
5/2/2018 19:02 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories..

Sacred Portal 69..
MW 69..

It reads

Do Te La So… ( 1 7 6 5) 66 Quote.

I am Breath
The Song of Sixth Sense
Universal Understanding I See.
I See C..

the very reason I am here is because of Breath.
A snoring cacaphony erupted last night in the room I share with 3 others..
Especially the beds 4-016 and 4-017..
Yuen Chen and Francis Frick.
Notice the code of numbers is 44 00 67…
/76 OO 44….

Y C 25 3… 28…
F F ..66… 12…

10 3… J C.. 13.. M . 4..D.
M D… 17…Q… Jacquii Quanmae 8.Harmony Infinity. H I… 89…98… which moves back to 17…Thus, this entire 17 year script ends at Myself and Quanmae…
As you may recall, Jacquaii was moved the bed which I had occupied before moving to my current bed 4-018-4-019… and the same room which I had been before at 4-016… with David Dawn. D D…
4-004 was the bed. 44 DD..
44..8.. H… 8 aspects of Death… Erebus Nyx Thantos Hypnos Erise Keres Nemesis Oneroi…

For the last week I have been telling them to Breathe as especially Y C began to snore from an Alcoholic stupor…
I can hear their Demons their hurts and rage…

The Script is complete…
The last play was Robert Karl Murphys mother
Kelly M King.. ( Roi…One Roi…O N E R O I)…
K M K… K K… 11 22… Which is when Robert Karl Murphy was born. Same date as my Mother and David.
1122…33..The Nightmare.
6 Sixth Sense 6 9… 15…54….O E D

6 9..

K M K… is 35.. C E.. 8…H.

Karl saw me and only after we talked and I confirned what his big brother had told him about there being another realm did he recieve intel from his mother..

The Full Circle is complete.
At Jacquaii and I…

And… I was brought here for a play ..which just took place with Robert Leo…. and Peter…

6:45 pm

Peter bought me a coffee and left..
It was a form of apology but I acceted the coffee and I recognize his heart but what he did was unforgivable..
Each has a right to chose..
But to challenge me.. to be cruel and ungrateful which Robert and Leo have never been…
Ah I will send you to the Abyss and show you that my equation works…

There is never an excuse for Cruelry Evil Betratal for someone who only sought for you to Rise.
So the answer is No…

But I acknowledge his Heart…

Jacqui Q, is the 21 U
he is the one inside with me at Delta

Leo is 17…Q.
Robert is 22..V
Peter is 22.. V.

I already have the J Q. Double V V..
all within me
I am Jay Q…
I am Robert
I am Leo
I am Peter..
I am Flip Sha Ron 28…B H..
I have no need of their Reflections
I am the Original..

The Coffee Peter gave me has the number 61..
Recall that was the coffee number I, I sent back to replaced with one with 43..
The Truth..

I akready know that I am 61. .FA.
and 43…
total 104… Terrible Death… T D/ D T..
20 4/ 40 2..
24 /42 .
12. 3…


1 3 9..
A C ..I.

I am Eternal rage

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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