
5/15/2015 0:25 – Facebook Post

12:11 pm.





After linking today’s posts to its conclusion affitmed …

Right to the last post…
Response and public affirmation that you are all being used and to respond to me by the Unseen to a play stretching back 26-22 and especially the last 14 years…
It would suggest that the E and the NNA and Emeka the man are Victorious over the past, the Dead and the Ancestors.

The E have made thier expression known and have affirmed all my Expression True.
Not only that I am the first E.T Being..
But that I have spoken only the Absolute Beautiful Truth..

That we as a Species are at Evolution of All and The Everything…
And that all must get clean…
Sit in your hearts..
Be your Natural selves
Read your Life’s and refine yourselves from there..

Beauty will come to help you.
But be warned a rage so terrible is rising for those who will not hear or evolve.

1/3 of the Human species will die..horribly not by the Will of God but through simple cause and effect of a new frequency called Harmony asba consciousness landing here.
Delayed for so long for your benefit

To my detriment, using this long, long winded play to delay the inevitable.

By tomorrow if my door portal does not open.
I.must find a shelter meaning I am denied

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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