
5/16/2018 1:08 – Facebook Post

1,147 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 1.. And 147 AB…

1A “Love Links Joy Us – Existence Divine… Joy to the World”
147 AB “Emmy Father Of Infinity… F.O.I”

Recall that the meanings of the names Summer Moore

Summer Hot Season… Moore Open Space and Dark Complexioned person…”
and Jonabie Dimarucut.. “The Creator is Gracious sends “Abie” the Gift of Breath and a Down Pour Storm… ”

A Gift of Breath of Fresh Air.. some cleansing…

All manifested….

“See the text I recieved from Billy Hung at 7:45 p.m..

‘It raining and the Sun is shinning at the same time as the Cloud Curtain is pulled back a sliver so we can see the most unique Sunset.”

See my Prodcution “The Stor of Colors” Set in Istanbul…

@ 7:58 p.m

( 12:39 p.m right now)

“With lightening and thunder at the same Time!”

* Recal Carl Ritz Code – who was shaped as the Earth, and the video “Thunder Lightening”

T.L… 20 12… 32.. 5…

I responded at 9-10…
Marina Strewe…

New Yorkers are aware of the Storm, it came like a ‘Breah” which blowed..
Two people were Killed.. incluidng a 11 Year old Girl..
( Fiearless Girl standing before the Raging Bull -Pose-I.D.On.e?)
New York is the 11th State…

The Two 11 are Billy Hung and Jace Horsford line… B J/ J B…
11 Is K.. Kolo.. it means Princely Manly Warrior.. Circle Round’

Billy Hung added earlier after we left,
“So went to Starbucks for bathroom before driving back there was a woman selling m&m’s, we smiled at each other. Then a few steps ahead, another woman pulling out a cigarrette and sprayed perfume that I could smell the gragrance in the air..:)”

Sacred portal 26.. 626.. “Erose Aphrodite.. E A..Something is moving through the Air…

A Truer version of Patrick Suskinds movie PERFUME…

Recall the facebook friend Luncinda Chava Bale…

L C B.. And the meaning… “Light A Living being surrounded by a Bold Light.. at the Castle Walls…”

And now Marina Strewe

Origin of the name Marina: Feminine form of Marino, a name derived from the Latin Marinus (a mariner, a man of the sea).

C19: via Italian and Spanish from Latin: marine. Word Origin and History for marina. n. 1805, “a promenade by the sea,” from Spanish or Italian marina “shore, coast,” from Latin marinus (see marine (adj.)). “. Meaning “dock or basin with moorings for yachts and small craft” is 1935, American English.”

Strew….strew E..

1. to spread or scatter or be spread or scattered, as over a surface or area. strewer, noun. Word Origin. Old English streowian; related to Old Norse str?, Old High German streuwen, Latin struere to spread.”

“The Man from the Sea..Cee can dock, his pleasure craft he has scattered his seed and spread it to satisfaction to al the C, and it has taken root and will yeild the most wonderful bountiful Harvest…”

Feelings Sensation..

Billy Hung said that to me today, that I had completed the planting ( and harvestng – Future assured) the E Consciousess and way of Being and Embodied..
Exemplified by me…

Travis Billyfred Rucker T B F R… Truth Beautiful F R… E E

1:08 pm

Jace Horsford 10 8


10 11 8

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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