
5/18/2016 20:09 – Facebook Post

5/18/2016 20:09 – Facebook Post

2:38 p.m.



A.H..E.i…. “So True”

5-18-9.. E- AH!…i.

5-9-9.. E-E-I.

624 face Book Friends…


F.X… The Sixth Sense of behind the Scenes manifests as Fact, on front and center stage..



I am at Erik’s….

He sent me a Text ( And a Car..Company called “Lift”..But I will get to that play in a sec..)

“Welcome Home Big Brother…”
Erik Ebright does not read my posts…
It would have helped he is already E consciousness.. but the play -script demands that it is manifested so step by step that as I have stated .. it went too far.

The first conversation I had here was with Eriks Father 69 year old… who spoke of Allen Ginsberg Magazine called “Eros”
then with his girlfriend, Izzy who started speaking about the Kolo…
As in the Slave name, for the folk dance of dancing in a circle and its significance..
She spoke of how the people danced shoulder to shoulder and the Vagus nerve…

The vagus nerve (/?ve???s/ vay-g?s), historically cited as the pneumogastric nerve, is the tenth cranial nerve or CN X, and interfaces with parasympathetic control of the heart and digestive tract. The vagus nerves are paired; however, they are normally referred to in the singular. It is the longest nerve of the autonomic nervous system in the human body.

Itself operating as a tree of Life.. And how they danced each persons tree of life, linking to the Vagus nerve which controls the “Shoulders.. and “Shoulder Blades…Hint -Winged Transformation”…
Yes, the Woods.. A Circle of Trees, making a Ring.. A Clearingin the Woods.

I was smiling through what was left of my Teeth, “Oh boy..!”

The she kept on talking about Kolo” the Slav people, culture..
How it is a Wheel is Kolo…The Kolo is the Circle.. it is a Dance of the Full Circle…
Her organization, Lu-Kolo…created a by a group of people in New York, after witnessing that there was no supporting structure..”No place to go” After the Momentum of occupy Wall Street…
*I wrote about that.. I had just left Marina Burini;s and Toms Trumans when it started…And was passing through Lisa Levine portal on Green Street..Maha Rose… Yes… Green..

She spoke on about Kolo..as the Axel…
Axel Love

Finally I introduced myself formally…
My name is Emeka Kolo….


E.L.. That was the codes message I saw on an image Erik Ebright had shown me…
118…E.L..12 76…

She Paused quiet…

‘Yes Erek, responded his name is Kolo… Emeka Kolo”

That alone should give an indication that I was “Forced” as you all witnessed, to pass through this way and this portal…


Then Izzy, initials, ‘I.C”…informs me that her brothers company is called Eternal Lighting.. E.L…

Today I received a message from David Arro Racz..
Erik had answered it and responded.. to what was a Annu Code…
it was 6:29 p.m… F.B.I….

5:20 p.m
E.T…Eternal Truth…

Which was the logo I noticed on E fathers T-Shirt…

“Penquins love you too. Its E os Asl3ep. “Good Morning’ David..G.M.D.
Penquins refer to the Black Ore White…B.OW…I.E
Those who understand both equation or consciousness and create Color from the Two.. Rainbow and Hues…”

Best of Both Worlds..

David Arro Racz Whom I Call… R.A.D..A.R…Arro-W..Line.. Ray in the Do Rey…of the Ra.C..Z…Race to Z..
I saw Erik Ebright last exactly 10 years ago…
When he was being defiantly sent away.. and this time I arrive after he returned from a three day stay already victorious by the time I arrived…
Meaning Like the winged David, he “went away” of his own volition after spending the last 10 years as a successful Media Arts…Director as the rest of the world..Medicated…

There was never anything wrong with him in the First place,
but just as David Roman he had to go and figure provide evidence not just to himself.. Which the D line required but not the E line…
The E line are simply defiant…
Recall I recounted David spending 3 days in the K-Pax story.. Bellevue.. Belle Vue to emerge three days later with the verdict ‘Nothing wrong with him’ – yet he did get to meet people inside whom he touched… and transformed..

So what are the chances that I had no Idea what was happening with E, only to arrive 10 years almost to the day…Time traveling ( To my Loud Public protest ) back in time, 10 years but really 1 Full Circle after Sean Bono sent me to meet him.. ( And in turn meet Sean through See a painting of A Graffiti Mural of A Child Fighting and Enormous Monster Demon the child just managing to hold up almost 4 fingers, to the Monsters 3 fingers…In the Green House Soho where I had been led to by a guy called Johnny the Original ( where I later recognized and met Pierre David.. Rock Stone of the Beloved” who was wearing one ear what looked like a Black Diamond and the other side a “White Diamond”
The same Green House where the owner of the Green House (G/H..Grey Hound 78) had said that I must find the corner stone of Existence the Foundation Stone before the awakening despite my protest that I was the representing the Corner stone… Made obvious by the Mirror and the E.T leading David and Adriano Bencini..A.B..12..who I also met in Green house when the My presence had led Pierre David to appear and even to call his friend David in France, to come to New York..
And who turned out to be the spitting image of David Roman Nicholas…And similar consciousness but that of Land while the other David ( Nnamdi) was of the Sky…

I already knew and so did Sean Bono.. that in 2006… that I had found the correct Space…With sixth senses and reason..

