
5/21/2016 2:28 – Facebook Post

5/21/2016 2:28 – Facebook Post


9;28 p.m.


Hi… lets get back to the play…

I have quite a few Face Book Friends…
and thus would like to hear what the Energy of Existence has to say…

Which as most of my Face Book friend know is based on the meaning of each Face Book Friends name and the codes which they represent…

I..(We) are now at 634 Face Book Friends…
F.C.D…Fact 3-4…Fact Compact Disc.. Is a Song…
Izzy is here..with a book about the author who investigated the concept of Kolo…The Dance, the Wheel the Axel of Love…
Axel Love…”Axel Anderson…

The Book is called Blood Honey.. B.H…
Yes, notice the Symmetry which the Time and the title of the book…

Blood Honey The secret Herstory of Women South Slavic Womens Experiences, in moder day territorial Warfare…
By Danica Anderson… (Yes.. Axel Anderson)
Da Enlightens…

I spoke of Izzi Creo’s eloquent expression of the Kolo Dance…
First mentioned by Nenad M. Djurdjevic when he responded to my question as to if anyone knew who I was undercover.. which only two people responded Lord Orien Laplante and Lord Li ( Ye)
Beauteous Beam .. BB..
A Lord Ye (Li) who simply posted five images from my albums where I had placed the codes of my own secret I.D..
He found all 5 and even my female representation…

Nenad responded by posting on my Birthday the code of my names including the meaning of Kolo in Slav..
Which linked to the “Beau-Gens” the Beautiful Ones which is how the French ( Connoisseurs of Beauty) called them,
Which linked us to Donna O’Sullivan and her Mother Ruth and her ancestry…

And of course, ,most are aware of my describing in detail my journey of 27 years, of finding myself on a Wheel of Energy which moves me faster on a path and a course, which I simply could not get off of…
Moving through every part of my body and my life…
And how I came down into Miami through the portal of the number 27 stamped on my Ticket… and the Gate way 27.. to Miami..
A Full Circle of Symmetrical perfection…
To visit Erik Ebright whom I had not seen in 10 years and to find myself Full Circle in the play of the past…

And how I met Izzi and a non stop parade of beings…
Robert,Said, Izzi Creo Funday Sunday, Melissa Aldana Willy Hanes and more all linked to the play…
And Erik;s extraordinary Air B and B.. It all forms a code.. it all forms a story which at this point, I no longer wish to expand upon.

There is enough evidence here for my older Face Book Friends who have been following this play to understand that which I have been demonstrating and conveying…

I would like to welcome my latest Face Book Friends…

Anamla Qayin.. A.Q
Anthony John… A.J..
Izzi Creo… I.C
Funday Sunday F.S
Melissa Aldana M.A
Giovanni Moreno Villamizar..G.M.V.
Seriki Ahmed S.A.
Yara Pirk.. .. Y.P.
Joyce Sanders J.S
Daniel Mabiel….D.M


A.Q…A.J.I.C…F.S..M.A..G.M.V…S.A.Y. P.J..S.D..M

12:38 a.m.

It is a code I can break break down into meaning and I will…

But I will simply start by saying I three of my latest face book friends I have met…. Funday Sunday flew in from New York, and I met her first through the Izzi Creo showed me a video of her preforming..
She missed her flight to New York which enabled us to have a fascinating conversation when Izzi brought her here to Eriks Casa…

It was the information which she confirmed,which was extraordinary…Which made perfect sense why we met…
She represented the Sacred portal 98/89..Diamond Hearing..
and took a photo with Erik Ebright which where there each stood besides a portal with a diamond in the center… The similarity was astounding…
And her energy and quite serene beauty was astounding…
She was giving evidence of what she represented because she could listen.. She could listen and she could Hear with Diamond Hearing, very much as Erik Ebright does…
And she then told me a story of how she which simply affirmed all that so beautifully that I understood the E.E. F.S..Had affirmed the consciousness of E.S.P…

Then I Melissa Aldana spoke to me, and told me her story…. in it she spoke of A great Wolf…
A great of Immense power and Darkness…I knew that it was Fenrir…
And she showed me a painting she had made of him…and herself as a girl…
And she spoke of how came to her and when she had no fear, how it stayed with her awhile until She was ready… and then He came no more…
She had begun calling me Omega..Mega… believing that that was my name and then on discovering that it was not… declared it the energy she sensed in me as well as that of the great World who come to her from lets say the Spirit Realm.

