
5/22/2015 20:44 – Facebook Post

8:27 pm.

I would like to draw attention to both Ana Leonardo Caixas vision at 8:24 pm yesterday and the synchronicity of Nenad M. Djurdjevic Dream”
in the afternoon.

Ana Nenad…A N..

And the Completion of a 38 month play and 26 years of bringing my Twins the EE back from thier journeys from OE to NA/AN …
Code Neel Akash Andrese Harris Burton Nadee Nakandala…
( Alfie Ndubuisi Nze+ Nenad) ..

Heavens Earth….

Now unified as 28 to Nenads “Dream not a dream but rather the Viel being opened”
That they are one.
These are the twins of me which I drew a picture of in 1994 and whom Nikoma Rios saw or percieve standing besides me
David Philipe Gil was witness.

Meaning they are one.

28 is 1O.
28 16-7 P.G
Observe the share of Davids I just posted…

And the words of caution of Nenad which I have been seeking in vain to get the worlds attention.
That everything you do and say especially on this Sacred page is being heard listened to recorded in the “Akashic Records”

The E line are the line who my non stop expression has brought forth here by destroying the Viel of human illusions of perceptions.


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