So is it not interesting that 10 years later after finding the portal at 268..Generation X Gardens on 4th Street…
6:02 p.m

That the very last person I met.. Erik Ebright who I met 3 days before he was “Sent Away”- and which I wrote about on Face Book, having not seen him in TEN years… “The Elegant Nomad..T.E.N”
That I found myself be forced through the only portal where an open invitation had been continuously extended to me, going back in time…
to that moment, but changed from his being sent away,
He himself deciding to go away, emerging 3 days later having proven there was nothing wrong with him, other a defiance of “Why must we Speak their language”
And then 10 years of Hell as to why it was good, not to speal “their” language, but to build a bridge by cleaning up the filth dome to their True Consciousness of the Human Being called The Child- consciousness which made first contact with E.T…

Erik said he was born in 2006…
I lived for almost 10 years in the True man Show, an Alcatraz, a Dante ;s Inferno, forced to go round and round in circles for a Truth already Established by my reaching the green house in 2006…
26 8..
Zeina Hanna…
Beauty Grace Cee.. 27…3…

*On the ticket was the numbers 27… 36…
27 Was Easter this year… The gate way I used to board the Grey Hound bus was 72…
27/72… Check the sacred portals…27 and 72… Full Circle 36..360 Degrees… Circle and Cross.. See Nenad M. Djurdjevic and sacred portal 38/83…

Erik lives at 26 N.E..60th Street…
I last saw him in 2006…26…
I had met the one I had come to find.. the one who was meant to be the Great Demon Monster fighting the Child..
The same Sean Bono who had drawn the spitting image of my younger brother Nnamdi on his Easel… when I first stepped foot in his apt.. Situated in a demolishing site, He worked and I eventually took over and worked, and he went on to found Art Battle…
The Green House Sue left to him..

On the Third day after hanging out with then 20-21 year old Erik..
-I was 38…
His Email is Eeeb83…
38/83..Perfect Symmetry….

I was treated rather roughly and that is when for the first time I was forced to live on the Streets..”With the same Elegance as before”
Sleep in an Alley, where Axel Anderson -Axel Love visited, as well as Gabriel and Andy….
And 61 days later.. I found Generation X Garden and Sage Isaac and Albert….
And for 4 years straight would be his guest and engage in a Conversation and a gentlemanly but deadly chess match with The Spirit of Non Existence until in 2010.. I had to leave because my former Host had chosen life, and fathered a most beautiful son called Royal Mayan… born 9-22-10..And Reign 10-28-11…
I met a friend of Eriks… Said…
On the veranda here, the porch there is a piece of Graffiti written on the roof of the N.W side of the upper wall…it was blank.. Erik asked me to write something there.. But I was too tired so he wrote instead…
On the North East Wall it is blank apart from the words written below on the frame by his friend Said..
“Too Blessed to be Stress”

Erik means Eternal Ruler “Energy….”
Said means Happiness..
Praise…Well Done… is the meaning of Emeka….

Erik was very precise.. he did not ask for my Energy…
He asked for my Expression…


So it is it not rather interesting that I leave the Dimension which challenged me so much that it did not allow me to visit a dentists or even evolve… A constant 24l7 Challenging with such Wrath and Cruetly.. Guilty and Tortured and ready to be lynched…over and over again because I did the most natural thing…
Tell the Beautiful Truth…
And here I am…
3 days after E rebelled once again, but this time instead of a 3 week stay which he contested and Won… The First time in the History og that Institute that a patient won…
Spent Day days.. and 10 years later he spends 3 days where he voluntarily goes… 10 3…J.C…
Johnny Apple Seed…JA.S…M.I.N..
Jasmine Afoum…
Transformed to John Weed Seed…
“Yes that is what he calls it..
Johnny is a Boy and Johnny had Grown up.. He declared..
Jonn Blackwell..
Johnny The Original…

To sacred portal 34… “Mary Juana”..WE.E.D)

Who presents me with an ‘Authentic Galaxy” Purple T Shirt..
and before that A King piece in the chess Board… wrapped in Gold Foil….

No more games.. he said…

I did not even know we were playing a G.A.M.E..

7;00 p.m

New York Miami…
N.E.W….Y.A.M…Festival…/ F…M.A.Y…W..H.E..N?

