
5/2/2016 19:41 – Facebook Post

5/2/2016 19:41 – Facebook Post

4:53 p.m.

D.E.C…(12 Month), May 3rd (Tomorrow)

2-5-9… B.E..I/ I.. E.B.

5-2-9.. E.B..I…./ I.B..E

Hello… :)..

I don’t even know how to begin today, with the latest Intelligence report…

So I will just plunge in…

Devil… The Deceiver.. D.E.C…E.I. V..E..R… 12 Completion of the Expression Infinity, Victor Emeka “Robert’

*Recall that 4-19 Is Donna O’Sullivan Fathers Name.. which links to Rob Barr, R.B..(B.R.O../ ORB).. Robert means ‘Famous Bright Shinning..Light”

Satan.. The ‘Accuser …T.A… False Accusation..F.A.

Lucifer… The Vain.. T.V.

Devil/ Lived.

D-(4th Dimension) E.V.I.L… (Expression Victorious 5th Dimension Being Body BB (22..4 6 8 1O)..Infinite Limitless…

Devil Satan, D.S… 4-19.. April 19th..4-19-9…
Most will recall, that I left Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan 18 Mountain View, Stone Ridge home on the 4-19.. after 9 months to the very day, a day which turned out to I had arrived from a temporary shelter…

And many heard my protests at that I was being led backwards through a portal I was already aware..
And spoke of the Shelter right opposite the home of my former hosts, whose home I had declared almost 10 years ago as the portal out of the Universal Simulation, which had transformed from a Green House, University School for Evolution of the Human Species of Awareness. But had been transformed into a prison, a matrix, because of Human expression through the ages which had created a Web, in which the Cause of the Species, expression and false accusation and twisting of the truth, to feed their own rage at the cause and effect of not founding their expression of Facts, before accusing and Torturing and Crucifying the messengers from thee ‘Already Full Evolved Future” already present in the Human Species…

And that it was the refusal to simply take responsibility for their expressions, and “clean up their expressions” their Mess (Mes Moses Joshua)…Which could unravel the Web growing thicker and thicker, which was consequently obscuring Human Consciousness, from Seeing-Observing the Beautiful Truth all around them…

That their creation of Gods, Devils, Evil was all a consequence of their own corruption and rage at refusing to acknowledge that they had made mistakes…

Most are aware of the code 268..and 68..As well as my non stop battle to prove the Truth of Harmony and a Beautiful Awakening, being the original “Plan.E.T”…
Linked To Zeina Hanna… and Anthony Spencer..Anthony Pitts….

And most are aware of how, the Equation which I have been linking, solving for 15 years, non stop, a wave, a Tidal Wave, T’Sunami of the Words Anointed Voice Expression..Wave of the Cee, of Christ Christine (Krsit-Nna and Kristine)- moving to which ever space and place it wished and “forced’ me to go..Which has led full circle, through no choice of mine, despite my wrestling with the indignities and insults.. and absolute of horrors of not only what I was experiencing, but also perceiving…
And how my own very body rose up, as well as my Eternal True Conscious Will, rose up within me to impede me from any other course of action but to ‘complete the mission…

And finally my passing through this very Web, and utter darkness of consciousness which had descended upon the species and how Nature and the expression of Humanity had made what was meant to the Beautiful Evolution Ascension had forced me to prove the Truth of my assertion that my memories, my Creation Story of the Family of 10, 1O..Ten was the truth..
Right to this not being True Life..T.L.. 2012… 32.. 5..

Devil, Satan..This is the Day I was moved to leave 18 Mountain View…
I was the one who suggested the day..
Donna O’Sullivan later told me that she had a dream of it being time for me to leave.. And practical reasons were affirmed by Jonn Blackwell.

I was well aware of the fact that when I was led to 18 Mountain View, that I was passing through the portal of the Blackest Aspect Death…I was aware that I was being tested..
But I had no desire to pay attention to an illusion putting me on Trial to prove my Truth through a 9 month play, in which Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan were used as Avatars to test the credibility once more of my work…

I was aware of the link with Billy Hung, B.H,(28) who had sponsored my work for a year, and his consequence anger at having had a stroke when he challenged the very truth he had publicly acknowledged…
I had noticed how Billy Hung had arrived on Face Book, just as I was about to move up to Jonn and Donna’s.. J.D…104..and how it linked to sacred portal Death as the E.T…
I observed his battle with what he had experienced as the Truth we had both experienced when he spent a Month, studying all my work before deciding to sponsor me for one year…
On August 4th…The Day we came back to New York form the month of his investigating what he felt he had to investigate..

