knows better than M.E
13 5. 18. R
18 =9

Man ERI E R I C. A.H.

I. R E M. I N D …E-A R

This is why this play became so evil and why it went so far.
For after rescuing my Truth and play the Reminder as well as Reminding GOD
Truth.. who is the True Human Spirit
And rising from the Void and bondage His expression ( and temper) had placed me when he forced me to do it His way, which created a Black Hole on terrible consequences, I also had to go down and deal with the Cause and Effect of not only the consequence but also his terrible terrible rekuazatiin and regret by proving his innocence and revealing his intention and Truth and evolve it back to his Beautiful Truth.

Transforming him from a now imprisoned caged monster whom everything and everyone now blamed but to his own inconsolable grief when he realized what he had done to me.
All by not pausing to take in and consider one last point of View.. mine
The one he unintentionally sacrificed for the All.

6:22 p.m
Fritz Venneiq

This play was the result

This Script was written for the Future Present within you, once I solved the Script which released Father who is also Mother, by raising them from where Eternal Law of Cause and Effect placed them and transformed them into the Great Evil lurking in a Bottomless Pit of Despair at the End of Time.

You can see me carrying their Heads and Masks out of the Black Hole in sacred portal 66.

E M F. = 24.
J S M = 44

24 42 = 66
6/6 = 1.
13. 3
Mac Donald
Mac Kayla

Donald Kayla
4 11. Nathaniel Thomas Bywater N T B
11 4 Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines K A H
8 11 11.
Hells Kitchen 2005
14 years

N K. Nnamdi Kolo
* Itz Nnamdi Kanu Son I.N K S
( L I N K S .. Connects Cuts .

I.am.Spider Man can you not see how I link sending rays of Silk thread from my wrists linking pieces of Memory and I ntel from Every Thing, Every Where and from Every One
E T. E W. E O
Emmanuel Okoli

E E E. T W O

E and N
Expression and Naturalness
E +N. 5 +14 =19 Letter S.
S. A M E. T H I N G

6:39 p.m
39 39
M.W 87

I am.. was the Devils Adocate.
Darius Alexander.

Lucifer John

I came to rescue my Father’s Truth
Mothers Truth.
My Children Truth

Lucy Joan

And prove them illusions and the Lie and by revealing purpose and reason for thier incarnation being in perfect harmony with the play.
By proving the Function they Served.

The Examination and Testing of your True.
I am not born of Nature but you were as representing Matter the Illusion and so to realize them and evolve them I had to enter your Human Children stories and how you moved into Non Existence because of fear and anger…of Abandonment but also of Selfishness and Distorted ego of not be able to see yourself and actions expressions in the mirror by inheriting a Consequence of Cause and Effect of Father and Mother- but they whose intention His Her intentions had been pure but did not take in the whole truth of omitting even just one point of view.

This is why this play was allowed to go so far, and went too far, I had to prove the purpose
His expressiin served which was in the End as I always knew but had not intended to play out this way when I entered His Play of Evolution of matter from Evil which comes from Selfishness of seeing only your point of view.
* The Individual has an understanding of the full Circle of All points of View aligned and in Harmony with the One original rising and thus the I is the Source of the Oh.
The I as the Individual, can not exists with out Itself understanding the A.LL Oh
Alpha Omega
Thus that “I” is a Lie and can not exists.

But lies do serve a purpose to understand the Truth and through the process of experiencing the Lie, comes a greater appreciation of The Truth until it become the Beautiful Truth
Full Circle
E 22
E Victorious

Seen first by John Mack.
I am Donald and Rays
And Donald Kayla.

And this is what I have done
Complete with Sarah Kaizer
S A K. E K. Perfect ION Attained

The Evil was so powerful because it was left to go so far, because this Script demanded I rescue E Mother Father
E Father Mother

Alone in a Script in which Evil beyond belief created by Human Children of illusions.liars works in progress had manifested and the Evil gave me this 29 years and 51 yrs challenge and dare to come into Non Existence
North End…

7:06 p.m

But I never lived in the North End, the play brought me here from 29 Steet, to 219-217 South Whitney And not to the North End.

