
5/18/2018 21:47 – Facebook Post

“Your Gonna Miss me When I Am Gone”

Pitch Perfect … P P…
Sung by Anna Kendrick … A.K… Link Apple Khan ( 2:49 pm.)

* Intel from Billy Hung.

Apple Khan 2:49 p.m. Wednesday the 16th. P…
A.K.1 11…

* See Facebook Memories of today and the Obelisk in Central Park ( O.I C.P…. Ceci Pious….. OH I C.. Plan-E.T.. A N N A… Grace Favor 1 14 14 1… 30.. C.O…K.E…N..D.R..I C….K!)

*The Original and the Reflection in perfect alignment of I… One.

Apple Khan means “Apple King… A K… 1 11

11 is the 11th State which New York represents as the 11th State to join the Union.

Awakening is in New York….
Reflected by Billy Hung;s intel-
I have not seen what he posted today, but I had a conversation which embodied the evidence of the Obelisk in Central Park posted 4 years ago.

The same Venue that on a Table in Wythe Avenue, Williamsburg, that I built a Model using my Art Science of the 5th Dimension which included a Central Park, parking ticket. Where Tom Truman and Marina Burini witnessed with me First Contact as a Ray of light moved through the model, like a Sun Dial ending its communication through it pausing through the Wood Table model at Central Park.
This was 2011… 7 years ago.

-Recall Billy Hung and the parking ticket time at Woods Ave where he had parked.
The last one was 5:11 p.m.. E K.

I understood where they would land in the Energetic Expression of the Center Park.. Truth… C P T… B .E..A U T I F U LL…

*I am wearing a T-Shirt I bought yesterday which the words “F U L L ” written on it twice on two levels Backward ( top) and below a line Forwards…L L U F / F U L L…

I am Full…

*7 was the number of Bottles Kyle Murphy was wearing.
But he said there was one missing to make it 8, his favorite beer..
“B E C K S”

Being E.C..K S…/ S K C E… B… C E… is H…B… K I S S…H B..

9:18.. 9:19 p.m right now…
I R… Todays Date…


Peppermint Park 1990 Met Jon Jason Lee ,West End London.
P.P.. 16 16… 32…5… E.

Pelham Bay Park 2010 Where I stayed with Fritz Venneiq F V ( 6 22) and we saw the E Family Landing and we “Enacted” the Awakening of “Adam God-Nature.”- ADD AM… E Harmony G-de.

* My coffee today at Starbucks is 622… F.V.

A G N…/ N G A… 14 7 1… 21.. 22… U.. Victorious.

It is also where John Shaw took that photograph of me- after Fritz had left and only I remained.
The Photo is of me with my arms spread in Victory…8 years ago.

P.B P… 16 2 16… 34…. 7…8… 2014… 34.. C D.. G.. 7.

The code was incorrect because B is Being and represented by Two symbolized in this play today of myself, Emeka Kolo and Billy Hung.. and meaning Represented by Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis 21, and Micheal Belle-Vue…
Both whom I was moved through Heart and Merit to give code 20 usd..
20 20 Vision I realized in Hindsight.

40 minutes is what I asked of Billy Hung after we had conversed while I was the Toilet Seat ( Excuse me it was necessary to express that because of the play.)
Billy has a Blue Toilet seat .. T B… Truth Beautiful whose code aligns with my truth.
Throne given was Toilet .. Shit.
But the correct code is that we the two lines in One 123
A B C… Cleaned up The World Shitty Expression … Awareness Being and Consciousness…
Twice and now including the W.E represented by Billy Hung to D.. Square times to its Square Root…

See sacred Portal 40…
Link the arrival of Anyiam Kelechukwu A K…
After the Apple Khan play 2:49 p.m. B.D..I…
I D.. B.. Being.. Origins of Being.
*I am in Room 4B bed 4-018… 18.. 1 8… 9..”

The Song playing in the background has the refrain “Selfish Selfish Selfish”..

I D B… ID…Being… Beautiful One..

“Hello Beautiful” Apple texted me.

The Lord of the Family of the Beautiful Ones…

Billy Hung car of his mother which drives… B E D.. 59OO
5 3 3 3….

9:33 p.m.

The meddling of the Ancestors in the “Spirit Realm” as Death, Stasis, Coma, Purgatory…
African American Indians…

8:13 p.m.

5-18- 2018…


Harmonious Manifestation.


Code Emeka is Robert. Transparent Reflection.

For the Line Represented by Billy Hung Linked to Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis and Kyle Murphy.

“End Game
Act Without Words

By Samuel Beckett” is what the well dressed man ( old school, complete with the fedora hat and scarf).
The Book is in Red and Black.

By transforming the “Cee”, it is the code of colors my parents wore on my 9-10 birthday in Windsor Park Canada 1976.
The only time I saw them in perfect Harmony, at least that is what I understood the code to signify in the higher meaning.
* And yes “Windsor Park’ ( W.P.)
W,P… White Plan road … Where Billy Hung and I passed through “Hong Fa”+-C.T.E.. Chinese Takeaway, with Billy.

* Yes the Transformer Code at Delta Manor P.W.Q.B.

* And yes, the Royal Wedding with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ( Sparkle Sprite) tomorrow.
Harmonious Manifestation
8 +13= 21… U… 3..C…Understanding Universal Consciousness, Cee, Creation… Manifest.

I am Prince H.P…

8:35 p.m.
H C.E.

Yes Kyle Murphy… This is also for you, this post at which I am going to exemplify to how to converge all the data pouring through by a Dance Manifest which Billy were always designated to demonstrate.

And it has to do with W.P… White People and the American Indians and the African Americans “meddling” with the Cee and Minds ( C M.. 3 13 my phone) of White People on this land through Food.)

The Best is yet to come… ” is the song playing that in the back ground.

Randall Michael Wiltz just walked in and walked out “Did a catastrophe take place over there” – The side of the Metropolitan part of the Cafe is blocked off.
i had been sitting there where I saw Nicola Robinson of the P.T.S.D Master in nursing, was there, she is graduating in a week and looked good-
I left because the bathroom was “closed” but before I left, I went to smoke a cigarette, and Chris came out to let me know that thy were closing up that section so the workers could put something up.
That is how I found on my return from Macy;s myself moved from the city- Metropolitan line ( to the Cosmopolitan) Woods section.

And to this position and


Today i wish to exemplify the way to converge all the data which Kyle Murphy spoke about was overwhelming to bring together because of the distraction he did not realize from the Spirit World at the rage that the “White People” did to them and the Africa World.

Recall Harold the American Indian who gave me the Two Books
Endgers Game and WitchLanders… He was in bed 8.
But they were not in Harmony to Infinity. They never even achieved Unity of the Tribes, not did ancient Africa despite the 9th Century Nri Mission of Eri to unite the World and bring them back to Light and the poirtal .. Called by some the Holy of Holies.. H O H.. To the “Presence” Tabernacle..
Star Gate…

9:39 p.m

I C I..
ici.. “Here”

Already I am illustrating the convergence and the evidence that White People did not hold the Evolution Awakening but rather the rage of the American Indians and Afro People who formed a secret coalition of rage and vengeance .. revenge on the White People from the 4th Dimension.. Along with the Asian Race who also inhabited the Spirit realm as Memories..

A Play of the true Infinity Harmony took place with Billy and I today..
But I have to leave ..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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