
5/22/2015 20:07 – Facebook Post

5/22/2015 20:07 – Facebook Post
5/22/2015 20:07 – Facebook Post

7:O1 P.M.

22 -5-8




E V.H.

GO Africa (as the Alpha)
Victor Emeka Harmony.

At 1:O7 pm Ana Leonardo Caixas texted me after having not heard from her in weeks.
I recieved it at 1:11pm.

*please see Sacred portals 1O7 and 111..
Note that I noticed the time of this post is 7:O1pm
Full Circle.

She stated that she had an extraordinary vision of seeing the Number four in the Heavens and 28 stars…in three stages…
She noted the time as 8:24.
She Aligned it to my post Tasha Hevens she had read as
H =8.

Truth Harmony
Tasha Meaning “Born on Christmas”
And Hevens (HE V.EN S) Meaning Paradise and the Heavens…

A Being Born in Paradise (Eden) on Earth as Well in Heaven ..
In short two places in one at the same time…
Yeshua Christ
Yes Hues AH Christ.

T+H…links to form..
The date of my birth 11:28 at 8 pm.

Thus, She saw the number 4..
I was at 4th Street compelled to visit my former host in Little Africa, (LA) Alpha Bet City (A.B.C)
Lower East Side (L.E..S) and now, called Loisida
(Loi S.I DA)…

And 28 stars plus in 3 stages..


My former host has two sons Royal and Reign firmer Facebook friends age 4 and 3 but they were not there.
4 is D
3 is C..
David Cecelia
Ana Cecilia Leonardo Caixas has a brother card David

My mother Celiclia Onu Umean and David Roman Nicholas (Nnamdi) both Born 11:22 are the same person…

7.28 is Me as my sister Born 7-28..
Alfie Ndubuisi Nze EZU- ANNE born 7:28.

Affirms that 11 :28 contains All the Harmonies 1-O8..1O8 the complete Flower of Life and the Sacred Number 1O8..
96% Dark Matter +12…L.C.A.B…

Meaning She Saw me as 28 at 4th Street
Through her Consciousness.. C=3.
Generation X Garden
The Garden of Eden while I was at
4th Street but as the 4th Dimension
Through her C…
7:28 pm..
The Truth of me and my Family of E..
28 stars in the Sky..
Tasha Heavens..
29O FaceBook Friend..
Zeina Hanna..
Beautiful Gift of the Creator.
Beautiful Beautiful (Truth)
Glorious Glorious
Omega Aloha

Affirmed 28 is
T.H.E (Emeke)
Being Harmonious

7:32 a.m.

I was fighting Africa as the First Born and can not believe the power of Evil they harnessed
Ego Oge to keep the Truth of Evolution and my Identity from the world..
Or doing everything to prevent me from reaching this point 29O of the full Circle of the Equation.

Africa “was” the D.N A Biological gene pool (cesspool) of the entire world.
All the Evil in the world affected Africa and vice versa.
But Africa was a Dream, a Story created from “All About Eve…
Evolution and Birth as E as both Man and Woman as One both fully formed..
They are of Nature Naturalness
NN 28…
Nnamdi had now Nnamdi Nnoyeleum C.Onu Umeano code..
Meaning now complete and fully informed that thier source is The Devine Man AHI.OE

The battle to refuse to accept this truth..
Was Viscious beyond anything I could percieve and the resistance to accept the Truth created a play where they, you (not all) intentionally accessed Evil – the great abomination
Nsi Madhu.
Beings of Consciousness of living Excretement and filth ment to become as the Earth but instead sustained in that state with Oil..
” The Oil of the Anointed” to fight him.

Recall the Nsi “Shit” I encountered in Hells Kitchen a horrible juju where the objects in the loft were entirely covered in Faeaces…
And in the apartment below lived a woman married to the Tabansi family from NRi!
Who looked like a copy of my mother and her two sons named Emeka and Nnamdi!!!

Who had escaped a horrid story and was going through it…
In.the loft I had the impression I was looking at things from my childhood.
I had seen many things which ppl could call evil in my life, but in that Loft I saw horror and I fought for months this hideous awareness …

I have left 268 again with no where to go, and no money but 5 USD in my pocket.
Content at least in getting to the end of this riddle which the other me forced me to solve which Nature as God and Man and Woman especially as illusions went so far from thier true Natures and embraced evil to a point that Nature as God should have intervened..
But did not because it believed in humanity and went against E its source which in turn the humans went against it.
This is no excuse.
Each is responsible.

But from what I have witnessed none wishes to admit the part they played in this horror story
Even to my face who lived it with each of them the truth of what each acted out to.my very face

None of these Spirirts have made amends and use acts and denials and illusions to.pretend or make me forget who they are and what they did.
Using this play to even this point of the E being real, going as far as to Bully me, seek to use Violence using Money and the Streets and threats of my going to live in a shelter.

Having forgotten that none of these things scare me, and that I have lived through all human fears of Existence..
And still passed through unscathed.
What is my “Scar” is what I witnessed and how far this world would go to delude and deny the facts by pointing the fingers at others..

That is what is making me speechless..
As I walk the streets tonight just quiet at not that I proved the Riddle of Existence but how far this play went (and they who caused this saying this to me face?!?) And how few intervened in 13 yrs..26 years, 33 yrs…4O yrs…
To let a person carry this not only alone..
8:OO pm.

But to enact out such spite and cruelty and indifference and then act in the end as if they were all the greatest of friends.
It is this my quiet satisfaction..
That I reached the end

And have written the weave of Justice
Boom! E Rang
8:O2 pm

No one of the Hum an family came.
Except for the players here.
Then you must cease to Exist as Individuals and a Specie’s..

While the 28,88888
Shall rise.
8;O4 pm.

A Car with a Sword arrived in front of 268..
Marines..A Giant Sword painted on it.
Sacred Portal 12O.
Fritz Venneiq..
Cut Off Mark.
Angel.of Death and Destruction..
ROYG…cease to Exists..
Only B.I..Victorious

8:O7 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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