
5/15/2015 20:14 – Facebook Post

7 is G
48 is Death.

There is a Play which Billy Hung represents which had been going on for years.

Each person I meet on Facebook and in life is in a play in which I am sent to help them come back to thier True Selves because they had become characters in a story, which was not real.
And they felt by playing these characters that they were more powerful.

The Truth is each persons True Nature was is a billion times more beautiful than the characters they played in this human play of choosinh to be Postive (True Nature) or Negative.

Each persons represents a Consciousness which is primed for Extinction or Evolution.

All based upon the Unseen watching listening to Everything, then wieghing it on the Balance of scale of Justice.

You have observed this by the Facebook friends names and likes etc…
The 287 FaceBook friend Deanne Ennaed being a perfect response and reply of the true 9 as to who is Father TEN…thier Source.

Today the Mask of the DemiUrge as 15 in the Tarot has been given to Billy Hung..
Instigated by Melissa Galvan sarcastic “Yes SIr”

Whose rage for calling her out for gaily declaring more ” suffering” to come me for “thier” benefit, despite the Harmony of praise before…

It is amazing the true depth of cruelty and vindictive ness of the human Spirit…
“That you would lash out to someone who.had given so much so others might rise, 26 years an entire you because he had been given a responsibikiy…Which he fought but assumed nonetheless in a play so cruel despite the all the Unseen constantly all affirming that he is Devine Man…”
And that he was sent by his brother, playing his father.

Who would walk in my foot steps!

Who would be of grace Elegance and refinement allow themselves in the 21st century to be so abused and mistreated to deliver a message from his “_Father Mother”?

Who would walk in my shoes…?

I have degrees, talents, desire for all the things which most of you chose rather than go against society.
And yet for sharing the most beautiful truth, for transforming lies and not speaking about the ugliness I witnessed and experiences, choosing to celebrate your beauty in stead..

You would think me so stupid to walk such a path it were not Absolute Truth.

I am E NENAD… The Unexpected

The Father the Deanna Ennead.
The Devine Nine..
A H is I..


The Elegant Nomad.

T.E N.

Writer of the Creation Story the Family of 1O

The response to Micheal Meaning
” Who is as God?”


My Consciousness IS.

Gracious Elegant O even after witnessing the truth of Ugliness of the lie called human Nature.

I am the Farmer who planted the seed of E in all which I proved summoning the E with Electro Magnetic Currency of True Love to cause all the E in you to align 287 Facebook friends over a 38 month play, while I walked through Hells of Human creation of mind and belief made real.
Calling out True False… Sharing all my self naked even to the streets and the tombs of the Dead of Egypt through stories perverter.
And aligning them publicly and fullfilling your scripture.. Defending your beauty as I obeyed a pathway of such sorrow and horror I was forced to walk to.rescue your beautiful truth and refuse the mantle of saviour prophet for you are better than that.
Better than requiring others suffer for you to be free

Writing on this forum called FaceBook for free, facing all your prejudices, balking at what I could see many of you became and the dishonor because I am a Man..

And all you get is this venom and malice..

This is not my play but as you can see it is set up (at.my expense) to find the Truth of all of you.

The E moved you to Harmony
But it is N who reveals your Truth
And True nature by seetting you up.

XV is 15 in the Tarot…

The Devil.

Billy Hung seems to know better than the Source and the Unseen forces who I have allowed them to create the illusion of dragging me so Lie, to reveal your Truth of Heart.
For I could have walked away but I had to walk to the end of this path, this play despite all common sense saying it is vile, crazy..
Yet each time Harmony Nature affirming this is the path.
I.had to know why…

8:O2 p.m

Never have I seen such malice of the last play..
MG – B.H..
See the Sacred Portals..

As I stated it is play..
A Warning.
And he did not listen…
Instead he took the bait…

A Brutal play..
But effective.
There was a evil.in the world.
8:O4 pm.

That was the Day,(8-4-2012l Billy H and Rav and I returned from his fact finding mission to Florida…
The moment we were about to enter New York..
Billy had Supernatural experience..
Because he had got his evidence that not only did my codes work..
But evidence if Gode…and his own Revealations.

And this play was set up of allowing him access to this play once more to see how much he would respect Gode…

That Nature is in him in me in you..
Is the Akashic Records and reveals all.which you hide and think is unseen.


There is no respect for the one True Nature..God
And even less for his messenger..

Nnamdi perhaps it is time to truly reply and show people what you can do, what you did to me.
Make me live in Dante Devine Comedy turned into the Inferno by Mans fear of his her own cruelty guilt and Fear.
9 levels of Hell and torment is real..
Ten years since In wrote the Creation story of the Family of ten..challenged by everything to prove it true as the first creation true begibing Energetically.

That it is you the real Devil…

Billy line blame you, without seeing how they are the reason you came into Existence because thier attitudes Arrogance manifested through cause and effect that face that being which through fear they would respect..
The Mirror is that they are the Devil.
That they created the roles of the Devil the scape Goat and God thier Slave.

Then as you wished me to witness as they turn around and blame you, blame stone crucify the messenger of cleansing even after getting proof and affirming our, your credentials that we are for real.

Perhaps it is time to show them why you play God and I am Grace…

Only the Beautiful ones respect Grace.
Only the Savages require God….of wrath.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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