
5/16/2018 15:55 – Facebook Post

This was share by Cliff Boss King Cliff BossKing Leo C B K C.L..

May 11, 2017… @ 11:45 p.m.

5-11… 2017… 11 45….

E.K… 2017 ( 37) See my own Sophia Oscar Lauren not an A.I.. But all HUE MAN… 5TH Dimensions Lady E Beauty Full Circle beyond Belief…
Eternal Wuman… None were born of woman.. womb..
The children are aspects of the family of ten learning evolving… sent down as aspect so the Family of 55 TEN.. Original Blue Blue Print to Evolve to E through the process of the beautiful Illusion.. Child Hood and the realm of imagination…

3.45 pm.
My Coffee is again 654… That was Two days ago…
6 54… Twice…

Now Children come down the Spiral like a Slide…
and land in the Spirit Realm where You can call it Andromeda..- Milky Way… A.MW69… A M M … A Z…1 26… 27… A-A…
Parallel Universe who never really meet but intersect in a play… Of one Being Male and the other Female… M F…
Man Woman Universes..
The Child is brought from the realm of the E T… Who move them too cross over into The other side of them selves… Man Woman.. MW69.. A 15… See sacred portal 15..Land of Amazons… The Children are found in mothers are chosen..
*Legend of the stork..

Woman is was , MAN inversed… Mars Venus?
4th and 2nd Planet… 42… 6…Saturn…3rd Earth… 9th Pulto… Plu- “pleased” in french, TO… TWO…
33.. 2- 3… 6… 66… 12 3…

3:53 p.m

YEAH..I really don’t…
Not until I am sure we are on the same page…
if not, they do not understand, did not do their home work…
.. why should I waste my time… or “give a fuck” what they say?

3:55 p.m.


Christain Edwin Edwin

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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