I have found myself strangely speaking to so many people, each with extraordinary stories…
Life stories… And yes, even after all this time, it is strange hearing such candid expression of peoples most intimate life stories…
But this time I do not wonder why..
I observe the Energetic Truths, of what their expression seek to convey to me, what their Spirits “Ancestor, and Ancestral Spirits seek to convey… “Cinco De Mayo” May 5th.. 5-5… E.E..

And then I observe their “Physical Expression” the one which exists right here and now….

E.S.P..and then I observe the alignment… to what the person is projecting…
I have found here that the three lines Align in all…

But I have found only a very few whose “Ego” projections are aligned with their E.S.P…
Meaning that I have found that not many people aligned to such a supernatural degree, are aware that what they say and project creates an imbalance in that perfect alignment of the three realms so aligned in them,,
That they are not aware that their Expression has been warped or tarnished by their Emotional Experience…

Tarnished does not mean that they are not perfectly aligned to the Energy Realm the Spirit Realm and the Physical realm..
But rather that certain experiences the each went through…
And there is no denying that each experience recounted was intense…
Nor did any of them dwell of this truly dramatic experiences…
But I saw that those experiences had not been resolved to the space of evaporation of the Emotion of that experience…

1;11 p,m

I met and had one who is a school teacher from Vienna…
Who looks so deceptively fragile, yet whose will made me smile…
She left home and 14… twice..and made her way through the world by the age of 17 traveling, getting her degrees, becoming in the end a teacher. Who inspired respect from the Inner City kids and the world of the Ghetto…
There is a loveliness about her no nonsense approach to reality.. She Understood the Physical Realm as well as the Spiritual realm…
But it was not a thing which made her afraid…
She recalled an experience with the Spirit world…
She was aware that it was from the Spirit world and she recognized it and dealt with it the same way she would deal with the physical realm…
She first of all called the ‘authorities’ in this case it could not be the police, so she simply investigated how to more about the Spirit realm. which in her no nonsense way she had already established existed…
Then she called upon God… Who she also said, was a very hard worn battle to for her to acknowledge until he proof became incontestable…
And with that she appealed for it to intervene//
stating that all the Physical realms and Spiritual realms she could bypass ( and that she was aware that those two realms would have to acknowledge that she could appeal to that which they too must all answer to…)

Energy I said I call God Conscious Energy…Intelligent
Yes, she replied, almost nonchalantly….
And then she gave me concrete evidence based on her own empirical factual experience that, that conscious and intelligent force responds…

1:21 p.m

She did not have to convince me…
but I could not tell her, that It is the Energy i am aware which is causing people even here to speak to me and reveal their most sacred Truths…

Then she walked away and came back to say…

If I met and E.T today and Extra Terrestrial being, that she would ask Him or her if they could help her, with money or any problem which she is dealing with while having to deal with in this life…

I would not be afraid.. Why should I?

I would be afraid only if it gave me a reason to be afraid…

Today was 5-20-9…


Common Sense.. Fearless..
And it was no surprise that deep inside and within me.. my conversation with her made me Feel warm inside…

And yet what I observed from the Others… was just how easily Harmony can me missed, by simply not focusing on the positive reason people come together…or the Riddle of why each has converged together at the same point..
How not communicating.. no matter how conscious you are can make you not see the Harmony right before your very eyes…
But then if you can not communicate and create at least the seeds of Harmony around you and come back to see them flourishing..
If a household is not able to erupt in Harmony.. Which is a song…
Putting the Music of “Kolo’ to words… which convey the meaning of the song which as you dance, the Music as wells as the Words and the Meaning of the Song and Dance.. S.D.. ..S.A.D. move through your being conveying cleaning raising reminding you…
That that horror you went through is important, that your feelings are important..
But that it was not happening to you.. it was the experience of a World imposed and thrust upon you….
A world and species going insane….Deceived Hurt…. Lashing out…