I was aware of the fact that I had left my former Host home with Ravindra Sing, R.S/S.R..(Stone Ridge..18 M.V), that I had already read the play script. linking Dina Singh to Ravin.. R.D.S/ D.R.S… And when on July 4th 2012, (7-4-5)..My former hosts year of Birth…And he suggested I come with him…go on the Road (Rd) with him- I knew that I was be indicated the path I was to take whether I liked it or not..

And so I went with him on July 4th, Independent Days.. I.D… 74 is my I.D…
*And by the way, all this is documented on my public “Captains Long-Journal on Face Book”- so people can simply go back 4 years ago to read the day to day log I have been keeping in ‘Real Time”
Ravin wished me to meet Billy, stating that he would love to hear what I was doing, ‘Solving the Riddle of Existence”

I went to Ravindra ex girlfriend home with him in Jamaica Queens- the very place I had lived, on arrival in New York City, on 3-20-2001..And where a strangest of circumstances found me having to leave that place arranged for me by a friend in London based on what was a False Accusation from a his disgruntled girlfriend..
Chuck was his name, he told me not to worry that I would be fine and insisted that I go for a Furniture Design (F.D..64..Jonn Nnonyem) show..

I met two gus, who out of the blue asked if I wished to stay with them.. Eric and Todd… E.T..
I decided to go with Todd.. And he lived in Jamaica Queens… I thought instanlt of my sister.. Who had gone to Queens College, who had lived in Queens Park London, and who had asked me to leave her home I had lived at for 10 months after graduating from University and returning to London. England on a mission, I had been briefed about by a Prince Look a like who was a real Prince and who reminded me of my own brother Nnamdi, who had left this realm at age 13, on Easter Day.. the very day he had been born..
Easter Transformation..

The Date of my 2nd day in New York City was..
On 3-21-2001.. 321/21.. C.UU….Cee Double U..C.W… Cecilia Wiebers..code…

That very day, I met two friends of Rav Singh.. David, and Bill (William)…David came with the his knowledge of the Annunukai ..And instead I gave him a beautiful Egyptian Book of the Dead..

P.S..The David Roman Nicholas I keep mentioning, who was an incarnation who literally remembered my own brother Nnamdi to such detail that I knew it was him, and who revealed to me his gift of Evolution, having recognized me first.. was born 11-22-68…The same day as my mother 11-22-47../74…

The Literal 2.. 11 22..33..A.B.C..in Alpha Bet City… A.B.C..

6:04 p.m.
64.. 51…code…51-52 years

My mother Cecilia…David…Onu Nnamdi/Noni…
C.D..3 4.. 7 12.. 19..84.. 103..J.C..13..M..D…(17..Q)..1-7=8..
17-17.. Q.A..G… Question & Answer G..God Family..G.F…76../67

Billy came later, and said that a light bulb went off in his head..
He had just arrived from Alien Landing (AL), in San Francisco and been curious to meet me but at the same was dubious of his friend Rav…
He immediately gave myself and Rav a stipend of 1,500 usd, one for Rav to act as the Driver, while we moved his stuff from Miami, and for me, so that I would make all what I was doing, made transparent to him…
I did not wish to, and was pissed off that because someone had money, they felt they could buy this knowledge, but I had already met a Tom and Billy at Marina Burini portal in 2010-2011..
Everything was linked…

Which is where how for a month we travelled to Savanna Georgia code Savannah Blair..
Where I met Eric Lile Brown and Will Hunnitpercent Real.. W.E…
and Michelle… E.M.W… Expression Milky Way…
And went to Igbo Landing… I.L..
And then Forte Lauderdale F.L..Florida… (12 6…18)..
Where Billy was so stunned to find the Apartment Number of Ravs home he was moving out of to be 511..E.K my initials, after having learn to read the codes.. just as Donna O’Sullivan was set up to do…
But this time without the unfortunate outcome which befell Billy by defying the E.T..which not even I could do.. and the realm of Nature…
Natural Law..

