
5-2-2017… 37.. 1

5-2-2017… 37.. 1





Link code Alanis EL Blanka… and meaning…

B.E.A…R…E…. Being of the E.A.R…Is E…

888 Face Book Friends….

3 ( 8)…

The Human Species will end….

Never have I uttered these words with as much absolute surety,

as I do today.

And the reason is revealed through this 50 months Universal Script but more intimately in that which I have been made to witness experience and finally understand what I have been charged to do,

and that which I had just refused….

Which is to be, for another Awareness and Consciousness, that of Eternal Law, the one Hue-man, Human and E.T witness, and fair judge. Observer.. Impartial Observer of the Human Race, in a Court of which their fate was being determined by a Script Set up to be played out to give them a choice and a chance to prove them themselves…

Their Truth as a Species….

I believe I qualified for a number of relevant reasons,

1. Being because of my own true Identity,

2. Because of the Love and Faith I had in Humanity….

3. And because these Unseen Beings knew and know a Dark Secret about me…. B.A..

Beautiful Assassin…

That I could, without blinking an eye lid,execute that which perhaps none other could do as coolly and without an iota of regret or remorse…

Once I had the evidence..

But I am running ahead of myself…. Excuse me.

8:31 p.m.


Last night, when I went back to my Cot, in the 4 room I live in at Delta Manor…

I was very quiet… and I had understood something which I had always known, could see and read but it was not until yesterday that I understood the point of all my rage… my anger…

I had spent my Life, my Entire Existence fighting for the Beautiful Truth of Humanity, a Beautiful Truth which no longer Existed.

It existed only in their beginning as a Species, and in the very beginning of their life’s.

I had walked back and looked at my attire, I looked like a Judge, dressed in the robes of all black as if about to sentence someone to Death…

There is so much which people will understand in the Massive Tomb I have written on Face Book.. The greatest work of art ever if I say so myself…

Because it is not of this world, because it was woven into Existence with all that is the Truth of Existence and True Humanity….

So much I was seeking to convey and establish, as to why I would allow myself- to be placed in such a situation…

I was no doubt bullied and forced into this role,

to live outside of human reality for my entire life just observing the Species for the longest of Time..

And then at the age of 26 returning to the portal of Home through Death…

I already knew that this World was not real, by the age of 23-24…

But I still knew that it was an adventure and fun..

I also recall that at 8 that I did write a book at which it concluded in the destruction of this world..

And I was aware that in the Spirit world, especially when we moved to Nigeria, and all Supernatural Events which took place that there was something the spirit world knew about me…

Something which I knew even as a child when I searched for the sign of 666 on me…

Not because I felt that I was evil. no but rather that I was marked…

A marked to carry something out… to do something… or perhaps capable of doing something which no one else perhaps could or would do…

I recall the looks of fear that would come into even my Father and Mothers faces when I had a certain look in my eyes..

My sister and brother Nnamdi also feared something about me, which made me seek to mask it more…

A Killer…?


A Destroyer… and Beautiful Assassin…

As usual I just had a text conversation with Nenad M. Djurdjevic whom all my older Face Book Friends will recall the connection linking him and myself which despite my wrath at times, that connection has never been broken…

The is something Foolish Brave and Heroic in him that despite his always having suspecting my True Identity, he having that ‘distance which scholars have, and that innocence so dangerous which Humans have… But also that ability to look at things others do not link… He links and is able to see outside of the book and correlate facts no matter how extraordinary they are…

And then come to a conclusion, and stand by it….

That takes courage… even to stand up to me, knowing because of his scholarship and childhood experience and consciousness retained just what I might be…

And perhaps, being able to take me literally when I state that I am the Beautiful Devil…

Tenacity.. after all I am still here… as I promised Ikenna Iheanacho…

that I am not false…

But I did not come in the guise which humanity classify and catergorise things…

Which is why I always warn people that I am dangerous…

But Nenad had a vision of himself 2 days before I wrote yesterdays post… It was of Him Being a Beautiful Assassins…

As I texted with him, and he revealed once more his being the affirmation of every Truth and Equation I am posting and weaving into Existence…

Even things which I had not been allowed to be fully aware of but only recognized in Hindsight…

And when he completed the vision, which included Alfie Nze…

My Mouth almost dropped open by the dubiousness of the line of myself as the Beautiful Assassin..

