
5/13/2015 21:50 – Facebook Post

5/13/2015 21:50 – Facebook Post
5/13/2015 21:50 – Facebook Post

8:O 5 pm.

H: O E.

Dear Nenad M.D and All.

Today I have reached 285 Facebook Friends ending with Eva Marie.

Angela Marie Alexander A.M.A
Dawn Marie. D.M/M.D
Alexandra Martin A.M.

If you all might have noticed in this play I have found myself in for the last 26 years.
22 Years since the journals were discovered
14 in New York.
N.. Naturals
38 Months on Facebook…
C.H… Consciousness Harmony

The people I have met, on the streets, connected with right to Facebook form an Equation of meaning.
Just as the numbers of years I continuously quote- to draw your attention to the connections and meaning.

This World is A STORY.

That is what forms the Matrix.

I was not going to write anything more today but my body went so insane which along with my teeth being affected by my twisted Aorta…
I could feel the interior metamorphosis yet it was again painful, bearable but shocking that my chill was interrupted.
Something was interfering.
As if sending me Impulse Stimuli…

I had completed the last post about the Dibia Magician Nnamdi, only to see a T-Shirt which bag with the message
“You are the True Wizard..
Believe it!”

And I recall just before comming down to the Dimension of The Bean cafe, I had fought a Hellish Battle where I was staying at hells Kitchen were I had been led by Axel Anderson first to 17th Street..

17…1-7 1+7…8 AH…17= Q.

*Note the reaccuring 17 and was at the back on the Electrical Power Transformer at 268.

Then to Hells Kitchen where I had uncovered an entire loft filled with Voodoo- evil (Rage)
All the objects had been covered in feaces and oil, to mask the smell.
The spells and symbols came from all over Africa, especially West Africa, and the Dogon.

I had fought a battle of my Existence and found the Espirit of my grandmother and mother helping Me.

I cleaned and used counter spells which became Riddle solving…

It lasted everyday, night and day until I had cleaned over a Hundred objects and Transformed the evil.intent by using my skill as an Urban planner, Designer to turn it into the Kingdom of God and the realm of the E.
A place where we would Exist.

And I found myself for the next 1O years manifesting and fighting all over New York to make manifest everything I had created.

I did not do this intentionally, I felt myself being moved.
By my own Creative Espirit which the OINRI Igbo call “Chineke”
I created everywhere I went, the Green House, 268, on the streets…people will testify.

8:5O pm

I would recognize certain pieces from the Original piece, which had been photographed, filmed, on the streets and build from there.

* It was the Entire story of the world I later discovered.

The owner of the Loft had agreed to leave the installation until May.
Then one day she came with a box of a few of the tokens from the most Beautiful Creation ever, and for weeks, I would sit in awe of the splendor…
Just as I had done before for months, gazing it with awe, Praise Appreciation as I reveled in the constant discoveries and beauty.
Which caused it to vibrate and literally come alive.

Of course, to the untrained eye it may have seemed a mass of objects.. Albiet, clean and Beautifully arranged.

But it was a model..

A Story which filled the entire Loft, ever room, from the rafters to the Kitchen…
All was a story and the objects placed as a riddles which linked to words, meanings, sentences, chapters..
-A Book which ended with the room I slept in telling a story which concluded with the world cleaned up, and a Kingdom of God (transformed to Harmony Beauty) and a flying Kingdom manned as a Space Ship of the realm of E.
The Flying Kingdom.

It was the proudest of my accomplidments.

Everywhere I went I built masterpieces of the original.
I knew that I was recreating Existence.

And each Creation rippled echoed resonated Anf pulsed outward into Existence before being dismantled and thus, transformed into Energy…

*Nadee Nakandala…
(You know I literal did not recall you were Siththy Ameena, I had been so preoccupied by this play. Even though you did say so.
I kept tagging you as S.A..
Yet still in perfect harmony I did the Equation of NN….perhaps, I was being checked for nepotism…:)..)

And at the same I was recreating all the trials I would pass through.
But twas not I creating those aspects. .
As I am the way, I knew it was another awareness within me constructing the path, and creating a true meaning, while I was creating using Beauty and the creative Espirit

I trusted It…Him Her

At the end, Micheal whose portal In had passed through came to see it.
Geoff flew in from St.Barth’s
And another from Goat O world. ABC, filmed it as part of his thesis graduation for film school.

And two ladies..

Micheal who would periodically awake to memory and dimensions no one I had met could access.
Realms nearest to the my realm Truth.
But most often Atlantis and the Ancestors.
The Great world shamans.

I had once cured him of a condition which doctors had given him a “No Hope Prognosis”
Later calling his recovery nothing short of a miracle.
He told everyone the Truth
That it had been me.

*Through Conversation Expression using True Consciousness not of this realm.

But after seeing what I had created and Transformed that loft into.
He called me to his 33 st address and presented me with a ceremonial Knife with sheath shaped in the form of Alien looking Druid..or Merlin.

He spoke from another realm, telling me that the great council of wizards had indtructed him to present the Commander of Wizards sacred knife to me.

Its is strange yet no coincidence, that in 38 months I have never truly spoken about the Wizards…
Or the worlds and dimensions I had created
until that reminder today on someone’s bag.

It was what I did before I began writing on Facebook.

I suppose, I became so.preoccupied with the demands of this play…

But I spent 1O years creating 7 of them intensely.

And all my life, I have been aware of similataneous dimensions living side by side with this realm.
And of a great battle going on in the “Spirit realms”

All of them were in illusion though they would never have believed it.
That they were in a Story which I had already cleaned up…
But they were allowed to be ignorant to see if they would clean up their mess, only to perceive the Harmony beneath.

Even down here while in Hells Kitchen..
But the stories were made to be and feel too real by dead and through Fear (Guilt) Belief.

“Before me nothing was created
If not eternal, and eternal I shall endure
All Hope abandon, ye who enter”

The Inscriptions over the gates of Hell.

From Dantes Inferno..
FD is 46 see sacred portal God
Dantes Inferno.
D I is 49…
Alaska 49th State
Nenad M.D…..N.M.D….
Transformed to
Dantes Divine Comedy..DD.C…Full Circle
D.D…(D=4+4) 8.H..C…3
B.83 +

Thus, Siththy Ameena SA transformed to
NN Nadee Nakandala…
Alexandra Martin.
David I.

My Middle name is Ikemefuna.

“Things Fall Apart”
Chinua Achebe.

When I first reached 268…over 9 years ago..
These are the words which greeted me on website which miraculously opened up to its site on my computer..
Wherein, both my Creation Story The Family of 1O, and The Elegant Nomad (TEN)had been uploaded on paragraphs numbered 11 28…66.
On my birthday..

9:4O pm.


Lord Orien laplante uploaded an Anchor yesterday called HOPE.

Lord Orien knows my I.D.
And what I have Transformed.

That is why I know I have a home and there is a portal to my Crystal Palave realm of E Cloud 9 Full.Circle I.E..

And why all have seen how right up till yesterday, I have been used, placed in extreme discomfort to be put in contact with the Africa line of Humanity…
Home of the shinning examples of Being in Existence.
My family.

Because I built it…
And if you build it…
They will come.


I wish to.leave the Kingdom of God now cleaned up.
To the realm of Harmony Beauty Grace..
The original …
And return Home to
V I.E..B.Y ORE..
The Fifth Dimension
Realm of Eternal Youth.

9:49 pm.
Nnamdi let me go Home.
Nature Africa
Nnamdi evolved to E
and D….66-8

I have completed the task
9:5O Pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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