Then no matter what you will always carry that S.A.D ness within you..that sense of betrayal in you no matter how much work each person does.. and says I am over it.. Learn the lesson and now I have moved on…
But you have not… not really…
Because if you have you would recognize that there is no majestic symphony rising, as you move through life…
There is no song in your voice and expression which makes people involuntarily go A.H…
There is no Beauty, no Symmetry…no patience to simply listen to yourself as you speak to others.. pausing to hear them song of Ah you have made rise in them in self recognition..
As Ana Leonardo Caixas experienced of ‘i know the words of that song’

I find that now I understand

1:47 p.m…

…The difference between those who are pure beings of Destruction but who can not be of Creation…
Creation is Harmonies… Creation is a Song…

To destroy is so easy for this species… to destroy the truth of others…
See it on my Face Book play… see it in the expression of Thomas J Brock…
So easy I have observed to reach for the power of Destruction…
Rather than Creation….
Which is why Creation does come First… Creation Destruction…
C.D.. Is the code…
But Energy is released by both Creation and Destruction.. Balanced…

I came through this portal already aware that that I would be passing through the K.O… Knock Out.. the Dimensions of Destruction…
But to Destruction you must have mastered Creation…
Thus C.D..3 4 7 12… A green carpet was bought for the space out back where I am meant to be sleeping.. it is 7 by 12… 19 84…
Said measured it, Erik bought it and Melissa and I conversed.. but I chose the color Dark Green…

It was laid out yesterday…

1:55 p.m.

C.D/D.C… 3 4-4-3….The C.D… Compact Disc is of Divine Creation…
And Divine Creation 3 44 3…3 8 3…See Sacred Portal 383.. Which I posted again after Nenad M. Djurdjevic intel before I left to Miami….

That is the Balance of principles in Symmetrical Perfection of the Full Circle.. Creation Destruction Destruction.. Creation emerges….

See sacred Portal 34.. Weed…. See sacred portal 43.. True Life…
and observe that they are both one and the same…

P.S.. Giovanni Moreno Villamizar I sent me a code which has been appearing in his dream…
Some one else asked me a question but first by insulting me and my intelligence first… to which I have sent Fenrir Energy to respond…
The energy of Non existence only responds to a person who has embodied its energy to such a degree that it recognizes its source…
You can no command it.. nor make it do what you want it to do..
because It IS you…
Its will and yours are one…

But Giovanni Moreno Villamizar asked me in the way which I would like to respond despite my exhaustion of these really cruel and to my personal experience… evil play..

And why I stayed on so long…
Read the meaning of Kolo… as well as O’Kolo..

But my name K.O.L.O….Actually means .
K.O…12O…See Sacred Portal 12O….
Orien Laplante O.K… O.L.O.K..I…/
I K.O.L.O…
11 O…12 O.. 33 O2… 6-9 O2….O3…F.O2…I.O2…

2:10 p.m.


Father of Fenrit Hel and Jorgumudr… H.F.J….E -H.F.J… E 86 10…

O Rien (Nothingness with or without Somethingness)
La-Plant E…


Yes… 6 34 Face Book Friends.. 6th Sense C.D….Creation and Destruction…
Two Songs merged into one to manifest in the End one outcome… C..Creation Full Circle of O..E-E.S.P…I..RIT..Z
And everything else… ceases to Exists…

I will do the codes later….of the names and the initials…
But you will see.. it will be an affirmation confirmation… of what I have decoded…
This play has made Fenrir Hel and Jorgumdr real…

2:21 p.m.

But yes, yes… I am fully aware that most will not take this seriously until it is too late…
Which obviously since I am here in the Heart of the “Spirit World”
and based on a play which took place here today…
It is already way to late…now,

2;23 a.m..

The Elegant Nomad is not mad..
I and the E line.. are Truly, truly, truly Pissed Off…

A bid difference…

There is no Spirit world or physical world…
there is only the realm of EEEB… to infinity 3 8 3…

Good night..

Voodun and Vibrations has its Source too…

But it would appear.. that they truly forgot that Truth is real and responds…

2:27 am..

Easter Day..was the 27th..
27 Days Later…
27 Years Later…

72 cards in the Taroh..

2:28 a,m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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