
5/2/2016 21:12 – Facebook Post

5/2/2016 21:12 – Facebook Post


We have just moved back to 66….

8:03 p.m.

I woke up this morning again, I thought of the Play, incredulous..
And ready to depart… I did not create this play.. I read it proved it, and yet I was being treated like something despicable based on my circumstances…

I looked for some of my ‘Medicine” to relief what always feels like a battle with Deaths Grip.. Rigor Mortis.. R.M…
It was gone.. vanished..

I had enough experience with the Spirit World to know that I was being kicked in the stomach…
I understood Harmony..
And that everything is Harmony…
And if this was happening that it was meant to happen..

I felt the blow go so deep in my stomach…
I could not weep… But I used my Voice to weather the implications of its meaning, just as I had weathered 15 years of this play..
27 years..
31 since 1985…
And since 1982 when my brother passed..

I looked at my Face Book page and saw that I was still at 607 Face Book pages… How much further… I felt nothing..

Until I opened up my messages.. One was from Tom Hung, the brother of Billy Hung…
T.H..B.H… B.T..H.H…Beautiful Truth..Harmony Harmony 88..2-8…88 16..7.. Violet..
88.. 64.. Age 51-52.. I recognized that this is was about sacred Portal 52.. Authority of Existence Bestowed on The True Author of Existence Harmony..

It was a brief message from Tom informing me that Billy had been admitted into a Mental Institution…M.I…
And his blaming me for fucking up Billys Head…
It was dated April 20th…

4-20.. Which aligns with Joseph Carey birthday… J.C.. 103.. 13..4…D…
Time of Birth… He was born August 1980.. 8-80… 4-20…24…6 8…x 4×20…80… The very amount of money Jonn Blackwell first gave me…
Joseph’s Bank (J.B).. was 666… 18..
8:18 p.m.

J.C..103.. 13..M..D..Led me to Donna O’Sullivan…

So even though I knew the code of the Beast was aligned to 4-20… In my codes and 666 in the Public Consciousness..
I already knew that J.C was not of the Beast Consciousness, nor was the passing through his portal that of the Beast but rather the Sensie…

And I recalled that I had Arrived after 9 months at 18 Mountain View on the 19th of April… Code Light… and that I had affirmed that From the B-East a Beautiful Light of Zeina Hanna would emerge..
Linked to Anthony Spencer..A.S… And to Anthony Pitts… A.S..A.P..both having correlation with A person and a place… but not a Thing…

I had not fallen he code of the Beast.. Abomination Monster..
I only full realized I was getting the confirmation of…

I knew that yesterday, I had completed the Exacting -Exigent proof of the play right to Sacred Portal 56… 5-6..E Fact…
56..11..1..K..A… A.A..A…Kayla Pyke.. Alexis Alihandro Sanch….
30…3O..C.O.. Chijioke Obinna… Oke in Yoruba means “Rat” Everywhere I was seeing Rats…
But what is Natures Rat compared to the consciousness called a Human Rat..Betrayer.. That which eats Garbage, brings Disease through its expression… Bringing the Bubonic Plague, “Black Death…
Which killed 1/3 of the Human Population…

I saw the another message in 2012… which was again accusing me of causing Billys stroke….

For a moment the familiar hurt of that which took over me when my so called brother in Alpha Fraternity and decided to kick me out because of Gossip, without investigating the Facts…
And I thought of all Billy had told me about his childhood his family, and what had happened to him..
And how he had been treated since a child..

Tom I had met and Billy had introduced me to Him, and I had stayed in their Family Home, so that Billy could Introduce me to his brother, and for me to assess his brother and how he treated him despite Billy being the elder..

In the 15 years of being through over 51 homes, I have never posted anything of the “secrets” revealed to me…
I have carried things with me which I have experienced, of horror persecution by the things people off loaded to me… And then what they did to me to test e to see if I was for real…

I had not shared this experiences because of respect for the people, and because it was a play and those horrible experiences and secrets were private… and of that which if expressed would only take away from the Beautiful Truth.. of what this E God Consciousness was making me understand what it wished to demonstrate..

A.S alluded to this yesterday… that which I am carrying…
Which I had to bear… the Secrets which people through my life and especially the last 27, felt they had to tell me..
Complete strangers, over and over… I had to clean them up myself in private and mu body and Being suffered truly as I bore Humanities inhumanity to each other..

I realized I had been on Trial in another realm for being accussed of being..

Devil, Satan, O (Zero), Lucifer..
And Black Hole… Evil.. The Evil One..


Emeka Odiamma
Emeka Kolo

Emeka O.K..O….L.O..

But how could it be O.K?


I had been accused in 2002, after meeting David Roman Nicholas.. when doubt had been put in his head…
By Naim.. and Tanya… who became a bit big headed by what was manifesting like Magic by David and Myself finding each other…
Both N and T had created doubt, one through Materialism…
and the other through an envy of a bond between David and I…

Which was ridiculous since he was and is me…
Just as Nnamdi and I are the same person…

David was born 11-22-68… Nnamdi 5-4-69…
Which is opposite 4th street… 2 68..2 69…
22 66 89… V..FF.(C.I) .H.I

I had been accused of Being too intelligent and having confused David, sending him to Mental Institution..
Which when he appealed to me, I became hard, hurt that he had even doubted for a moment his own truth.. and knew that he had to face the truth for himself that there was nothing wring with him…
And that he had to face the last of a Demon which had plagued him and many children who had been Catholic and believed in the Truth and loved Y.C.. only to be so brutally betrayed by the very ones who were meant to protect them..

It had happened to me.. but I had fought and fought..
I was abused but never to that point…

He went there as I stated, as a mission and was kicked out in three days…3 days…
After converting others to awaken that he took in that the was sent in a mission K-Pax, to clarify those who were being called insane, committed by their parents, when in truth these beings were evolving…
Touch…By an Angel.. by the hand of Grace.. Natural Evolution…

David had been so angry at first that he literally thought that I might be the Devil, when I consorted with people he could see through the consciousness of the Angels and Devil story he was contained in because, that story had not been “Cleaned up”..
I had been sent back to a place, of Hellish cruelty up near Westchester County…

David did not really believe the gossip, but he had a temper like Thor and wished that I prove my “Innocence’ by proving his Truth, so distorted by Humanity when he came 2000 years ago and his line of 10..1O to usher in the 4th Energy point.. The Heart Chakra…
I represent the 5 and 6th Chakra’s so I was hardly pleased with having to go back and clarify the 1-4 Dimensions…
Or Energy Points…

I knew that the Angelic Consciousness of the Family undercover had felt they had trusted me and that I had betrayed them..
The same play as the line of Nature who accused me of causing Nnamdi Death.. By my wishing him Dead once as a boy.. yet fully aware deep within me that I was sending him to the mission we both were aware of before we came into this world…
That he would go home to the Eternal realm and feign being Dead…Until I proved the Riddle of Death…

1982…(82..H.B..Not B.H)… 34 Years ago..C.D… 7 12…
2002…22…V..5..E… 14 Years ago…N..E..
1985.. The Public… 31 Years ago C.A…
1989… H.I.. Harmony Infinity proof… 26-27.. Easter… B.G..Blue Green..
1988…27-28 years ago… 22..87… V..87..See sacred portal…

9:08 p.m.

Pain and Suffering… Supreme.. P.A.S.S

I have endured False Accusation which I knew is was reflecting all the young black incacerated imprisoned in America..
False Accusation of Slavery..
And the Imprisonment of the World by the Devil.. Goat O…
The Father of Man and twin of Energy as A.Tom….

9;11 P.M.

For False Accusation of the Bringer of the Light…


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