
5-20 p.m

5-20 p.m


6-7-9… F.G.I…Favors Grace I..C

7-6-9… G.F.I…7 is 69..15…O…54…O.D.E…

Grace Favors Infinity ..C..O.D.E….

I Have a new Face Book friend, Nwakamma Udochukwu


Naturalness Universe- Universal Nature.

I am surprised to find myself still being impulsed by Nature and its corresponding frequency…

Reflected in the post of Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…

O.J.A…A Face Book friend who has been witness to my posting on Face Book, after leaving Green Street on April 5th ( Code Nnamdi-E, 4-5/5-4-69..)

Where I had returned to 26-8 E 4th street, as if summoned…

And from which I made contact by chance’ with the late professor Catherine Acholonu They Lived Before Adam’- who was then holding her own on a public forum against a vehement display of Intellectual and racial supremacists…

And from which on July 4th 2012, I traveled to Forte Lauderdale Florida and Miami..


And four years later I am here in Miami Florida.. M.F..

Morgan Freeman.. code 4-27…D.O.B…6-1-37…F.A..C…G..

Morgan Freeman was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on June 1, 1937. He is the son of Mayme Edna (née Revere; 1912–2000), a teacher,[5] and Morgan Porterfield Freeman,[2] a barber who died on April 27, 1961

May-Me Edna…88… M.E….. 88 is 16..7… (Mayme- Mary Myrh

Edna means The name Edna is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Edna is: Rejuvenation, pleasure; delight. Derived from the same word as the biblical Garden of Eden.

Morgan means Circle…

Circle is M.E…Myrh ‘ The Beloved Garden of Eden, O.E..Eternity

*I have 61 Dollars in my pocket and Erik Ebright got me a phone which has a Memphis Tennessee number…

His Father died 4-27-61…(Morgan Porterfield Freeman..M.P.F)

the same date as the birth of Eriks Father as well as Donna’s Father, and the very date which I left 18 Mountain View after exactly 9 months…

And 26 Days in Alpha bet city..

And on the 27..made my way to Miami Florida.. M.F.

To meet up with the one person I had been led to after 5 years in New York..who was Awake to the awareness of what I call the E consciousness..

Evolved and the evidence of which was I found out in Hindsight, if he had sustained it..

I had stated publicly Y.E.S…despite the appearance by others who could not see or understand that state of being and consciousness..

Finding myself defending and proving the consciousness of the E.T..

E.L.. is the Supreme Consciousness and Frequency of Existence…

And yet, once more I find myself being dragged from the E Consciousness back to the story of the most ancient past and Human First Contact with their Future Presentor Eternal Selves…

The Beautiful ones meeting the Human living in Plato Cave Allegory.. But in this instance, come out to meet the light Beings of Consciousness which began a migratory experience, through the activation through Body- The Bean, Mitochondra D.NA which creates Energy which fuels the Body. and the migratory experience of Mind and Being called traveling through Space…

Body -Time


And the consequent meeting of the Two, Past and Future, really all becoming one Circle of the Present..

A Full Circle which represents in this World as well as in the ONE 5th Dimension…


See code O Rien La Plant E (Spy..Mole- deep undercover)

Was Morgan Freeman and his ancestors Igbo?

Or from O.NRI… The beings of literal memory and embodiment of the full Circle of Memory as this Face Book play reveals…

Considering the Amazing Riddle of Yesterday ‘There are no mistakes!

And suddenly, I am back at the Ascended Master called the romantically the Nri Peaceful Warriors…Ambassadors of the Light who live simulatenously in this World and the Espirit World..

And who through memory, have conquered Life as well as Death…

Tibetan Book of Living and Dying…

Nwakamma Udochukwu…N.U in Ancient Egyptian Mythology represents the God of the Abyss.. Space….

Nwakamma Means in O.INri Igbo, The child is Greater, is better

Udochukwu means ‘The Peace of the Creator..E-G.o.d-‘


E.11 28…

E.O 11 28 which is my Birthday… 39 E..C.I..



12 L…LUCY L.U.C.I.F.E.r…

B.G…Beauty is Grace….

