
5/12/2017 18:37 – Facebook Post

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Thank-You for Sharing this Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

I am afraid that you have found yourself in a Universal Script which because if your Brilliance and Intelligence… B.I.. Bergamo Italy
( Just to make sure people realize that I am not exaggerating)
you have been able to access and understand that there is something in what I am doing which Demands and Commands that One pays attention…

This is how, I have already read this Script to see that you will be such an inspiration and a literal Savior to many in the World, when this Script manifest into its completion which means the Universal Evidence that this is literal and Will Change reality in a manner beyond Humanities wildest imagination.

You have been a good friend to me, and to the World by your attention.
As Sarah Nkem Blackstock as Elizabeth Clarizio Dawn Piercy and the every attentive but recent Kristen Green…

I commend you…
Pls indulge me to speak in such a manner and come out a bit from undercover…
Bob Marley is playing in the background.
The Sun is Shinning… To the Rescue Here I am…

But Manifest being is rising,

I asked Nenad to share this,because his Confirmation of me expression visually ( whether he is aware of the meaning of it or not)
is a form of weaving.. Linking… Literally across time and space Africa to Europe to the America’s and all Spaces in between.
We are weaving using a different kind of light…
Today is 5-12..1..O
See sacred Portal 5 and 121… Evolution to my Lady is Emmanuel Nnamdi… “To the Rescue Here I am…”
“Emeka it is really me” Sacred Portal 114.
i checked my “Apa Ogu-Ego” My change bag… It is a small ragua or palm fonds bag where I keep my coins…
And check it ever once in a while to see the amount which always aligns to the play…
Today it was 114 cents… Yep A.N..K.D…

And so there is an urgency today more than any other, to complete this Heinous Script…

Today I was moved to literally embody this, as I saw the Response of the Will of the Woods ( Will Woods is the Mic)
5:34 p.m… Smile.. Age of Will and Sacred Portal Cannabis.. Weed.. Mari-Juana.. M.J.. Yes I cleaned my Powder Grey Micheal Jordans today… Jordan Colon .. which then linked to RM bed 5-008 who enacted out that so annoying selfishness of the Idea of race priviledge and superiority that I the command “Destroy Them” flew out of my mouth followed by a Roar…
This in includes the K K lines… Klu Klux Klan…male and female here…
to the Bosnian line… All lines which had demonstrated that their Will is greater than their Ancestors Nature.. A.N… 114…
I protect no line anymore, and when I roared there was no anger, I felt exactly as the Black Panther I was am. for past and present are aligned linked to one…
5:40 p.m.
And then I did a conversation with Nenad, a little concerned with his saftye but aware that there is no malice in this Panthers Rage just Justice….
I know what is coming… You the General Public.. Don”t…

I saw my mouth open.. it became a Maw.. a Chasm…
That is when Will Woods woods became a Face Book Friend and the Ten pending were let in…
Mary Janes..
Cannabis Weed..
M.J… 13 10… 23… 1O 13.. 14… 5 14….E N . E.N.I..E…IN E.. E IN E..
EN E.L.. E N E I L…
Ten Dollars Will Borrowed all part of the play… and about the Covenant.. Broken Covenant.. The Will and the Word..
It was based on Candy.. W.E…ED…
A Maw Bia is where Nnamdi was buried.
It is the place of my Bio Fathers Home Town.. Maurice.. The Moor..
The Blackness.. Mau Mau of Kenya… Black Panthers are found in the Mountains of Kenya…

I asked Nenad to Share this…
And the concern for his safety was lifted…

He is B.E.N and Bed…
Joe ( Joseph Carey.. Joe Fisher)
Benjamin Couwenberg
Joshua Benjamin…
Son of the Right…
I turned to my right on my bed…
The destruction was I had called out to my left.. R.M..
The Room. Meaning the World.. 5-008 Bed…
Not to Jose Roque side, and that is the side which Nenad M. Djurdjevic and the line right back to Nnamdi represents…
Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo… V.N..Child of Nwko..
Okonkwo.. “Things Fall Apart” Ikemefuna… Chinua Achebe..

