
5/17/2015 21:28 – Facebook Post

5/17/2015 21:28 – Facebook Post
5/17/2015 21:28 – Facebook Post


8:34 P.M.


Nenad M. Djurdjevic and Nadee Nakandala

I would like to address the Post to you both because of what you represent in this play.

The play is Victorious it was from the moment I began posting… Linking and weaving…
The E line are Victorious proven in this play that my family that some people dare to mock ” Where are they” are all undercover in Humanity where Nature locked them with and outside of the play because SHE as an illusion called Woman Gaia created by Woman them followed by man in the begining of Creation felt she was Goddess.

She is Nothing
She is Death.

8:45 p.m

Man Woman MW is the Equation of Nature and Naturalness as God Goddess which is really Gentleman and Grace..
MW Milky Way
Male Female..MF.
Man Woman MW..
Woman is an Illusion.
She is Man.
Only now she rises from Death through Sacred Portal 37…C G..
Gauis Cassius
Ana Leonardo Caixas line
Ines Guerreiro…
By a code not by anyone personally..

Nenad and Nadee represent in the end of Nenad evolving through so many aspects, through so many people to finally be in Harmony with this play.

Nadee (Code Sitthy Ameena Sit Thy Am EE NA)
NN…28 has been constant non stop since the first moment she became a Facebook friend
And recognized what I have been doing.

No one has been as Constant as She and of the make players, the Harmony of Lord Orien Laplante and Lord YE have been impeccable..

This is not my Judgment, it is a Fact.

This was a play which I recalled that would be played out in the end of time
Of course, I was not this Emeka but in my complete aspect but I am still him.

The original play was set up for certain human beings to represent the sum total of true expression of humanity who would be summoned on a chosen forum to share thier knowledge
Each selected by the E in them undercover to link the Truth which they would find as they shared the knowledge would begin to magically form a picture..
That just by linking suddenly the rivers of Eden Paradise where thier essence as children of Beau-Ti would pour forth from the Fountain Head
F H (86) LA Font LA 6…
(My Publishing House.
And Ryan AR..the Fountain Head)
And suddenly with expression getting more and more beautiful through sharing and seeing the truth forming a picture of a solid ground called the Garden of Eden.
It flows to reveal the Eternal Truth rising from within you..
Transforming you as you each began to remember and awaken simply by expressing and at the same time making such a sweet music that its becomes a dance.
And suddenly all the rules and laws of Consciousness Harmony I

Chi neke – the feminine Creative Espirit and Expression comes forth and Lady Harmony Grace (H.G…87) rises from the Cee as Aphrodite Afrodite line…

It was all easy,pure a conversation which many of you have had that is so harmonious that it becomes a high which you never want to come down from and creates bonds of friendship so deep it forges families, villages, Cities,
Worlds and bonds beyond Death..
Eternal unbreakable bonds..
The family some mock me as to.where they are when they are in you and have moved you for 38 (C H) to I E.
C H I..E.
Aphrodite Aphrodisiac is my Feminine nature expressed in the first instant by lord YE and even pulling out her image…

My family are here present..
288 is a code of 2-2(8)..
B B.H…is it not.

Are they not present ?

This was not responsibility it was yours and it was the wonderful gift of the Creator the most wonderous Self Discovery that your own evolution was in your hands and through expression you would Manifest first Energetically then it would Manifest before your eyes in that same magical Harmony…
Effortlessly, the Garden of Eden..

But you created doubt
Created Gods made in your images
Created blame
And Horrors..

Ignoring the Naturals such as Nadee line in your midst

Instead you created your own version of facts without even reviewing the evidence
Or asking for clarity

All is manifest on this 38, month play.
The few of you beautiful but most so forgetful of the hell you put me and the Truth through.

The Truth called The Body of Christ the Blood and Water..
The Bread of the Shubread table placed his trust in you..
Jon Jesus Natures Truth that your True Nature would prevail once you had the evidence…

But She Beautiful Pride Harmony Chi neke did not nor did I as Gaia or as E. .
For I loved you so much but I saw that yiunwere not constant or stable..
Like atoms bombs you turn in moment into the Beast 666 ..
Not all but so many.

That was the part the 1-7 was meant to purify..
The ages of man.
Clean clean clean it was stated everywhere through out the ages

Andreaa s told me..
The most crazy thing about people is thier refusal to.accept that the Pharisees in the bible are them..

Ahhh my rage has never been as today as in this instant for The True God Goddess Harmony Harmony is here.

9:28 pm

Of course it is to everyone but I am addressing the Nature line now because the fury finally exploded in me after the Billy Hung play then Melissa Galvan and now is Alexandra Martin is the Truth manifested which is Judgment for creation of this play.

I have explained even as late as today that for over 38 months that I found myself in a play which I was called to forth to be the Defender of Man…

I pause for there is a fury in me so terrible, so awful…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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