The Child is Greater than, and Better (Beta.. Alpha Beta..A.B..1 2,,,3…A.B..Alpha Bet.. City)…

because it brings with it the peace of the Creator True Love…Consciousness Beautiful Expression…


Lucy Lucifer…

See Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula and Hary R. Lang Herry Lang posts…

I have stated over and over again that I am Lucy and Lucifer…

But not through the Human interpretation but by the literal meaning of the name…

Son of the Morning Evening Star..Alpha….M.E.S…A


Erik M..M.E

Alberto Santana…A.S..

Stella Antley..S.A..

Aqua Mentis..A.M.

The First of that Line.. because we are a whole line…butt I am representing the 2nd and First to incarnate this while my twin represents the First and 2nd incarnation of this Eternal Truth of Sun and Moon.. Venus Mercury….

M.V..18 Mountain View…

I hope Hary does not mind, that I share a text message he sent me which honors him…

Do not tell me u are ….


my friend tell me

blessed being 246, “handsome” being 268, and “leaning being 152.

This all equals 666 which isn’t in an obvious fashion. Another way is by counting all the letters in his name which equals 18. 6+6+6=18; 666.

is that it?

Yes… 18 Mountain View…Was where for 9 months I solved this riddle changing my fate and my line incarnating here’s destination created by human distortion into ‘Evil Characters back to passing through my Twin Selves Aspect of Death…

See sacred Portal 48..

Hades Pluto…


Harmony Peace…

And the riddle of the Shamans and the Healers of Existence and why it is forbidden for them to charge people for their arts..

the S.H.E. represent MONEY…EGO../OGE…


Energy Grace Symmetrical Perfection Divine Destiny…E

Existence God O (Source Eternity) Divinity Dharma..

Is because they are also the Beautiful Testers…

The Beautiful Devils..

The Beautiful Assassins…

It is because though they offer all their services for free there is a catch 22.. which is that they already know their Worth, and Value, as well as that of the contribution they made..

The Offering made in exchange must come from the Heart..

Not necessarily in the amount of money or gifts but by what the persons can afford while realizing the Worth and Value of what the S.H.E has done…

Thus, since they are the Lords of Time which is also Space and are able to travel to multiple dimension often risking their existence to rescue people caught in multi dimensional traps because they broke or defied Natural Law…

They are the true sources of Health Wealth Value and the true arbitators of wealth…

The Treasures… Link a pure version of Alexander Hamilton..A.H.

Thus, when people under pay or under appreciate, or are miserly.. greedy.. ungrateful…or seeking to take advantage..

they know.. Nature Knows, Everything Knows (E.K) and the Echo response is a consequence where Everyone knows what the person or persons did..

The broke the Natural Law, the Divine Law and the Eternal Law of Fair Exchange… Sharing…

And the consequence is literal and swift… and spreads like wild fire across the entire community and in this case Globe…

It can never be forgotten.

During my 15 years, I noticed this was what I was being compelled to do.. it was not my way. but something which happened naturally then was imposed on me by my own recognition and reading.

I never charged anyone for the work of energy even when I recognized the value..

I watched people, and the rage in me was terrible by not just how much people took advantage but also the ridiculousness of doing such a play in 2016 New York, in this economy and consciousness…

And worse, I was representing the E.T consciousness of the 5th Dimension and a play of the Human Stories was binding me-us these roles which were not real…

But which were used to fulfill a purpose, bring forth meaning,clarity..

Stereotyped in titles called Kings, Gods, Prophets, Messengers, Messiahs, Arch Angel. Arch-Fiend, Evil Twin, Doppelganger…

Duality gone bonkers considering we live in a Circular planet, World- Cyclic…

A Wheel..

And a Flat Earth Two Dimensional Holographic Simulation..

Lucifer Lucy Y.C..

Bringer of Light

Son of the Morning Evening Star.. S.O..T.(I),,M.E,,S.D



First Light..

The Sunshine State of Mind and Heart in One..




E.M,M.E…Sacred Portal 55.. see 56…



Manifest Expression…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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