And as I completed our conversation a memory came to Nenad which pulled him and all that line out of any danger as I linked it and wove it by Expressing it to someone who ‘Listens” which is how it takes root..
Someone must listen, it does not matter if they do not fully understand, but that they open their Hearts and Minds to simply Listen and Pay Attention.. L.A.P…A…
Sacred Portal 57…
Face book friend L.A.P…
E P A L…

Its meaning has already been activated the moment you Listen it is the meaning of Respect…Courtesy… Fair Exchange.. it is meant to be..
Because if the Givers is giving knowledge and information which is entire Selfless and purely for the benefit of the other…
The first step is for that person to Listen…Because that Frequency Vibration is recognized by the Heart of the Cee…
The Body…
The Ear…TH E…
And so it moved us..
Just as the Extraordinary Elizabeth Clarizio sent me a message..
It was from Richard Schopping R.S.. Who is no longer a Face Book Friend but who was the other Face Book Friend who had arrived the same day as Neil Furby… Who is the Line of the Original E.. by a simple riddle of being present..
The other was One Chance One Chance who was in the Papers for having murdered his Professor who taught mental health..
It brought the Guardian News Paper and a Reporter using deception to befriend me to get a scoop on One Chance..
My older face book friends will recall this…

The date was 1-28-2015.. The address was 147 The Bean, between 9 and 1st..
M.T.C.N.. 34 5.. 508..52 ( E B…N.E.B…U.C L.A.. NEBULA.. Super Nova…
I have a Poem from Cesar Rivera of Bed 3011 Called Super Nova which made my day…
I will share it in the next post.. lets us complete destructions weave..)

52..9 1..

I wondered why Elizabeth Clarizio had sent me this…
And I listened…”Richard is addressing Face Book friends and singing a Song which brought shivers to me and almost caused my heart to melt…
He sang “My Soul has Remembered”
But it was from Elizabeth….E.C…
And the Words… they were from here.. through the correct code of Portal R.S..
Line of Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions… R.D…R.S
O.A…I.E… R.O.A.D.. R.I.S.E…

I rose on the Road.. and from Nenad M. Djurdjevic recounting another dream shared with his Sister In Law Patricia…
Came the Story of my Short Film Two Men…three short films..
in which I arrive in the city at Night, rising from the Tar Road as a Black Panther and then Morphing on the Road into a Man.. and walking to a 16th Century Tavern ( 88…16…16 Is that which is Passed.. The Planet…is the Past which is present..)


Eris (/???r?s, ??r?s/; Greek: ????, “Strife”) is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her name is the equivalent of Latin Discordia, which means “discord”. Eris’ Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Latin counterpart is Concordia. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona.”

She is a H.E first ( Sacred Portal 88 is the Youth see how the Two Lady and Girl indicate it is the Youth in the sacred Portal…

There is no opposite.. it is just me, pissed off, as the Destroyer…
Harmony Destroyer.. Who brings Harmony..
See the completion of one of my past last night..
8:48 p.m.

Lets correct it now.. D IS Cord which David played which pleased the Lord.. It goes like this.. the 4th the 5th.. 45/ 54…
E,N..Y.O… Enil Nna,..Yemojah Olokun…

BE.LL..ON..A. E… Bell o.e… Bell Alarm Bells.. 3 yesterday…”Warnings’
Belle Vue…

The Twin Brother Thantos Hypnos…and E.R.I.S.E… Erebos
T.H.E…E.B…I.A… The Eternal Beginning Infinite Awareness

* I saw and completed reading Elizabeth Clarizio’s message at 1:47 p.m.

