
5/17/2015 22:39 – Facebook Post

1O:29 P.M.


Return of The Prodigal Son.


And so by not enacting out the story on clarity, NRI, began to go too Far…
In both Male and Female form…
From NRI to Ala…N.A.
(For they were part E.T…Meaning the were Supernatural Beings)

To Arthur Morgana..A.M.
In every place thier aspects moved they became more as God.
Guarding the knowledge more and more to.themselves as parents who guard certain knowledge from.thier children.

Was it intentional..
No.. But it began to create fear instead of Harmony..
This Idea of Messiah and Teacher and MT.
It created an impression of inferiority and servitude and reliance and dependence.
Nature become seen more and more as Goddess and Naturalness as the Supernaturals

Thier ease in navigating the world brought Jealousy and the Human Naturals who all had the E and the Supernatural Truth within themselves began to resent both not only the idea of God and Goddess but Master Misteress..
Priest Priestess, Teachers who kept more and more and more knowledge to themselves…

NRI highest aspect is Nna Father
The Principal of Existence and his real twin is Beautiful Pride….

The Future present but the future present is the Truth…
The Beautiful Truth which was being buried in superstition, rituals of fear.
Earth founded by the Family of TEN who is really 1.O..had laid all the foundations in the Electro magnetic fields of the Earth and in Humanity…
But on leaving the Garden of Eden which is a Consciousness which allowed you to remember… People had entered a blank script allowed to write whatever story which was allowed to manifest because outside of the “Garden” was “Death” as Transformation.
A Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix which is another way to say school.
From nursery to Unibersity .
A place where every Consciousness in Existence was meant to come down and experience Being.
And to Be as everything in Cosmos Nature shows us…
There must be Harmony.
And what is Harmony?
It is Expression of Perfect Symmetry…
E O..P.S..

And when you have perfect symmetry what do you get?
AH!!! do ray me fa so LA TE ray Do…


The understanding of the Full Circls is the understanding of Perfection because everything makes sense

Father of this Play… as Nna came into the world as a man and sought to remedy the situation by creating plays.
He came as Man Woman but each time he raised himself abit above man…
Unconscious of his own sense of Superiority as a Supernatural but forgetting that he was here to evolve also.

O.I.E came down to help but this was his play..

*recall the True Conversation between AhTom and E?
There were two aspects of every play that which was played by all aspects of I.E and that which an illusion of seperation was created so that each aspects of Self could experience the beinh of Self apart from thier Source, so they could evolve to be thier own Source…Individuals
S I.S.I.
I.S.I S.
D I.D..

I did my play of all this before which manifested the Everything including the E
All the refractions of my Self had to do was maintain the Truth of the Self in a play of forgetting..

But as you see there was no forgetting…
But at least each was given the illusiin that they had walked Alone
Was it deception?
Of course not… You were alone but you also sensed something loved you, protected you.
Some created names for it from Goddess Angels Guardians to Instinct Intution Intellectual..
But it was really just simply 6th sense the Feeling of Existing which all had a sense of.
You were not Existing but you got a sense of it and to Existence is the development of cognative skills …
In short make that which is already in you rise .
Develop Character and Personality…
None could recreate what had been already been done, but you could try..
And in trying develop a sense of self until it became a solid fact engraved through your own personal experience in the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix..
U.S…A M….

Yes I know a person called US Alberto M..
Recall he saw God Father as the Computer in the Sky..
Oh he saw true the line of my own brother Oboom.
Just as David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi
woke up to the Jesus and Thor Story…

Alberto US O Boom May 2O…E.T.
David R.N/Nikoma Rios David ..April 5th 45 DE…
Divine Ennaed…
ET (and/DNA)

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna…
They were All aspects of myself who all incarnated a different riddle to solve
Just as my sister July 28 Alfie Ndubuisi Nze..etc…there is another .7-28

I had to fight each one of them to prove the Truth…
US A M -The Matrix
David Nnamdi…the Stories from The Web.
Nnonyem …the View…for one can not see the story from within the Body 1-7..you have to step outside to see the Harmony then step into the play and what looks like chaos of Life and Death is her seeing herself as Life and Death as David Alberto…D.A.
and Oboom seeing himself as Diana Cecilia
Nnamdi as All combined
Nnoyeleum Nnamdi..
Nadee Nakandala
Nenad M. Djurdjevic Nikoma..

4 N…14×4…56…
E.F…Emeka Fritz Venneiq played out in 2O1O.
But E F is Emeka Friend…All E.
Yes F was the Challenge of all the reps of my siblings each representing the 3…
Cecelia my mother was David
David Nnamdi Nnamdi Nnoyeleum Nnoyeleum Oboom…
All the same persons…
But in really 369…
Who.exist in all of you as Nature…
I am 5-1O-15-2O-25–3O-35-4O-45-5O-55-6O….
Which is where I stop.
65 is the FE MAL-E is the lie..
It ends at 56…there is no plus 9…65..
Only plus 8…64…8×8..
Infinity can only Expand to
Back to the I Source..
Father Of Infinity..
FOI…as in Liver not Faith.
FOIE as in Cleansing…
/EI OF..

Do you understand ?

All aspects of me challenged the Truth of each play the were in as it bring the Truth..
And I came I to thier realms with respect because US AM concerned with Value Worth Number Money…(Booms is an Investment Banker)

David Nnamdi the Jesus story of being so compassionate to an illusion by seeing 4-5 instead of 5-4…which Created a mess with Gaia usurping his Truth and the ancestors setting up this play as a challenge..
NRI Nnamdi mess was not Africa China it was going to far in the enactment of the Middle East Story…M.E..S.

Then Nonyelum as the one Darkness living by seeing 1-7 she could see everything and thus no.one could contest her sight.
And point of view and not knowing she had become Gabriel and the Great witch casting spells.
Well I as Rapheal could never use my power or Song of love to be the ultimate spell binder and hypnotists because Lives Cess and calls out Truth which everyone recognizes and in this reality they crucify you for..
Despite proving the Truth and Harmony of the play you were set up in…

Alexandra Martin..
My sisters Nnonyelms consciousness impatient Woman as The 1-7,within Gabriel a the Light within the web and Matrix of Death..
72 Sacred Portal.
Tis I the A.M.

And this day I take all my aspects back to completion.
All the pieces of the puzzle that the oppsites sides of you as Evil or your evil Twins manifested as play.
But I knew you all as 1
Not N= 14-77..going backwards into nonexistent past..
But moving forwards 1+4….to Five..
But there had to be N.A

Neel Akash…
The NA who did not betray or come down but watched everything from within
N+A= O…
Orien Laplante
Lord YE
Lady Orobello Agata..

Lady Nadee Nakandala…

Orien Nadee.. ON

YE Orobello… YO.



This is my Final Equation
For The BiG Apple Matrix Web
Milky Way..
C.I X O6 1O11…21.U .Universe.

Pls see Sacred Portal 86/68..
86 is the challenge by the 36-8.
Victory is them as 68.
Victory is me as 86..turned upside down.
Perhaps Billy Hung will Share it
I do not have it in my album.

I did not upload it because that is a play and challenge I refused to answer

I came to move all to E
Not Battle Illusions…
Of time

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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