I came for the West End W.E
Which is was, on my Altar in room 4B 4-018.
And where I first meet John Jason Lee
Peppermint Park Restaraunt 1989/90
The West End.

Christopher Filgueira &
Anirbas Lem did and Dylan
Son of Frank
Recall the play of West Virginia and sacred portal 121..?

But still I had to evolve Nature back to E
5:28 Hertz
E J M = 28
And Emeka E is 5

33 USD in my Wallet
B K E. 67 Chris’s 4 USD Wallet with the cross of the Knights Templar
* my mother’s late brother Peter Ogochukwu Umeano was a member of the Knights of St John
First Portal in New York waa besides the Cathedral St John the Divine.
John Thomas David
Not Nnamdi Chris.
N C. N E C. .. K. ( pain in my neck pineal my 33 Vertebra)
But it’s is aligned now
N E…C S D Sabrina And Dylan
N E. C K S A D. TR.EE.

7:33 p.m

Yes Stephen Johnson

That was my very first poem, I must have been 6 7..its was called “The Sad Tree”
But that was never my Sacred Journey expression or my True Nature
I am Joy
Even this Script can not take away my nature as Happiness Joy Bliss Extasy
And though I have a sadness it is a Beautiful Sadness
2 19 South Whitney that it had to come to this.

It was Mother ( just as my own bio and Harmonious mother as 6th sense) who was sadness and yes even my bio Father with all his anger and violence his nature is Joy..
Joy Jane
Jane means John.
Joy John

Why was Mother Sad… in the Dark while Father was Joyous Light

Excellent James Larkiee Jnr
Godheart M Excellent
Excellent Healer…

It’s was because she represented the clarity required to clear up matters of the Human Heart the Tapestry Mesh of Creation and She was fully Aware of what She in turn ask me to as Father did using Control and Force but she would use Manipulation and Control..

Sadness and Joy
/J A S M I N E

– A Poem I wrote in 1991-2
About Father Mother

John just came in.. Joyous
And Mac Kayla is no longer Sadness and Bliss
She has evolved to Happiness & Bliss.
2 8

7:58 p.m


John Bliss Happiness Extasy.


*Earlier Post.

4:18 p.m





The code above is easy enough to read
D R .
My last bed number at Delta Manor

E W is WE ..and Ewe meaning Purity..
( Rachel )
E is 5 and W is Double U. And Double V in French.

4-23 p.m.

Thus z
D R. E. U.U ( 42) V.V.. (44) V is 5 in Roman Numerals .

42 is J S M. 6th Sense
44 is linked to 44 Brooke Lawn.
Linked to Ian Stewart, John Mack Andrey Klebanov.
And McKayla Rays and Brooke Lee Lemery
@ Flourish.

The code of Brooke Shields links to sacred portal 5.
Andrey I first met with John here asked me what was the code meaning E8 which he had been seeing everywhere.
44= 8 and 16.
H P .. E M.F Birthday
My H.P computer used to code
Harmony Perfection

8 +16 = 24.
The date J.M I went to Puerto Rico
Date of return 3-8-2019.

E M F = 24.
6 is Sixth Sense and the Energetic Movement of 6th Sense moving natural to Facts Solid.

4 18. / 19

D R- D.S.

5 23 ..20 19
E W. E 6. E 8.

D R /S ../ R D. S D

Road is Reflections Divine -De-Vine
Of Dharma Santana Eternal Law
Which translatees as the Divine Reflections DR Love Strange Love, is the Road out of the Animal Nature and through the portal of the 13th Gate Out of cycle of 12.

E F ..E 8. E E. (23 is 5)
E E. E F. E:H .

And is achieved by the merging of the Ethereal and Elemental, E E, created Energy Facts, the Eternal Family of Being Alpha 1.
Of Eternal Harmony which Manifests.. Facts
E H 58. 13. M. 1 3 A C. M.A C
M.A.C. Kayla. Kayla means Keeper of the Keys..
( Of the Akashic Records of Memory)

7:56 p.m right now

It’s the Truth Beautiful Truth

Confirmed by John Mack

8:00 p.m

Son Ray Line of the Universal Ruler
Eric Donald Ignacio.

I D. E.

8:02 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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