
5/13/2017 22:47 – Facebook Post

10:22 pm

Of Course.. The Evidence

It is not the same as asking for Proof
Or doubting ones Truth.
It is wishing to see the Evidence with ones Own Two Eyes

That is one of the Evidence of Being an Individual Hue man Being of E
I H B. O.E. M E. K. E

Doubting Thomas
I Check

10:28 p.m.

Will Woods gave me

The F 6,

12 89 007 7 B
M F J B.
M F. G B. Green Blue 4th 5th

…There was a Chord which David played which went like this,
Halle Lu JaH”

Micheal 55 was sitting infront of me
While I was posting this
Then offered me some popcorn.
I politely declined.
“You do know that Jose is my Cousin”.
Ah that makes sense” I said
“Very clean blood line”
He then turned to Igbo Anthony
And proceeded to banter with him.

“He always burns the popcorn”

“I like it to smell like Goat meat!”
Retorted Antony.

I roared with quiet laughter
“Hmm, they are one family”

Micheal then turned to me
“I lived with a Teacher- he was African
He taught languages..”
He paused..” that was 45 yrs ago.

“One Family” I said.

” Yes,” Micheal paused
“Anthony said the exact same thing
How he sees me as family and his world view”

It shows how one world view can inform another by finding a bridge of language proving they are not mad.

10:45-46 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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