
5/15/2018 1:12 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 124… Jace Horsford 20 usd bill..

Eye Pupil of the Cosmic Black Pather….


“No such thing as Hope
but only Faith that You know…
and that is faith…

Jah Finesse was the person who I met yesterday with
with Quanma’e Lewis. I met him as they were rapping.
Jaquii Q remarked you rappers always had a mantra which undercut all rappers rythmes; he pointed out Jah Finesse ( J F ) who was wearing Budhists Prayer beats who kept sayinf “You Already Know..”
K T whose was … “You Know..” ( I think that is what Jacquii said)
Jacqui began his own with a bit of a stammer, as my brother used to as well as my Uncle Pius.. I am…OP H I U C H US…./ S U H C U I H P O.. Patrick Okolo ..P O…)

He began with “I am, I am .. I am.. ” Thats it.. I said and he burst out laughing…
“I am.. I am.. I a.m…”
E Q… 5 17.. 20 18… 38… C H… U.S… 21 19…. …3 10… 3 1O…C A.. 4… D…

Beautiful Assassin..

The First person I saw was Kirtan.. Locket…

Then Later I went down stairs I stood alone with Yuin Chen… and Pierre each in a segment of the Court Yard… I at the Helm Yuin the center and Pierre at the back…

Then Jaquii and Cameron ( Couresty play… recall? )
J C..
Q C…
Then Lewis arrived wearing a red T-Shirt… he said he recognized ne days ago and had played the music “Babalawo” when he saw my body shifting…

*”Babaaláwo or Babalawo (Babalao or Babalaô in Latin America; literally meaning ‘father of the mysteries’ in the Yoruba language) is a spiritual title that denotes a priest of the Ifá oracle. Ifá is a divination system that represents the teachings of the Orisha Orunmila, the Orisha of Wisdom, who in turn serves as the oracular representative of Olodumare. A Babalawo’s female counterpart is known as an Iyanifa.

Babalawos undergo training in the memorization and interpretation of the 256 Odu or mysteries, as well as in the numerous verses or Ese of Ifá. Traditionally, the Babalawo usually have additional professional specialties. For instance, several would also be herbalists, while others would specialize in extinguishing the troubles caused by Ajogun. The Babalawos are, however, generally trained in the determination of problems, or to divine how good luck can be maintained, and the application of both spiritual and related secular solutions. Their primary function is to assist people in finding, understanding, and being in alignment with their individual destiny until they experience spiritual wisdom as a part of their daily experience.

The Babalawo is charged with helping people develop the discipline and character that supports such spiritual growth called “Iwa Pele”, or good character. This is done by identifying the client’s spiritual destiny, or Ori, and developing a spiritual blueprint which can be used to support, cultivate, and live out that destiny.”

I recognized my being forced into that role…

Edward Eceinco recall that play…

As well as OINRI High Priest… and countelless other roles foisted on me, but I fought them all…

the Dead Pool… 1 2…. Brian Reynolds… Green Lantern..

Dead Pool…
Digital Programs Manger..? For Jace Horsford?
Ha.. No, I did not divine that, I manifested it from beginning to end…
From the moment he applied to the moment he graduated full circle…
To Delta Mu Delta to 15th May tomorrow …
All from my locker at Delta Manor…

Which I opened my locker door and really studied the writing on it..
14 18… Letters N Q L A … And B.L on the corner…
360 A Star…

1;08 p.m..

Including the Two Bowls shape as the Shape of the Universe…
two sides which form a planet..

1:10 a.m.

5-15.. 1969… Jose Anthony Roq… formerly bed 5-004 set home by me..
Do you recall what he said.. ?

“They seriously underestimated you”

1;11 a.m.

56… 11 1

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