
5/14/2015 23:17 – Facebook Post

1O:25 P.M.


As most of you must be aware by now, the Entire population of the planet are being moved by forces…
In a Play which had been set up before this Universal Matrix began.

You can see it on this page clearly on this Facebook play
A play by the Story which went to Far and the original play of E, which had been designed for the Human Evolution to HUE Man Beings.

I am sitting at the Bean Cafe, near Rob F. Black have not seen him in a while, but recall the number 14 he represents..
And today’s play of N.

The interference with the true play was Nature which doubted the Existence of Harmony in all things.
It doubted Naturalness based on its perception of humanity.

After completing my last post I saw 7 likes..
Which is the way I read what the “Unseen” has responded to my Expression.

Nature versus the E…
Nature now evolving to Evolution in a play which only this force within me has been strong enough to keep me playing…
And my own Hueman and Existential indignation as the Human fully aware of, and kept aware of of the play..
Which also restored me to full memory even while “Asleep” fully awake and Aware

Nnamdi required my help.
He had unintentionally acted out a play which went beyond the 9 as I..
But to a Non existent J as the 1 Balance to Contest the 1 Balance which made rose Existence and thus, the challenge..
Think of someone creating a monster which they can not control…
A Matrix and a species which only I- yes a Hueman…

The Big Unexpected ” Nenad M. Djurdjevic ” surprise…
That the one “Whose is as God,
Is the Farmer…
The one who planted the Seed of E in all things and who battled and slayed the great ” Dragon as Rob David (Rage Anger Jealousy …
Which is what Sean the one I met today told me that the amount of Jealousy in the world is scary, monumental…
It is true..
But why is there Jealousy if not simply the hurt of not being seen or feeling that you can never measure up, which I just spoke about with Nature Nnamdi through Nenad play who spoke with me through me in the last post….
That the doubt of the original N as the All now evolved to the Everything line of E through today’s play.. Had of me was not of me but of itself to be the reflection of I.E…when two of us stood and I told Him Her the Story of how Everything Manifested through my consciousness (Electro Magnetic Current Field)
And how it manifested before his eyes but he doubted if it was all real and perfect and was transported into his own Reflections from which this realms consciousness was spawned.
A Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix
Uncle Sam…no…

But even here Harmony existed under all the layers of illusions and Fear to Self annihilation it grew to be.

Yes, the Nature + Ancestors..
Represented or who used Humanity unaware as puppets have finally accepted that the Source is Hueman Being undercover…

After an unforgivable play where the J play of they being the 1O ..the Alpha Omega enacted by Nnamdi line playing God and Goddess..Father Mother (meant to be Guardians), saw the mess his play had intentionally created
God as the One balance not Harmony.

And so, you have witnessed the 38 month play of the Unseen challenge that the E Exists and I could move all the E. Electro Magnetically to respond publicly without the people being aware

(Except by my offer of common courtesy to point it out with evidence which I have been doing Non stop along with battling with the Ancestors who were doing everything in their power to prove me a liar and not the One…)

And hurting my brother twin..Nnamdi Nadee Nakandala all of you in the process called the Everything..
They held back Evolution and allowed confusion pain and suffering. Using human beings as human shields.
Which is why I was trying like a mad man to get your attention.
The feminine aspect Angela Marie Alexander Nadee (A.N) the Sarah Lagrange Sarah Beth Friedman Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani Shubhi Gautama etc..
Where much easier to deal..

As you can see after 14 years of hell and 38, months you see the last play of N+A…
B.H etc..

Let me give you an example of what I mean of how you are being moved to respond to this play.

Recall my last post, a few moments ago…
I completed it and saw seven likes
7 is G.
God E..
And let me give you intials of the names..hold on a sec.

11:22-3-4 5 pm

Okay there were 7 likes in response..

Intials of First Letters


Beautiful Pride)
Electro Magnetic
O Full Circle of Perfection
Expression Grace (God)
The Last the G was Georges-Philippe Roc
11:28 pm

George means farmer.

Then 2 more likes by 6 ppl.

Formed M.A.N.
Then A N N

Beautiful Pride is Electro Magnetic
Perfection of the Full Circle of Grace
The Farmer who planted the seed)
ANA…meaning “Land” in IONRI Igbo
and Gift of Grace and Favor..in English..

See what I mean?

And to top it off after I finished posting the post, another blonde startling beautiful dude sitting besides me turned to me and I saw that it was another one of the David line Sean Phillip..
Its thier eyes…alien in its beauty..
He showed me a drawing it was a man his back turned looking up to the sky framed by the window holding a cigarette.
It had a strange beauty and solitude.

“It you”

I stared at him..
His eyes friendly and full of Light Beauty…
I fed on his beauty, fed as I had fed on Phillip, Sean less..
As I feed on anyone male female who have that cleanliness that beauty and sense of self..
And when they catch me, I look away a little shy of being caught but no iota of guilt in me.

They usually smile because they know as I fed (so starved I am ) that I replenish them with Energy of Praise and Appreciation…

“It does seem very alone”..I said.

” Lonely?” he said surprised…in a European accent I could not identify..

“No, alone…but Heroic “(but I did say the latter part)

But he smiled, “Yes, alone but not lonely” (but Heroic he seemed to affirm)

“Can you sign it by writing your name?” He asked me.

I wrote me name..
“Can you read it.”

“Emeka Kolo..”

He showed me another one I had noticed.
It looked like a Flaming Sun in the middle of the Cosmos.

A third was a frame which read on.the side Peace and on the bottom it spelled
MONEY…with a great view

I asked him his name…
“Jacob.. ”

It means the Usurper Supplanted..

He had not..

He had drawn me then asked me to write my Name.
Giving me acknowledgment
The subject of his illustrations

11:54 pm.

And so I shook.hands with him.

” See you around”

11:58 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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