
5/12/2019 20:06 – Facebook Post

5/12/2019 20:06 – Facebook Post


The Wheel
Cycle of Mundane Life and, Existence

This is what my Life’s work transformed into.

Breaking the Cycle of Samara..

To complete the full cycle of life, by my being set up to taste all forms of Pain and Suffering endured to the Human Body and Human Being.

To complete the Cycle by getting to The Point
And in the Completion of the Source of the Spiral: The Circle and the point, aligned to one Sub Atomic S A Micro
SA R A….H.

Yes Sarah Kaizer was here yesterday and we conversed and I witnessed her Harmony.

I found a dollar bill a few days ago it had the name Sarai..
And the number 11 7. Kim Gavin Inti Pacha
Yes, 7 11. Seven Eleven allways Open

Kolo… The Princely Manly Warrior of the Dance of the Circle Round and Round”

This is the Matrix Web
And the Collective Karma
And the invisible Bonds and Binds I feel on my body.

To break these bonds and Binds of Humanity that is why I was sacrificed by beings in this world to be trapped in the Astral Plane or my Mind until In figured the way out of the Labrynith Maze Web Nicholas..

Of the People to bring Victory to the People
Nicole Dollins
Nicole Gallant
Nicole Tayler MaxineNicole

Greg Dollins


David Roman Nicholas

Nicholas Alexander Sanchez

Nick Davis
Nick D Harris

Not just me as rep of the Indivual
But the All.

But how I was cursed and betrayed was by the people who mystic who felt All should be set free.
And yet the journey through life is as an Individual, you may experience life through religion, sacrifice of the I
But all Life existence is experienced by the Individual.

The only way to escape the miserable Cycle Wheel..
To E N D it once and for all was to Evolve.

And yet soo.many refuse to Evolve to the I and assume their own Individual Idenity but instead clung to the Group in.which the are part of something which them.gives them absence of security and purpose.

This is the Darkness which.fought me, the rage which the name Dollins meaning evolved.
For I am the Defiant Ones, the Dark One who challenges the Light of the “Enlightened ”

And they punished me, when I refused to sacrifice my Indivuality for the All.
They Monks Cursed me.
They magicians tried to turn me into an Monkey.
The Bathing Ape.

And I fought them, the Buddhists, the Hindu, the Ancient Africans to present day.

I fought and though they used me most terribly did things to.me in the Astral Plane that the wounds and bleeding would manifest on my body and being in this realm.
The Blows .. People here often noted in fear that my body language suggested that that it seemed as though as I was being heated with blows to.the head because that is what my body jerking was about.

I refused because it’s the I as the Individual which caused the Whole to rise, and that this last incarnation in the 3D world was the journey of the Family of Harmony to now understand to be as the I.
And Individual
Not afraid of Being alone but loving the company of others..

7:54 p.m

I.is Inspiration
I.E.. is by simply Being and Example by a naturally being you.
This is how the Whole in turn rise.

It’s Mothers Day..
And so I saw this and knew I.wished to share what I as both a a father (Pope) and Mother .
One who gives birth and nurtures with Nourishing Necessities..
Wished to share with you.

Dr D ror Ashua stated that beings going on almost to infinity had been attached to me who said they wished to come home but that they refused to.evolve and stating that.they would never release me or let.me go. Home unless I evolved them.

8:00 p.m


This World.. ?
Humanity ?
Nature ..
All must evolve or see sacred portal 49 and 120..

No one is above the Law.
And if they thought they were. Tis not they who held me back but rather it was the Truth

But I cut the Truth from.me now,
For there is only one Truth which I.have proven and defeated God along the way..
And that the Truth can only he Beautiful
And Beauty creates Feelings Sensational from Symetery Understanding Perfect ion is Completion and is seeing All which is as I.

8:06 p.m


Sacred Portal 86

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