In Greek mythology, Hypnos is the personification of sleep; the Roman equivalent is known as … Hypnos lived next to his twin brother, Thanatos (???????, “death personified”) in the underworld. Hypnos’ mother was Nyx (???, “Night”), the deity …

The Greek poet Hesiod established in his Theogony that Thánatos is a son of Nyx (Night) and Erebos (Darkness) and twin of Hypnos (Sleep).[5]

Homer also confirmed Hypnos and Thanatos as twin brothers in his epic poem, the Iliad, where they were charged by Zeus via Apollo with the swift delivery of the slain hero Sarpedon to his homeland of Lycia.

“Then (Apollon) gave him [Sarpedon] into the charge of swift messengers to carry him, of Hypnos and Thanatos, who are twin brothers, and these two presently laid him down within the rich countryside of broad Lycia.” [6]

Counted among Thanatos’ siblings were other negative personifications such as Geras (Old Age), Oizys (Suffering), Moros (Doom), Apate (Deception), Momus (Blame), Eris (Strife), Nemesis (Retribution) and even the Acherousian/Stygian boatman Charon. Thanatos was loosely associated with the three Moirai (for Hesiod, also daughters of Night), particularly Atropos, who was a goddess of death in her own right. He is also occasionally specified as being exclusive to peaceful death, while the bloodthirsty Keres embodied violent death. His duties as a Guide of the Dead were sometimes superseded by Hermes Psychopompos. Conversely, Thanatos may have originated as a mere aspect of Hermes before later becoming distinct from him.[citation needed]

In the Greek Mythology, Hypnos is the son of Nyx (“The Night”) and Erebus (“The Darkness”). His brother is Thanatos (“Death”). Both siblings live in the underworld (Hades) or in Erebus, another valley of the Greek underworld. According to rumors, Hypnos lives in a big cave, which the river Lethe (“Forgetfulness”) comes from and where night and day meet. His bed is made of ebony, on the entrance of the cave grow a number of poppies and other hypnotic plants. No light and no sound would ever enter his grotto. According to Homer, he lives on the island Lemnos, which later on has been claimed to be his very own dream-island. His children Morpheus (“Shape”), Phobetor (“Fear”) and Phantasos (“Imagination, Phantasy”) are the gods of the dream. It is claimed that he has many more children, which are also Oneiroi. He is said to be a calm and gentle god, as he helps humans in need and, due to their sleep, owns half of their lives.[3][4]

Hypnos lived next to his twin brother, Thanatos (???????, “death personified”) in the underworld.

Hypnos’ mother was Nyx (???, “Night”), the deity of Night, and his father was Erebus, the deity of Darkness. Nyx was a dreadful and powerful goddess, and even Zeus feared entering her realm.

His wife, Pasithea, was one of the youngest of the Graces and was promised to him by Hera, who is the goddess of marriage and birth. Pasithea is the deity of hallucination or relaxation.

Hypnos’ three brothers (according to Hesiod and Hyginus) or sons (according to Ovid) were known as the Oneiroi, which is Greek for “dreams.” Morpheus is the Winged God of Dreams and can take human form in dreams. Phobetor is the personification of nightmares and created frightening dreams, he could take the shape of any animal including bears and tigers. Phantasos was known for creating fake dreams full of illusions. Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasos appeared in the dreams of kings. The Oneiroi lived in a cave at the shores of the Ocean in the West. The cave had two gates with which to send people dreams; one made from ivory and the other from buckhorn. However, before they could do their work and send out the dreams, first Hypnos had to put the recipient to sleep.[5]”

6:32 p.m.

E Family…But now as the Nightmare which you insisted we Transform into.. but our version is much worse, because it has been proven Merited .

58 and 54 is in Nenad… NYX…But originate from me…
112 A.B..
224…V.D/ Double V..ie… 226…V.F…28…Sacred Portal “Hermes”

6:36 p.m.

T-Shirts have always been the code…
I began that code in London.. ‘The Body as Living Art”

Apollo Perez A.P.. Text me looking asking me to find Nicholas Petcher for him.. N.P… ( Calling him his Father)

6:37 P.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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