
5/17/2017 20:07 – Facebook Post



Imagine using Numbers to seek to control the Play….
I was about to post and saw the time was 6:33 p.m.
And I was about to shout,not again… the Chukwu Chineke story of NRI…

When Gay-Marie Bradshaw appeared, I had been trying to tag her, she arrived in just the nick of time for me to comment to her, which changed the time to 6:36 p.m…
Which is what I knew we should be at… Passed by now the Blockade of First Contact imposed by “Father and Mother”
They who where Nne and Nna… Nnamdi and Nneka… 69 and 72..
My bio brother’s body corpse.. and that of a beloved but disturbed half Aunt called Nneka Umeano…
Nneka means “Mother is Supreme”

Huh…I am wearing Black and Red.. polo shirt…the Colors Cecilia and Maurice, Onuabuchi Ikegbuname Obiekwe … C.M..O.I.O..
wore on my 9-10th birthday… Black and Wine Red…
They were my Little Brother and Sister… Not my Parents..
I am Father… O.I… The Guide, not the Parent…

Robert the older, got up mid way through my Beautiful Righteous Rant Full Circle and literally ran from my Table to a Table on the Wood Side…
I went to take some air and Abu..”Rose” is sitting besides me and now Jace K.Hartford…
A.R.E… J.K..H… 1O 11 8…

Nri Blocked the passage to the Original First Contact access when the Beautiful Ones Came from down from the Full Moon..
Ha..From The Full Circle of Completion 5O.. E.O..
They Rose from the Cee.. of E… not the Sea…
And descended from the Cloud 9 of I Bliss to Join me Centered
Left Right Center… Center Left Right…

Nnamdi was left handed… and that is what has been tugging me, pulling me down and to the left and twisting my Body….
I am the Original Nnamdi and I would not do that to myself…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Graca Pimentel II.
Sarah Nkem Blackstock

Completed that equation.. Well Done… Thank You…

N.G.S… 147 Is S.. Steven…

Yes Nenad… Chuckle…
Stephen or Steven is a first name derived from the Greek first name ???????? (Stéphanos), in turn from the Greek word “????????”, meaning “wreath, crown, honour, … Origin. Word/name, Greek. Meaning, Wreath, crown, honor, reward, royalty. Other names. Nickname(s), Steve, Stevie. Derived, ???????? (Stéfanos).”

I went outside and saw the Tree where the Gold and Silver key chain with the name Steven was written…
The Trees of Life, were fighting me, claiming to be the Neck.- me buried with only my Neck and Head above ground…
Twisting me Neck.. Voo Doo Doll…
And when I went to get another, the server called out the name Stephan… ( S.T..EVEN..That was the Con… using Spelling.. Spells…
Step H.A..N..E… See the date of Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s post…
Jan 8th,… See the Time I responded to Torm… 8:01
See sacred Portal 81.. Transformation…

I called my Aunt Julie…54 age code
And what a surprise, I discovered that all my messages to her and texts had been edited…
Even one this morning… I had asked her to send 150:00 usd it was the code of the 15 =O..
But I received no response or confirmation so I let it slide, then I let her know again and she finally told me today that she never received any text. And even today..
I sent her a message and then saw that A+ had been added and I just signed my name…
She said she only received the A+ Emeka…
Who is the A+ for, I thought it was her, but looking at back at it now…
Oh Lord… It was the Substitute Teacher when I was a Boy and in Canada.. When I first wrote the Story of The Family and the End of the World and its Rebirth… written age 7-8..

My Aunt Theresa!.. I gave it to her..
She passed over at the Age of 50…murdered..
Michelle Lobsinger had seen her and my Grandmother in the Astral Plane and spoke of seeing the two of them,

7:11 p.m

And spoke of how “They” had not allowed the Evolution Awakening…

Joshua is now sitting besides me next to Jace…

The Joshua Tree… U2.. I read about it revival…

I have just been forced to move to the Wood side because there is no free outlet..
They influence is still here, i saw it coming before the whole Woods side of the Cafe Table area became suddenly free and the Metropolitan Section crowded…
But I know what this really is, it is not the Power of the Spirit World ( Despite their wishing to believe that- a Woman just arrived here with her Baby and her Husband she is wearing A Blue Jersey with the Number 90… I.O..

