
5/14/2015 16:25 – Facebook Post

5/14/2015 16:25 – Facebook Post
5/14/2015 16:25 – Facebook Post

2:52 P.M.






E and N Harmony…EN Harmony
In Harmony
Emeka /Nnamdi (rep by Nenad)…


I communicate with the Unseen realm and my youngee twin aspect I call Nnamdi or Nature via numbers which I then transform, by grounding and anchoring them to what happens around me in the “playing field” I transform them into Letters of the Alphabet, then meaning which form sentences…
Which flow out of me through posts.

Yesterdays post Dear Nenad and All..
N.A recieved a response after I posted it.
The number 14 began to appear everywhere…
And as I took the metro at 4 in the morning that is what registered on my ticket.

To have my body in such 24 -7 activity, while living this way, the extraordinary self discipline of living this way on the “streets” allowing your body to be the compass.
Aligning an unseen world to the present (not really present)
Watching people in New York going about thier business..
Ah, I can tell you the struggle to give up and walk away.
Not because of doubt but because after 26 years of AZ…of talking and linking to the unseen.

All my Espirit now is linked to just ending this…
But the Truth, demanding as it has been, demanding to the point that I often no longer can concieve this as the pathway (and cost) to manifest the Truth.

I arrived today, knowing with 23 and now 2O USD left in my wallet from the gift code money left, that I had one day more left of this work.

I struggled with just walking away, the exhaustion of 26 years has caught up with me.
Not physical, because in a way I am still the 23 year old who began talking to the Silence and ppl are surprised when I state my age.
It is as if despite the extraordinary duress placed on me, the 23 year is apparent in me still..
As if I have been in stasis.

Long time to be alone.

Talking to the Unseen.

But as I got to Starbucks brushed my teeth and groomed myself, I saw 2 messages and 14 likes…
14 is N.
Messages from Nenad and Alfie Ndubuisi Nze..

I already knew what was being asked of me.
Sacred portal 14 is Evolution
It has been 14 years in New York.
14 years since I left Jonathan’s apart on Feb 14…
Where a few months before in Istanbul my 13 yr old brother appeared before me like a holographic projection
“Hurry up” slow poke!
Off to New York…
To the Silence one more time..”

So here I am.

One more day,
The code money when it runs out is the indication of this play being complete.

It is still not my play yet.
I am E…
N is 14..

After reading the text from Nenad, and his description of the vehicle with 21 Circled in front of him.
And seeing his reading of it in his Language of Consciousness aligned to mine..
A Circle with the dot..
The Point and begining of seen manifestation, I knew one more day of Expression was required.

I went out to get a coffee and a young beautiful man like the Caucasian version of Jesus came up to me and asked for a cigarette..
I knew him somehow…

“So what do you do for work”

I wasn’t taken aback, just wished Clarity.

“My Job?”…I laughed ironically, “I write”

“Ah!” me too..somewhat ” he replied,
” I write to piss them off”

“Why” I enquired but fully aware.

“Because it is the only way the feel or can be moved, they pretend that they want Love and Peace but they want to feel anger Rage…
So I write to piss them off…”

Then I told him what I am doing on FaceBook, I was amazed that even after 14 years the power and flow of my words.
I spoke and he understood quietly..

“I unviel the evidence of what is behind the layers upon layers of this illusion, whether they like it or not…
I reveal the truth that they are in a story…
I reveal the E in them…
What’s your name..
” Sean” he replied.
“I am Emeka…S+E is X…letter S is 19+ letter E 5..
Creates X…
SE-X. Creation.
Our conversation is the Infinity Harmony exchange of Breath if we connect in that we both meet in Energetic Agreement we have formed the X..
Creation SEX..

” There is an Electro Magnetic Current surrounding the Planet” he added helpfully..

Eva Marie…
Elecro Magnetic Current is a Consciousness..
Which protects as well as quarantined this world..
The Consciousness Harmony had to be explained before this portal could be opened before I could …
“Nnamdi Let me go!’

I had been furious when I walked last night to find the portal still closed and to find myself still locked in this play.
I saw Kevin, the former Elegant Maitr D of the Balthazar whom I knew when I first came to New York..
In had done the work with him.
His name means ” Attractive Handsome…Creation is Beauty ”

After Sean in quick suite a young very dark young man of African Origins asked me for a light, followed by an Asian…
Drew -Cooky and Billy Hung…Lord Ye

Electro Magnetic Consciousness

Sean looked at me as I spoke..
Finally he said quietly and conclusively
“Your speaking about the Truth..
Your speaking about revealing the Truth behind everything”

“Yes” I said, suddenly quiet.

And he left…

I walked into starbucks to find texts from Nenad but there was another beautifil young man who was besides me…
He had his computer out but as Sean seemed to be living out side of society…
Living on the edge.
I could not get him out of my awareness..

And he was aware..

As he was about to leave he gave me a penetrating candid look which revealed his Everything to me, shy and disturbed I looked away.
He had laid his soul bare to me and his eyes were had turned almost alien in thier Greenish Blue gaze.

As Nenad spoke through texts, he asked to be my Facebook friend so he could respond..
He spoke of the prodigal son returning yet there never having been a seoration..
That he had had a conversation with me in the Dream realm all night we.had conversed..

It was all in Harmony because in that instant I realized that just as David Philipe GilGil had left 3 times each time coming back in pergect Harmony of the plays evolution..
That Nenad would now be my 2-86 FaceBook friend…
David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi was born 1968…
I was at 368 for 9 years (5.7 yrs straight E G. OH)

Then it clicked the guy Sean at 😯 Balthazar was David Roman Nicholas!
The at 78 Starbucks was Philip..
Both who had led me to 268..
Infact Phillip had led me there kissed me on the lips as a Father and Lover would and said, there is something I must do to you which you will not understand..
The day he told me this, David Roman Nicholas just happened to ride by at that precise moment

I love my “Sisters” but this play was about my brothers and my rescuing my Sisters and then brithes Truth ..

David Phillip Nenad Nnamdi Sean Gil (Meaning J.O.Y..
Jonathan Orien Laplante Yonathan Yohannes..)

Rescued all aspects of my Brothers and consequently by Sisters who left me to the Abyss of the Lie created of the Nothingness as the Dantes Inferno ..
Nnamdi as the Emptiness
“abandon hope,
All who enter here”

A lie human stories condemned me and my twin as Nature Nnamdi David I (N.D.I/ I.D.N) to..
The true Identity of Nature is
True Identity.
The Crown Chakra which linkd
P to S..
David P to G…as JOY..
1-7..linking to 8
Harmony …

4:25 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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