
5/15/2020 18:29 – Facebook Post

5/15/2020 18:29 – Facebook Post

6:03 p.m

5-O- 202p.

So tell me, one and all..
Using even the Wisdom of Ages of this current Human Time Line.

Why should I or the E, believe any word people of the realm of Liars say?

After watching, observing them Lie ( and deny) and do it again and again even denying what they ( You) did, and said said and written yourself.

6:08 p.m

I do not take into consideration anything which a person not of the E or the A say.

Only their intel where there is nothing of Themselves present to sully the Intel.

No, common sense tells to never trust someone who lies to you, going even as far as to Lie to Their Creator.
Simply because they do not feel that what they did or said was that much of a big deal.

E.Karma unless you do it back to them.
Tit for Tat.
A game which never ends.

6:12 p.m
A-. F L. A M E.. A.H.

And that game with such creatures never ends.
Tit for Tat.

Lie to me over 10 times and I see you as you now are.
A Liar who was never a friend of the Truth.

And one can never Trust a Liar.. ever.

And one who lies, and constantly challenges the Truth is not only of Non Existence but a teller of Stories which are not facts or true

I have consistently told the Truth and I am aware of what I have endured from dealing with this realm of Liars.

6:19 p.m
F S.

But once that person or representations is taught how to tell the Truth the whole truth and consistently lies.. and uses even that E-Eestablished Truth to lie and not set things straight.

This time Death and Destruction Rises
D A D. R.

6:22 p.m

Fritz Venneiq. F V. 6 22. 6 5

The End

No Dne..

6:23 p.m

6:24 p.m

I do not trust anything these People, This Script not of E has to say.

Truth Manifests

Love is Truth.. not Cruelty.. Truth is Clarity, Transparent nothing to hide, everything understood that is how Conversation was born
Expression so naturally Transparent
We TWO M.Y. C H. ( B) A-A. H.
Did not even have a word for Truth.

Common Sense

You can not trust any one who lies to you on that which is Sacred and Holy.

The Beautiful Truth.

6-29 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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