
5/21/2020 20:39 – Facebook Post

5/21/2020 20:39 – Facebook Post
5/21/2020 20:39 – Facebook Post

6:22-23 p.m
F V. F.W.

E U 2020 Vision


I am sitting here, once again calmly mastering my Nervous System and my being, as I witness the literal unraveling of my body.
The Muscles
17 years.
And the by Objective, observation of the Absolute Cruelty of this play, my life which no one except Liberty C Liscomb was given proof of, just how Cruel and Viscous this play is…
The demands made, the challenges created to solve.

I had long since become resigned to the fact that even that I a vindicated and the truth manifests finally for all of you to see, that when I rise, and the family rises that I will never ever be as I was.

But the Trust in Creation for allowing such a play to go so far, to creare such an impossible play and force a person to walk through is absolute.

6:31 p.m

Day after Day for 27 years, a life time I have fought, then tried to walk a way, when I saw just how evil this play is.

And as I sit here, struggling to not see the depth of callousness, the sheer abomination of what I have been made to do, I sit in quiet.
I was correct, I never lied, why am I still in this position of slavery, and forced to witness daily the intent and proof that this was all deliberate, each play, each scene, each encounter..
All the woes and curses placed on me for telling the truth.
And as I sit here on Liberty’s Deck, no one knowing me, the anonomity and no matter what I am feeling, enduring how it is ignored as if even as a man.. I do not exist my feelings emotions do not matter, as long as I code, use my ” Talent” to complete the most Evil mission forced every single day.

Who cares?
Isn’t it all about Sacrifice one for the Greater good.

And when its all said and done, and all these people who conveniently forget all the things they said and did, before gamely seeing I told the truth.
.. thier cruelty, of acting as if what they said did and expressed no longer exists, but of course that is because they have forgotten how I fought them with Beauty Grace and Ferociousness, and that is why they now can see.

Appreciation Gratitude?
No, they pretend to, but in truth, their pride and even some, their sense of shame and embarrasement of the horror they really were and that resentment in feeling ” obligated” to me.

No, I was aware that would be too late, that by the time people finally got it, it would be too late.
That every hurt, knife in the back, all the cruelties would be endured and transformed by me first before the Truth would manifest.

6:47 p.m

But This Force would have succeeded in doing this to me till the very end to get what it wants.

I find myself having to post here, because there is no one I can truly pour out my heart and true feelings to.. anf even that was intentional.

6:50 p.m

It was designed that way.

Can you imagine such a realization?
Not being told the Whole Truth.. just bit by bit, for 27 years…
Each knowing how it ends, where it ends and knowing that this was designed intended for you to live.

That is why each day, I wake up here, I have to struggle to remind myself, that I was forced into this role and the Truth, Twin of Love has betrayed its Source for allowing such a play where the only source of Truth Consciousness Love is the One who defines it.
Meanwhile, I have experienced, with it made private true Hate and Cruelty.

How is it possible..
To be allowed to go so far, such a story of such futility.. and an exercise in futility.

But its my Body, what is happening to it.
Which reminds me that none of this was done by my Free Will, or Choice.
And knowing this, proving this Impossible to this very moment is the proof and that I told the Truth.. as well as the Truth of what Creation proven to Perfection did and could do.

I would have left the world to face whatever consequences it deserved, and yes, I may have chosen to intervene, to contribute my knowing and knowledge but by choice.

And forced to be aware of the micro micro invisible yet so visible thread which links them all, by being constant and constantly reminded that I am in a play theater on the Astral Plane and in the realm of peoples Thoughts made manifest while walking in a Simulation Awareness I had to prove alone and meet designated peolple.

A play just took place now, Jeron threw his ball and it went past the railings to land in the sloping field.

I had been posting…

Liberty came in with Jeron who kept looking up and grinning each time I thought of him, or my thoughts and reflections on this page, he would grin and laugh.

A.J just came in.. we played awhile, until I do believe that both of them sensed I was in physical discomfort.
Baby Jeron made his protest and left.

I do not know what made me take baby down the slope, or even if I trusted my body to at least give me the semblance of control.
But off we went, my mind casting a net on my E.M.Field.
There were two basket balls, from which I knew were Ardens, but he had not left them carelessly outside.
Some else had and had not retrieved them.

