
5/20/2018 21:28 – Facebook Post

9:14 p.m.

I.N…. E.


E.T..T.R. U E…E…

Mina Beans Dempsey

Manifest Being @ Delta

*German Meaning: The name Mina is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Mina is: Love.

The name Bean is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Bean is: Fair skinned.

Dempsey is an anglicised form of Ó Diomasaigh, ” descendant of Díomasaigh “; the latter stems from the Irish adjective díomasach ” proud “. The family originated in the Kingdom of Uí Failghe. According to John Grenham: “In the original Irish Dempsey is Ó Diomasaigh, from diomasach, meaning “proud” or “arrogant”. Haughty.

” Love- the Fair Skinned Proud and Haughty One…
Arrogant Ha!
Beautifully So..”

My lady Beautiful Pride…

Rachel Meghan Markle…
Eucharist ( U.K) and Nnonyelym in one…
E N.. U N..

I met a Rachel with Michelle at 57 Avenue New York, she came to visit and was the one I recognized even more than Michelle.
R M…
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Code.. R D R S….
She had a brain tumor…

I just got served a coffee, first from Jasemine.. Code number 64O.. My bio Sisters code…
Earlier at the I had had the one with 6OO about a week ago…
And I received from the Kyle “White” Kyle ( white supremacists arrogance .. whom I do not chose.. I chose the correct Caucasian Kyle Murphy) ..

Coffee number 694… 6 94… I D…
69..@ 4…Delta..

I even bought a 6 usd paper from the foolish boy…
New York Times to honor my young aunt..
Born 1960…

All Done… E +N= 19… S…H E…

All rescued from this loathsome sea of the Sirens called the Starbucks and the White Magic Spell of White Supremacy…

9:28 p.m..

And My I.D….Fact

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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