
5/14/2015 13:52 – Facebook Post

5/14/2015 13:52 – Facebook Post
5/14/2015 13:52 – Facebook Post

From Lydia Massei.

The World is a Numbered Matrix.

It is a Painting by Numbers

It is a Story

A Universal Matrix Awareness Memory.

It is a Hologram.

I have been proving this for 38 months.

How it can be read
How it Echoes.
How it is download Programs created by the E line and the Program Creator.
To help the Bio Nature of Humans evolve and link to E.
Meaning Ethereal and Elemental Nature merge to 1E.
To Harmony …
E Harmony because everything in True Nature is Harmonious, and that humanity has been quarantined.
Time 1:O8 pm.
Flower of Life.
*see sacred number 1O8 in this “Play” where they are not outside in a Dream State as my family the E line, learning through the process of experiencing the “Reflections” of the First E how to become Embodied as I.E.
I have proven this by showing how it can be read and is a TV.

Nature is Harmony and until humanity could consciously evolve from 1-7,contained in the body as well as the Universal Body- a Star Ship- to Harmony Universal Nature which is as we know all Harmonious..
They were kept separate.

My mission was not to explain Harmony, that was yours as a species.
Harmony is here but it had to be studied and explained.
But no one did,
It was meant to be a your journey not mine.
Your home work.
This “play” set up on FaceBook was for All to weave and link thier Intel together which would form a weave, a picture a conversation a buzz..
Instead, because of human Distraction, I was bound by the Dark Matter 96%-69 to prove Harmony existence…

But this is all done except for a final play and exchange of Expression between Nenad M.D and I.
The final equation of N+ A
Seen in
Nenad +Alfie
Nadee + Andresse..

To finally link my E family to Truth..
Thier Truth in E+T= (5+2O=25..Y)
Which has been played out to Y.

We moved to 2-5 as B.E..
Beings Embodied
2+5..7 G
2×5-1O..AO (J)
Beings of E.G (First Examples)
Beings of E Alpha Omega

1O+7…17…Q…1-7 energy points
1+7= 8…Harmony

Beings of Existence Harmony

All this if you look at the transcript of the play on my page has all played out.

Thus 8 is aligned….B.EH.
And now we align to through Expression
Beings of Existence Harmonious (the E family of First Contact) to Circle Filled with Expression..
-The True Earth.
Emekas Truth True.
Through linking N.M.D…
Natures Manifest Dimension..
1:47 pm sacred portal.Emmy
To.me through the portal.of the past not aligned to the present through Nenad and Nadee…
To me 11 28…66
Merging…with what this day will bring
1:5O pm.

The 15 letter is O..
The 21 with the Circle which.Nenad texted me he saw on a car before him…
Thus, he to saw that which is the scheduled play today in the Hologram.

1:52 Pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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