So, I also decided to catch two birds with One Stone.
So Jeron and I, ventured into the wilderness, retrieving his small orange red ball..
With the Letter M.
I headed for the Basket Balls ( with Jeron giving directions and commands pointing and bark-Squealing ” Get it”

That is when I began to recollect the Ball M

Libery came out to the Deck- ” Oh thats where you are Arden will take the Baby after you have finished playing”
As we made our way back, dizziness a wave hit me, I dropped Jeron giving him his ball as he stepped inside.
Arden was waiting,
I bounced the Ball, from outside, Jeron bounced it to Arden who was standing in front of the computer screen.

Big Orange red basket Ball.
Small ball with letter M

There was another Faded Basket Ball, closer nestled by a Log.
I tried to retrieve it but two Big Basket Balls a small one, a 14 month old Baby and my pants sagging proved too much and the newer ball rolled.back down the hill..
I sighed and we retrieved it.

When Jeron had first rolled the ball over the Edge, I had loudly proclaimed He must be crazy if he thinks I am going to go down and get it” I told him.
“Manyana” I said, wanting to simply end this post.
Its not what I had really wished to say.

7:58 p.m

But sitting here, moments later, I paused in quiet to reflect.. Was that not a play which took place.
Two Big Basketballs stored by a Tire Rim, taken from their secure place, but not by me.

8:00 p.m

I know who it belongs to, and his Spirit as mine, I knew what he felt when he came out, to see the two balls scatered.
He had just walked away and I had called out just before their location which he saw at the same time I spoke.
It was also the day he had spoken about Beauty.
Perfectly at code 85 likes 3 comments.
Post 1:47 p.m

111.. the Schumann Resonance 11O
Sacred Portal 11O
E Family
First and Last.

I had noted it that day, and again ..
One rests near safely by Log a Fallen Tree.

Yes Link Tree Sage photo of himself on a Large Tree Stump.

8:06 p.m

One recovered twice with a small ball same color with the letter M.
13 Recall that play a few weeks ago.

8:07 p.m right now with

From.E to J to A
And the Two Big Basketballs
One Recovered and the other near the Log of a Fallen Tree.. A MAN. Nephilim Titan of Beauty on.the rings of a tree- is a record of all its Time on Earth where its rose.

M .. J
M. E
M .J
M. A.

M was how my day began.

The ball.
The little Orange Brick colored ball same color as the Lighter I am using..

I found the M ball with Jeron a La Crosse Ball
Baby J found it and threw it from just inside the glass door to.the terrace..
To Arden

And thrice they came out to play.
First with Jeron pointing to his rainbow ball, Arden retrieved and decided to fill with Air, from an Air pump Jeron had been playing with, which I told him where it was the last time, that it was with Jeron and ended up finding in the Kitchen floor.
The ball was pumped and what was soft, was now hard.
Not like as the small Lacross ball which requires no Air.
But the Two Big ones are filled by Arden as well as the rainbow one… bounces

Now, Orange or Brick is The Second Color as R O. Y G B IV
O is a Full Circle and after O Perfect Symmetry it is Y. Yellow. 25th letter.

Now, see what I was saying, just before I was spirited away into The Play of Awareness Supreme E line.

Do you see, what I have to be aware of, link decode while my body is in sane.

Air Pump.
Two Big Balls.
One HARD E N. LA Cross-e ball letter M.
And the Rainbow Ball pumped
And conclusion Arden and Jeron at the Wheel Rim where the Balls are usually safely kept.

Its my most Sacred Truth of my journey and Intentions which was to restore my Guide Father Sums Beautiful Truth.
M.Y. E
I did this for him, only him because I understood my Self.
And I recognized his exemplification is Beautys Truth.
The Examples of how to be in Existence
Consider and Think.. Pause to consider such self actions, of one who created the way to Be and think, the Principal of Existence.
Rep in Arden

8:29 p.m

Before you gain Freedom.and Libery to ascend you must understand the truth of Attitude Manners and Behaviour to everyone..
With respect for your fellow Man Woman Child Youth Creation.

Respect is taking a moment to consider anothers point of view, and to act on it even enhance it, because its is the Beauty of Truth.
I did this for him her.. but not this script or for the people
But for the Beautiful Invincible Truth and on attaining it as I have, so do my E Family First Family and Last also rise.

But see what, I was given, to link see and prove 2020 Vision
2020 HIndsight

To this degree..

Cruelty was not my destination nor was He She or MY E who did this to me, its those out of thier minds, adults like abnormal babies creating horror and fear. And Self Entitlement

A S. E.

E.A.J- J A E
Full Circle
Complete at
E M. A A M E

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