
5/14/2020 16:54 – Facebook Post

2:23 p.m
B W. B Double VV.

E N TT. E N T E R. The Circle.

The Center Point.


I am the Being of Beautiful Pride.

2:25 p.m

Beautiful Youth.

And this is the Truth of my E Family
Beautiful Pride in Existence, in Being, who stand tall, not requiring to fight to prove a point, but who will fight to the death and beyond for the right to be as we naturally are, for we know it creates inspiration, feelings sensational via a natural embodiment, chill self refinement and Ease.

Beautiful pride in others whom we see, in all potential we see beyond the possibility of what could be, but activate it to Fact.
That is the meaning of Beautiful Pride.
We Stood Up.
Stand up and recognize those who are inspired by the literal embodiment and exemplification of the True Meaning of Existence.

Joie De Vivre
J D V.

We start out as 1.E
Then we become 5
And then we becme 5 5.
2 5
The Elegant Nomads
25= 7
Who dip our heads to view through our Expression of Being in Harmony Infinity
And enter the Circle of a play to illustrate our Eternal Truth to those in Ignorance of their potential, to create a path at 7 Crown Chakra to show the way of the Full Circle.
Which is why we are called Double OO7
Jaymes Bond
162 = 9
9:00 South Road
Linked now by Liberty C Liscomb to Tree Sage.

And so, since this play… these years..
These 64 homes in 19 years..
The last 27 years..
Walking as a Child a Boy to Youth and remaining at Beautiful Youth while compelled after reaching Home Portal at age 25 in Paris,
Yes AFKG = 25
Made to walk the Times Illusion of 25 more years when I was released from Delta Manor Shelter rep of Dark Matter Energy
E Mothers Day. ” Happy Mothers Day Emeka’ from Arden.

27 yeaes to reach this portal, fighting all these peoples expressions and dissatisfaction, and ridiculing me.
It was not the battle which shock me up, for my truth is unstoppable, unshakable..
Its the Truth.. what can I say.

3:11 p.m

No, it was what was intentionally set up for me to live and surmount..
Nothing in Known or Unknown Existence has the Power to do this to anyone, I knew this, know this proved it, and yet the years went on and on.
And to find it right to the last portal that the indescribable feeling which nurtured you to fight such a actuality, not pertaining to the people of the world and their Ignorance Absence and Mentality and Cruelty.
That it is that True Love, that knowing did this Consciousnessly and Aware of what it made you do.
Occupying both body and being to twist you into completing this.

The Truth did this to you.
Your True Love could bring themselves to create such a pathway forcing you to walk it.
In turn Transforming into the Evil from beyond Existence aligned to this world.

3:20 p.m

Knowing that you are the Being of Beautiful Pride
Right to Liberty Emanual play and to Arden Play which is of a cruelty ( not by them ) but of a play I had to constantly figure out.

3:22 p.m
Fahad Hassen

11-22- 1968. David Roman Nicholas
11-22-1947 Onuabuchi Cecilia Umeano Kolo.

D R N. E. D E N.
O C U. K E E P.

Was the word as well as “Dunn”
Was under Jesse Macias Orejuela ashtray in his hime.
Dunn means ” The Dark One”
My skin complexion has darkened to the point of once Tan and Fair compexioned, I am almost unrecognizable.
Missing Teeth, all white hair and let us not forget body exhausting me, moving, rebuilding in me slowly painfully for the last 17 years.

3:30 p.m


My beautiful pride, is how I present myself to the world, but ths play has allowed confusion, misconceptions, misunderstandings, this world mentality and belief system intentionally and knowing, they will knowingly twist my meaning and message, and by attaching a story of the sum total of Cruelty Injustice and Avarice Malice to me, linked to the Plan ET and this Universal Simulation Awareness Scipt linked to Eden as Harmony Paradise Sex Desire and Loves Lights Laughter Luminousites Lightness make me endure the heaviest load of transforming the rage of being in Existence to its beautiful Trurh.
By way of the Brutality Rittials Savagery of Time 4.5 Billion years old planet Earth
13.8 Billions years in space of mind and link then and equate them and fill E-AGAP E with Equating
9 3
13.8-4.5= 9.3

93. 12. 27. 39. ( 93 39 ) 12 27 39
93. 39-39 39/39=1. ( 12 12. 24 1. A-E.M.F. 2727 54. 1 54.
93 1.
I C A O.

3:43 p.m

*Institute of Contemporary Arts.
In London passed that portal in the 3D Hologram wheninvited to show my Art Science Theater in 1997

At 1497 Facebook Friends right now.