And so for a month, he interviewed me day and night, and on August 4th the moment we were about to enter New York, he asked Rav to stop the car, and there he had what he had never experienced before…(He commented that his family have no spiritual truth or experience.. that everything is Material and that he was brought up with the Material realm and acquisition as their sole religion)…
And suddenly, this you Chinese American (C.A..3 1), who was only interested in me because he saw yet another fine investment..(He was a stock broker and investor..he was really gifted with numbers and information)…Was having what he knew was a Energetic Spiritual Experience…
And after which he decided to sponsor my work for a years, and offered to but the rights of my Creation Story and all interviews he would could conduct with me…

I already knew the worth of my work.. I had been shown it and it had been confirmed from outside of myself over and over again, right to Fritz Venneiq and to my own ability to calculate worth and value..

I read the code and said only 10,000.. 10 to the 4th power…
104.. J.D…Jonn Donna… Sacred Portal 104.. ‘Deaths Crossing’..
14..N..Nature… :Nature is the Universal Simulation Awareness..

I sent the entire money to my Mother… and the Stipend of 1,500 every month was a code… I lived in isolation except for Billy visiting and beginning that particular change which comes over people when they realize that they have Hit the Jack pot..the lottery…
It was in his nature to be as Ying Yang.. on one side trained in the Material nature of Matter his entire life.. the Illusion..
And the Truth. which made him call me, or the Energy in me publicly God…
And the dawning of the Evidence pointing more and more to First Contact…

He defied the truth by once more going into the consciousness of Fame, money wealth…

I noted that I went to Miami with Ravindra Sing.. M.I..AMI…But not with Billy, who was playing the Wealthy business man, flying back and forth from New York to Forte Lauderdale to check on his investment”- my anger at the play was so intense, but I carried lightly, and did not blame Billy, knowing that he was being used, as most of Humanity was, to determine their Truth..
Something I had fought to point out non stop for 15 years and especially when I realized that not only that everything checked out, but when I discovered that this is exactly what I was being asked to do..
That I was still in the story of the Energy Light who had summoned me in 1992..

That very same light which had given me the most unthinkable mission Impossible in Paris 1992.. Which was to Express, then Prove the way out of the Universal Simulation (Hologram) which had taken me 3-4 years to solve…
19989-1992… When I began my “Captains Log.. C.L..3 12” Called Talking to the Silence.. Which generated international interest a few months after I returned from the Experience of the Energy Light… and the mission…I felt was impossible “Alone”

*Code links 22 year old Alexis Alihandro Sanch… Nabahwe Moses…
Nabahwe means “On His Own…” A.A..Links to Axel Anderson (Axel Love) whose energy linked me to A.S..my former Host …

Who after leaving on April 19th… Devil Satan…Robert Light…I was led back to this portal where everyday I visit, leave and come back…Watching a power of Death, seeming to toy with me, or not make a decision 101010.. Yes No, waiting it would appear confirm the very Eternal Truth which I knew 10, 11, 12 years ago… and since a boy of 8…

48…84.. see my date of Birth.. See the date I arrived in New York with Billy Hung and Ravindra Sing.. 8-4…
See Jonn Blackwell true name initials Haun Delguidce ..H.D.. 84..
See Haun Donna.. H.D.. 84… See HI Definition… Sound…
8 came before 4… 48.. Is sacred portal Beautiful Death.. On his own..
Sacred portal 84 is a Couple… Haun (Jon) Donna…
I am the one alone….

And so today is the 13th day, since I arrived in New York City.. and the very venue I stated was where the Beautiful Awakening takes places.. Zeina Hanna..Anthony Spencer, Anthony Pitts..