I understood our connection, I understood why Nenad M. Djurdjevic is always representing the Past…

This reality of world and it View is the past…

Humanity is not seeing at the same speed and frequency as I am…

They are living by a Light’ of the Universe which took place billions of years in the past and which is coming to them at the same pace as they view everything through a Physical Consciousness…

But Light is not Physical… and thus they can never align to the Speed of Light consciousness and beyond, which is the 5th Dimension…

They can not even align to the 4th or the 3rd… and live mainly in a 2 Dimensional reality and awareness of Life to Death…

Actually, not even that.. because a vast majority of Humanity still live in the Level of Instinct of Survival… which is Born to Die…

Thus they are born in Death and to Death they return in a steady cycle of once circle…. One Dimensional…

Only few rising to the aspect of Imagination Consciousness.. I..C…

Just before I arrived here, I had a code play with Rob agent 56…That play told me that I was correct in what was expected of me…

Then I find myself meeting Bill.. the man here, who builds web sites and though he has his own company he, lives here and understands what is going on in the World…

I told him today about my conclusion, not emotive not even of desire but as an Observer…

The Human Species deserve to go out of Existence and are about to…

He who the first time I had encountered here, at Delta Manor, I had covertly identified him as the Referee of the Lines and Black and white…

Only months later did we even speak…

And when I told him what I had called him and pointing at his Black Track suit with the number 10 on it, he had literally paused in stunned amazement, even a little fear…

That is exactly the role I keep finding myself playing…

He had tuned to me, ‘Yes, that is the same conclusion that I had come to through my own observations…

They have to cease to exist… and though I do understand how the New World order came to that conclusion my problem with them was what right did they have..

…To play God? I finished for him…

But I was not playing God… I had been set up, to play this role which I had no idea would conclude with what I had written as an Eight year old.

I had been used by the E.T and the A lien Council..

Whom better, than a person such as myself who loved and would go so far to prove the Truth of Humanities Beautiful Truth…

Only to finally understand that that was never in question…

Humanity began Beautiful, but it was not about that I realized at last last night… It was what they had chosen to become…

They had been given Free Will and Choice…

And they had Chosen…

And I had to accept that..

I had to accept the facts…

I had to accept that I was after 27 years, in a Mental Health Shelter and that this was the patten that Humanity had followed to anyone such as myself since antiquity…

This I knew, but what I did not know was that I was being given a chance to see for myself, that they were no longer the beloved species, who did not know any better…

I already knew this, but I did not have the Evidence and Facts and as such the Truth and the depth of it sinking in yesterday, was that for the first time, in my heart, I felt it in my heart…

My heart was what knew that this species is Evil…. beyond…

Not created Evil but through my own personal and honest experience… which I had been so trained all my life, to completely give up everything and be so trained in the most abominable way of being a Truth Seeker…

The Sword of Truth, diving into each experience, each person..

Going to the depths of each experience’ to quote Cassandra comment on my piece The Elegant Nomad….

That in my heart of hearts… I Knew.

And so someone had to be used to be an observer for 49 years!!!

His Entire Life and Existence devoted to Experiencing and observing the Truth of this Species who could be So Amazing…

And finally realizing that they could be… but they are not…

Which is the premise of the Book Armada by Ernest Cline…where humanity project themselves in books films etc.. as this heroic species..

But they are in the end.. as the Book Enders Game brilliantly depicts… and that if I am am Ender…

Then I am a realistic Ender, who speaks for all the Humans and family who came down undercover through out Time and suffered that which none should suffer…

Suddenly I began to remember that I really am who I say I am. and that it really does not matter what Humanity decided I am, I have decoded that which must be done and I have done it…

And now I am fully aware….

Manion Adcock

Rita Wolf

Yolanda Houston Palma


Last name: Manion. Recorded as Mannin, Manion, Mannion, Manning, Manan, Manin, Manon, Menon, and others, this is a surname which is usually of Irish origins. It is a developed form of the Gaelic surname O’ Mainnin from manch, meaning monk, and hence the male decendant of the son of the monk.


This interesting surname is a diminutive of the personal name Adam, which was borne, according to Genesis, by the first man. It is of uncertain etymology; it is often said to be from the Hebrew adama meaning earth

Year of the Rooster.. Cock…


The name Rita is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Rita is: Pearl.


Pearl of the Wolf….

Yolanda means the Violet Flower’… and Violet is the 7th Color in Spectrum…

Houston means From Hughes Town….

Houston means From the Germanic element hug, meaning heart, mind, spirit. It was common among Frankish and French nobility, being borne by Hugh Capet, a 10th-century king of France who founded the Capetian dynasty.

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Palmer. From an English surname meaning pilgrim. It is ultimately from Latin palma palm tree, since pilgrims to the Holy Land often brought back palm fronds as proof of their journey.

Hence M.A… R…W….Y…H.P….

‘Man is the Ion and th Cock which awakens those after death, in this world he is represented by the descendant of Monks.. Who lives as Monk who is Devoted to the uncovering the Truth- he is the First Man Adam and woman Adama First born daughter of Beauty and he is the the Earth and its source for he rises from within it, as the Seed rises from the Earth, to break through..

He is also called Yeshua Christ, Jesus Christ…

And the Pearl of the Wisdom of the Great Wolf the Destroyer….

Who brings forth the symbol of Royalty, the 1st to the 7th flower of Being.. As Heart Mind and Spirit of the Palm Tree.. P.T… 16 20…36…9.. The Point of the Individual…

M.R.Y…. MR. Y… Today is the 25th… M.A.R.Y…

/ Y.R.M…. Year Manifest… this year is the Manifestation…

M.A.R… W…Y… H.P..

P..H. Y (Yellow-Gold)….VV…R.A.M… !… R.. A.M…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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