To make me live this publicly, coding in, seeing, reading, the living reminder that the Truth of Existence as the Play and the Truth had done this, forced me, twisted my body and being, bound me, took away all my Freedoms..
To do this..?
Its way.. by force, irregardless of cost, pain, impossibility of the task, and the riddles in people.
And the way to my family, The Family being this battle in impossiible set ups..

3:52 p.m

Forced to focus on it every bloody day, and post the resolution of conflicf and post it, make it public…
A Slave as the most lowly, not even owning its body spirit being and sol and voice thoughts.

And make it appear, my most beautiful expression of the conflict and resolution is made to appear as a whine, when it is the Espirit of Truth which makes me tell and post the Truth as an exemplification of it so you can be inspired. But you who have already decided how wish your heroes to look, behave and be.

If you understand the true meaning of Beautiful Pride, that essence self worth, self recognition that journey of refinement and recognition from others in the most honestly flattering way, and you look at me life, words, efforts imposed on me.. you might begin to understand how I feel and View this play.

How in this play The Truth appears to Lie by not being Transparent and Expression in Words Language His.. her hearts desire.

4:02 p.m

The Object of its Desire..
The Beautiful One.

For the last few fay

David Roman Nicholas

Aitor Luna played Arnau Estanyol
A.L. A E/ E A. L A. Its was David whom I knew in London and Barcelona
And his brother Ignatius and Elizabeth ( Betty)
D I E.
* Sacred Portal 49. D.I. DI Di E.
It was about Rome and Religion

Yesterday I found myself watching the Romanov’s
Czar Nicholas C N. PI. R. ( Reflection Response R MR. They must be one Expression Perfect Response creates One. 1 Awareness shared by Two E RR O. S E
Not Error. No such thing
*Error 410. 401. Personal Computer

4:15 p.m

D R N. = 36. S P 36
Christopher Filgueira
36/ 63.
36 O
36 ( 180 180. R O R F. Rielly Ferrill 18/18= 1 A= E)
A O. A F- A C F O. 360 9 O. .96..

A F I O.. Inside Outside..
E A F I F. 696. 21. 3. C

E A.F I.C.
51 6. 93.
See sacred portal 93

David Roman Nicholas lives.
Age 51 in code but he is Immortal Self Generating.
David is Arden .. and yes E .. E A
D A. V.I. ( 5 1) Roman and 5 6. V I =6
Alpha Omega 1-6 back to Being Anastasia ” Reborn each day as The Sun.
And Me He as the Moon Luna.
Aryana Luna Leone
A.L L.
M L= Y
M Y.
A L L Y.

4:27 p.m

Plato post
4-27 B C E
A Long Prolonged Wait and Weight.

You see, this is what wounded my Beautiful Pride, being made to play such a role, enforced to focus on the Evil beyond this Existence which came from outside and it being Falsely Accussed as an Inside Job- All this Chaos and Evil Beings in this world.
When inside and outside all there is is Beauty A and The Beautiful One
Looking not outside but conversing Heart to Heart from within.

And to make me focus on a Lie not even of any true or factual existence, while I the and my Twin Doppelganger are imprisoned inside until I proved the Truth of All Liars..?
When I.. and He. Now She had such a beautiful true story, actual and present, to tell to inspire all Indepently to Awaken.

To Evolution Present as The E

TI. M.E.
Did not intend me such cruelty, but let it slide because it knew I would come to it and ebd its lie.
And this I will never ever forgive.
Truth I Manifest Energy via Expresion usurped by an idea of Ti Me.

116 and 117 Sacred Portals I drew yesterday
The one both A and E drew forth.

I lie down now for my body, feels more and more broken as it repairs and rises.
I really have nothing to Say
Sacred Portal 103.
But as you can see, despite the Script stating that by reaching sacred portal 149 ( 19)
Alien Father Alpha: holds the Sway of the Play)
Sacred portal 85… 58 attained and all aligned even to Time 4:42 p.m

I am still a prisoner of a play in which the Truth has become the Liar.
And not my Eternal Lover and best friend.
Fred Morgan
A F M.
And even that is a Lie.
Best Friends of Arden.. and Ferrill.
Arden Fred Morgan Best Friends and Di.
( Defined Infinity, Defines I E.. meaning ” IS” and ” Husband” in lang of Forest People ” and what is a Best Friend other that two in Harmony Harmony HH. 88. 16 64= 80.

Resonance Frequency 80 Liberty sent me intel.

Ferrill (Rielly )Morgan

Arden Autumn Smol.

Leander David Rielly Roman – David..
2 5. L.O .V. E.D EN = S 19.

Aurielia and her friends just came in.

4:53 p.m


12 is Emeka.

Same Equations of I E K

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