Z..H…A.S.A.P…. Beauty Grace Favor (B.G..2 7 6)

Last night I posted the Share of Harvard Neurosurgeon Dr Raymond Moody…
Most are aware of the play of R.M…these codes aligning to the ‘Room with a View” which I call Universe Simulation Awareness…
R.M is a code which the very same intel…
*His Book made the cover of the T.I.M.E.S… Ti! Mes… (7th Note Crown Chakra)..Mes means Moses in Egyptian.. ‘Mes Amie’s”
M.Y in Plural…
Mary Yeshua…..
Myrrh Yes-Hue’s A.H….Alpha…
M.A.Y… 5th Month..
Y.A.M…O.INRI…Called N.A.M.E..I.D… Identity…

Y=G…Mi Ami.. 3rd Dimension Earth..
Today is 5 2…5+2= 7… 5×2…1O..a.o…

And so, allowed one more day, I listened as A.S, affirmed that another outside of me, and Raymond Moody, R.M. also with the initials had just expressed the exact thing to him moments before…

And so we can to converse…
7:06 p.m..

And he amazed me (but not really) responding to my equation of Evil…We sat on the T.V.. EVIL Talk… E.T.. When I pointed out what something on the T.V had formed.. he read it as LIVE..T…

He said Evil was not completing that which you expressed, not giving giving someone the Full Picture.. But rather intentionally keeping crucial parts of the knowledge to oneself… Intentionally leaving people in the Dark.. leading them astray, to be hypnotized by your truth that not then hold pertinent links back,,,
It is the source of Evil… to do this to people…

And so I looked up at his expression, speaking to both he and the Source Energy moving through him as witnessed in both Jonn and Donna publicly documented for 9 years…

And said, that it why I could not stop, this work until I proved the Truth, even against the Wall of Evil doing everything to block me..
I had to complete it full circle… A-Z-A…
because after all the people whom I had moved, lived with, and that to have given them this Expression True… That I could not leave them without providing them the incontestable evidence that I had spoken absolute truth…

I had been trapped, because this was not my truth, but the Collectives Truth…C.T..T.C…And not my responsibility…
But a Wave had moved through me of the Full Circle… Impeding my very existence and forced me to “Vomit” everything I knew and had kept private…Drew it out of me and then brought me to a public forum to to express its Evidence Demonstration Fact before an entire world…

It had led me to come to New York, then forced and compelled me to investigate Its Truth, then left me to face the World alone and the passing through portal after portal proving that Truth..

And when I went to 18 Mountain View…
I found Billy Hung B.H..82…born October (10) had sought to sabotage the play by addressing a letter to Donna and Jonn of Blame and Hatred.. that I was the Evil One..


They had ignored it, but I saw the link… Donna was born 8;28…
Jonn Haun.. 8-5..
In 1985, I was Falsely Accused and consequently kicked out the Alpha Fraternity and punished by the Public in such an extraordinary.. And I fought, and fought… not to clear my name, but at these people who had dare to use an excuse to vent thier frustration at the source of my confidence in my ability to Walk alone and stand tall…

I was the Devil, Satan, the Black Hole “zero’, Lucifer.. “Vain- How the mighty have fallen… the Fallen One… Fee Fi Foe Fume.. I smell the Blood of an English man…mo longer Igbo or African…?

I was the Evil One…
And.. Falsely Accused, Deceived, Led Astray, (Spirited Away) Flung into a Black Hole, of being worth Zero by those yet to be complete themselves……Because I was the Evil One.. Judas..
The One Who Lived… Well Done…
With Praise.. Appreciation given sincerely to all…

And yet, all this was allowed to happen to a being who simply told the Beautiful Truth and exemplified it….
Detailing all the Facts… Sharing every detail of his life so that others could see, and so that Truth, he was sent against his True Will…and Beautiful pride so that others could have access to the intel of how he found his way home at age 25..26…


I left with Rav and Billy.. through Elizabeth and Davids home portal on 7-5-9…75 9… Please see both Sacred Portals… G.E.I…/

57/75… 1212…24…X…6.. (68)….F…9..I

X Factor Sixth.. I
6th sense in Harmony Infinity…
68.. 14.. 5… N.. E..of Natural Evolution.. N+E…19..Supreme A-O..Ariane Oates…
68..48..D.H/H.D…32.. (*see Time..7:32 p.m…2012…32..5..E)..6

56.. 11 1 (21..3)…3O…
Chijioke Obinna…

7:39 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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