
5/13/2017 21:31 – Facebook Post


F 6…
M.F… 12 89 007 7 B…
M.F.B…M.F.. J.B..

Church sent to me by my Uncle Sir Pius Nduka-Collins..
Fire Mountain Faith…

8:46 p.m.

H D.F…

Harmony is Death.. that is a Fact.

H D.F…Harmony is the Sacred Portal 46..
First Drop…
Fifth Dimension…

I will Share the Sacred Portals which tell the Story…

Will Woods.. WW… Letter 23… 23 23 .. 46…
Letter Double V… V V VV .. 88…
VV… 44…
Goddess Bliss. G.B… Green Blue.. is I.E..
Solid as a Rock… The Stone I stand on..
I stood on, and faced the Entire World..
Faced the Challenge of the Spirit and the Peter Rock…
As well as even the E who Challenged me to a Contest…
E S P .R. I.T
Esprit ..

*”C16: from French, from Latin sp?ritus a breathing, spirit1. Word Origin and History for esprit. … 1590s, from Middle French esprit “spirit, mind,” from Old French espirit, from Latin spiritus “spirit” (see spirit)”

I am unmovable from my stance of the Truth of Who W.E are..
Sacred Portal 147 A,B… Emmy… Father Of Infinity…
48 Years later…
And 3 years in non existence Time… 2013-1016…

And there is nothing which could be done to me, to move from that stance, not even the Challenge of the MAW MAW..
Jaws of Death… I went in… Did I not… into the Belly of the Beast.. As Well as the Being of the East… and W.Est..
the S.Mouth.. I am the North..N. O RT..H.E..
8;55 p.m.

Hear them..?
The Invisible, the E.S.P.R… Roar… Approval Confirmation…
I am E…!

I do not need their approval to know who I am..
But acknowledgement is always appreciated…
That is the meaning of Grace…

The Moors were meddling with the Script from the ascended Realm and the E let them to see what I would do,without power without any of my Strength, not even my Human Strength.
Exhausted Tired after 16 years 24/7 of this play..
Of Betrayal and moved to Rage by the Beast which sought to devour Creation..
What right did Humanity and Creation have to Exist…
Because I Exist…
And I am I.D. M.AN…Nature True…

Stone Rock.. I.E…R.I.S.E…
Still I Rise…!!!

Yes, My Lady Sarah Nkem Blackstock line of the Victorious Super Nova…
I am E….

9:00 p.m.

987 is the correct number of Face Book Friends since sacred Portal 88 has been executed.
And Cecilia came Clean as Onu.. O..
733.. It did not post, is not because there was a power greater than MY Will…
But because it had moved back to what it always was,…
CC 2 C’s make O… 69… 15..Letter O.. 6..Fact..
9:03 p.m.
Yes, I am glad you See…

76 is the Awakening but only in the realm of E…

Onuabuchi… The Song which emerged from the Mouth of the Created.. “Onu”- “She Heard .. E’.. S.H.E

Here is the vindication of Will Woods…
That he was set up in a Spirit Play willing to sacrifice his Existence and all his line to Existential Death…

The Ten Dollar Bill
Serial Number
F6… M.F… 128…900 77 B…
Mother Father Sacred Portal 54…Super Nova…
128…Neil Furby…
Blood Pressure.. 128…
89 Confirmed by Emeka Kolo and Nenad M. Djurdjevic ..
E.N.. 5 14.. See Sacred Portals… 5 and 14…
5+14.. 19..Letter S.
Stephen Filgueira –
S.F. ACT… Feelings Sensational… Awe Oh Ah Cum.. Come…
Stephen Popiotek S.P ERFECTION
Steven Brodie… S.B
Steve Cannon.. S.C O.R.E
Steven Terrell.. S.T… ONE

900.. See Time..I.OO… S.P.. Pan and the Two restored and the Face of the One.. Source of Music…

77.. See sacred Portal 77.. “Low Key.. the Note of Animal Cruelty…Done to the Beautiful Beast Sexual Drive and De Sir E..”

Bathroom Code… ONE.. 450…77…

F.6…Fey Mirach Michael Frazer F,M/M.F…
M.F…Micheal Frazier

Muhammed Ali..He lost 5 fights during his career. Those were to Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes and the fight that ended his career against Trevor Berbick. I would suggest he lost the rematch with Norton but because of who Ali was he was awarded a split decision.’

Cassius Ramone Hill… C.R.H… U.C.. ( 21 3) CHURCH…
Music Group Jonn and Donna are fans of.
Cassius Clay… C C…

Joe F…
KE N .N…
Larry…H.. Larry Sax see meaning..
T.B…. Truth Beautiful…

F 6.. M.F..12… 89… ( Yes 128/89 B.P.) 007.. ( J.B.)
Is 7..G.. The Source of the Visions of Nenad M. Djurdjevic but by my Expression transformation into Water which creates an image which because of his Clean Intentions Mind Being…
He sees clearly… Receiver..
Top and the Receiver.. Bottom..
T.R.. U.E..
T.B..R.O.. THER Became Woman then Wu-man.. then She and now Lady.. S.O.L…
Bruce Jenner…
No.. Barbara James… B.J..

…Recall the day the Four men were sitting at the Table..
Jose was the Center…on his right was Ceasar.. to his left was Will and in front of him one which as empty and then filled by an one unknown to me by name..

That is seat I took tonight for Dinner, I was directly opposite Will… That is when in perfect Cat Like Quiet and subdued Elegance he handed me the Ten Dollar Bill…
He ( The forces behind him made me wait)
I rose to get something else.. I did not wait..
I created a Pause and then said to him..
‘Perfect Timing’ then hastened to align the Word on Face Book to stop any cause and Effect…
Death Terror activated.
I mean what I say…

Law is the Law…
No one is Above it apart from me.. and why would I go against my own Word…
It would be like going against my own Existence and Self..
My Espirit.. and we are One… By hardly Equals…
I am came First…

9:30 p.m


9:31 p.m..
9.. 31.. The Ressurrection Regeneration of the Bare Back.. the Vertebra… 31.. Beautiful Pride in being in Existence…

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