Evolved to
N..E..VV..G.A.M.E… a Game..

when It is what I always knew it to be…

Evolution Awakening…
N-E-VV… Y-G. A.M…E…

This was never a Game to me…
or a war to prove the Nri Ez Kings story about the New Yam and Coco Yam representing Adam and Eve…
I just men a friend of Eriks…
He is Called Cocoa.. and he is a Dude.. A Shaman.. a Sensie…
and a recent business partner..
Eric and Izzy…
Eric and Coca…
Eric and Said…

Eric and Father…
Eric and Jimmy…
Father Son…

Eric had sent a car to pick me up the moment I arrived..
First a White Toyota Camry..T.C…License plate E.I.C W 31..
Driver Kirby…

Kirby means ‘Dark Son…” D.S.

I saw it but it drove right past me twice!

okay.. I said…

Then sent a Grey Honda Civic (G…7..I..H.C..83) D.R.N.V.12…Driver Armando…at 6;43 p.m…

I saw it but it it too just passed and I did not even know that it was for me.. did not see the message…

I kind figured out it would the third time… I had passed through the last Grey hound Gate C…
I was getting irritated… still reading and being governed by this Holographic Play!!

And yes, the third time A Red (Burgundy Red) Mazda Mazda3…R.M.M.3…B.R..MM 3 (Miami)… Driver Rueben who looked like my other”Driver Ravinda Singh…”

license plate G.B.Y.F.20…. Yes 7 2…Y.F…25 6…Now 7 6…
*E.L..12 76…20…”Sacred Portal ;Lady Echo T.. Eternal Truth….
Laddie..Echo Bravo Eeeb83

Rueben means Behold A Son!” the first born Jacob 12 Son

B..R. O…M.M3..26 (3)…8…8 3…C.H..I..C….E.H

Brother Grace Beauty…Yellow-Gold (King Arawak) Fact…Echo’s Emeka…256 evolved to 76… Awakening… through the “Talking Heads’ MI..N.D.I..

Kirby Armando Reuben…. K.A.R..A.M…A.H…. K.A.R.M..A..

The Dark Son, the Warrior…Behold A Son…
The First of the 12… 14.. Le Ah.. Rachel… E.W.E… Purity….
The First Born D.E.C..K..E…

Le Ah of Purity.. the Kar.. (Vehicle..Body Vessel Space Craft Ship) of

Just was texting with Phavour Alegbe..P.A…
I call her Favor and was telling here that she had a Twin aspect called Grace… She then responded…
“That is my other Name.. Wow..!!!”

Grace Favor C… Mi Ami E…

76..In the 3rd Planet Earth… C..383… Awakening through C.H.I..E.H…All around the World…

Sacred Portal 76…

E.L.. 76 12.

Message from Davd David Arro Racz

Liljana, Milcevska Donceva…

Yes, I am about to post intel on the play going on here… As well as this intel which you have texted me.. I will read it using the ‘E Code”… Hanger ( Airport) and Winged Trandsformation D.C..(4-3.. sacred portal True Life) -Washington D.C…The Energetic Pyramid..( Eric Jim..his father and Izzey His Girlfriend… “I have already established this…”
the message continues V…Victory over Washington D.C and the Entrance of the Portal of True Life.. V=5, 5th Dimension access granted… The +…The Positive.. code The Crossing of the full Circle.. *See post of Nenad….And my sacred portal the cross and the full Circle…
Its is dual message, your E-spirit within you whom I recognize as my Brother- Line of my beloveds.. Arro-w.. Saggittarius- Centaur… Destination Point is confirming the intel I have picked up on here.. Delivered effortless by Erik and the line of this dimension…
‘Defeat over Washington D.C right back to Its Founding Father… ( Friend of Alexander Hamilton… See the production “Hamilton by the guy from Peurto rico… Alpha bet city.. A.B.C..268…Where I was..’

-tag me please , i have someone that keeps seeing those in their dream…’


-“What is the persons name?’

“hold on
Liljana Milcevska Donceva’

“Dear all please help me, i dream this symbols twice and i don’t know what they mean, thanks for your attention in advance
Is there any news, or I’m crazy?”

“those are her words..”


-‘Excellent.. L.M.D….. I will tag you.. it really simply the Eternal being in her giving me intel which was very important.. This is Evolution Awakening David, and this is the way it takes places.. it is rising like a light within.. a memory of a consciousness and a Space beyond time.. See my posts today…
As you see I could read them perfectly and the evidence was given to me by Erik showing me a very similar code he had photographed…”

Thank you ,dear scribe??

As this was all happening I had opened a Giant Chocolate Chip cookie.. Erik Cocoa and Myself shared it while I was texting with David…
I observed that we the Cookie was called David…

Sean Bono dealt with the representation of his own Demons as well as Sue who did not believe that the corner stone and foundation of Existence and Creation is not a Stone Rock Planet…
It is a Man..
A person…
Who takes a Stance and is not moved…

E-ART Harmony..
Eternal Truth..
The Father of Energy E-Bright…
Is Expression Clarifying
Harmonious to eternity…

10 Years…
8:06 p.m

Karma is coming too…

J…A.T…L… (C.B)

8:07 P.M

The Past… Was Fine there was no need to go back…

8:08 p.m

then 0..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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