No, it is not the Spirit world.. Se sacred Portal 90.. Spirit E..
and Emeka.. S.EE…
What do I see..?
That I have left the City because the Awakening had manifested and I have passed through the Room with a View at the Ritz and the True Rites of Passage with my brothers…
And am now in the Woods- the Country Side where at last I have quiet and peace.. I rest
And it is here that the E Line Family come to hang out and chill..
I am very quiet and live there mostly by myself and a few of the brothers who stay…To keep an eye on me… ( Huh!)
but I am left alone.. I speak with my Big Brother a lot and slowly the Ladies of the E Line begin to arrive.
My Transformation is complete and I return with the Family to the Cities but not to this World.
We live in True Gated Communities…
True Beautiful District 9.. There are no guard or security necessary…
It is a Dimensional Realm where only the E consciousness can enter and find…
It is a World Apart a Dimension apart yet seated in the Heart of this World…
Like the Mists of Avalon… the Dew which conceals?
Perhaps but it is more like a invisible Enchanted world to the uninitiated..
And where ever we go, in the World..
The Land rises up to greet us and there where a Family of Ethereal Dancers stand ready…
The Land becomes Holy Ground…
Concealed to All but the E…

And yet the some members of the Family go ‘Down’ to work in a now rapidly transforming world where there is literal Love Light and Laughter… and a healthy bit of Fear and Awe…
After all the beautiful Ones are finally amongst them…
and with a Glance… a Look..
You could cease to Exist…

And yes, there is a Boogie, the likes which nothing that ever could be imagined by a Mortal takes place..
The Beautiful Ones come into the World to help organize that party, and others to direct guide the Reconstruction, the Renaissance and the rebuilding of a World..
While others begin to disappear never to return, but hardly one notices.. They are not even Missed….

See sacred Portal 5..

And Sacred Portal 31…


There is more, much much much more…
But hey why spoil the Fun…

7:35 p.m.

It all happens in Harmony..
And “They did it with Expert Timing…”

Julie Azuka Umeano did not hesitate,
“Of course, I will send it, as long as it is for your own personal use and enjoyment…
I sent the name Jose Roque, this time she got it…

And so it would appear that my Biological Blood line who are the The True Seers….
Mountain of Fire Ministries…
Mount Karakarama… K..
7:47 p.m.
Leaving on a Jet Plane…
My Bio Family are the Blood Line of First Contact…
I have known that since My Mother, Julie, my Grandmother my Aunt Theresa began recounting the stories of our families past…
And I knew, I recognized, in perhaps a Lower Plane but perfectly aligned, that this was the same story, which is why my Aunt Ieasha Theresa recognized…in that book I wrote ( with pictures) expanded to Clarity for 40 41, 42… 43 years…
Numbers.. who cares… but a very long time..
And refined for 16 years in New York…
And 60 months almost 61 on Face Book…
and 7 months at Delta Manor…
Climbing Mount Karakorama in the Dead of Winter alone except for the voice of Nenad M. Djurdjevic and the C.. the Three Ladies- Five……
And of course the Human Species… Hary Spencer.. Flor Elena Medina…

7:56 p.m.

Lord of the Rings…?
No. there is no Ring of Power… none except sitting on a round table with Equals…
Where there is no Head…
Because everyone knows who is the Head of the Family, and why and everyone assumes the position they were created to assume and which they created themselves.. and they found that the Two, the One Created for them and they one which they Expressed Desire be.. Fit like a kid glove and merged perfectly into one.

8:01 p.m.

Take That…
Nothing @ All…

8:02 P.M


F.C.I H.I.H.I.C.F…


8:05 p.m.

8O5 H.O.E..
85 H.E…
M.D..Q H.E

8:06 p.m.
David E I Patrick..
Beloved Examples of the Patrician…Nobles ones..
Are of E…
8:07 p.m
The Beautiful Ones…
Now you know Y

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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