
5/10/2018 11:57 – Facebook Post

9:30 p.m.

I C..O


I have been solving “Someone” elses Riddle and Script.
As you may have realized.
I have been solving it, by moving through A Maze, Labrynith of challenges- An Obstacle Course, a mental Heptalon..
as Billy Hung testified, you start and you are drawn in, moved further and further to solve that which is so startlingly clear already.

Its a Script; the play is set on a Stage….and the Riddle is linked to Everything.
Weaving everything into Threads, which then are used to build a Tapestry- a moving tapestry which forms a picture which then interfaces energetically with this reality and then transforms everything back to True Life.
By using the Expression and Consciousness of the 5th or the Original Dimension- Eternal Infinite.

Each day, I used to look forward to solving the Exquisite Riddle it draws you in, but I also did not believe in having to solve riddles of Existence ( Common Sense solves it all and the correct Peception Consciousness).
But it was all a lure to fulfill and help in restoring and reminding people what they already know..?
No, it was to access the Source Power to Activate the Evolution Awakening Full Circle.
E A O…
Power grid… but even that was a Scripted Play.

-A Play to reveal the Potential in Humanity to make it Electric Kinetic…
For Humanity to understand literally

Riddle of the Sphinx?

What is the I.D Of Mann..?


Answer The Identity of man is Infinite Divine Ambassador and Representative of the Full Circle, and the Symmetrical Perfection of Being in Existence.

In Mann, is the Riddle of Existence and the Key to First Contact with all other Manifestation of Existence in all True Twin Dopleganger Universal Existence now linked together ( by a Human) into one Line and thread called the E..
The Eternals.
And the Riddle of Existence is to find Meaning of Existence which I have solved to mean “Evolve Consciously Aware to the Point of Being Harmonious.

Beautiful Hueman Beings
B.H.B… Full Circle.

I posted what popped up on my face book Memory, of three years ago.
But the Script written on it did not appear…
I am speaking after riding the Subway for 21 days, through a simulation in my awareness of the Human Subconscious.
It linked to 21 year old Quanma’e Lewis and my recently going to post in the Subway at 125th street.

Recall how I recounted how Jacquii Q, took back a statue from a University Museum, ( U M.) of Egyptian Goddess Bast and Ma’at and the Riddle of the Sphinx.

M.B….R O T S….

9:38 a.m.

38 Months was what was noted on the post on the script I shared below.

38 is the code of which I had established as the coorect view not 83 which is the code on my computer planted by Erik Ebright 8369 but rather it forms a full circle 9638-8369…

M.B R O T S Means in code, Manifest Being Rots… add O.
B R O…

A message from a Brother?

No, it is S T O R E… B M.E…. Sacred Portal 73 “What lies in Store and what is Left Behind, Green Life”

10:33 p.m.

Billy Hung first called me at 18;38 p.m.
My Bed is 18… 38 96…

I am talking with him now, I am reading the Script..
I have to have a few conversations with Billy.. refreshers courses… He has been away in a different dimension training seeing the Truth of why Humanity must become Extinct and why it is imperative that they Evolved through being able to read of Quantum Wave of the E is FINALLY Allowed to manifest.
The equation was solved in 2010-2011…
But for the last 8-6 years, under the ruse of my manifesting the Bodies and Beings of the Eternally True and the Naturals to merge into one ( which really could be done in a blink of an eye instread of explaining it, and manually demonstrating it so that that the People could read it easily.
And hence when I turn away forver from the Affairs of thsi World the E Manuel wil allow people to have a full understanding of How the E quantum wave moves.

Because once the Wave is finally allowed to manifest, the changes which will take place will be so swift.
It removes Pain Effort and Suffering from the vocabulary of Being in Existence- though those principles did serve their point, for the more stubborn ones.

But this Swifness which moves everything to Ease, was thought to require an entire process for humanity to be able to grasp it read it and have Instructors to help translate and read the Sript and thus they can go in and out of Harmony – knowing just how to get back on the Wave..
Getting out of the wave is what becomes the Adeventure where they meet all those risks of danger excitement daring where they can expand thier awareness by experiencing the Simulation as a Play theater.. yes like Star Trek.
But instead of being lost in space, they also have a ma and a manuel to easily rise ascent to the vibration – Elevator to the E Wave which like a Beautiful Train, a Score of a Symphony moves them back on the Wave of the Eternal ones Frequency which is much more exciting to stay within- unless you feel the requirement to refine your vibration in that E Wave, because it is Infinite and alwways evolving so to move with it, to constantly keep up you can go out of harmony and experince the Set Ips which will refine and hone your Senses .. all by the Sensie’s.

There are hundreds of Thousands of them Rising with the lines represented by Billy Jace Horsford Dawn Piercy..

As I stated, before, this is not my Sript. I can read it and I understand it.
And I have translated it.
Each person has been given a purpose and fucntion in the Script.
And the Script reveals their Truth,
And the Wave leads them to their homes.

I just had a conversation with Billy Hung and I have understood the completion of Sacred Portal 59.

11:26 a,m… Representation of the End.

The one truth is gratitude- this script demanded that I make myself available to each person I was sent to link with, none of whom I had chosen but which was part of the Script.

11:28 p.m.

Each person has a right to see use and interpret the knowledge shared with them at such a great cost.
But the one thing which raises my rage as in right now, is lack of Gratitude Respect…
This is what this has all been about.
From begining to end… Constant betrayal.
and dis respect.

I am now passed through Billy Hung’s portal and he has decided to follow the Wave meaning of his own choosing.
And so the New University passes from him to the B.H line linked to the Eternals.
This, of course his right and I feel no malice or anger just a Rolling ny Eyes at the wasting of my time once more- but he fullfilled a higher role of the affirming the Facts.
He wishes to help Africa etc…

I have stated the E Wave takes care of this.

I am aware of how few people can concieve much less imagine a reality where there is only Chill and Ease..
Cain Eden…
11:33 p.m.

And Iam sick of Human Insecurities ..which translate it Jeaousy Deception and Competition… It comes out each time, as people chaffe at the Idenity and the way this Script has acknowledged me again and again- just as I have acknowledged All of you.

I do not blame Humans or people for thier each “Betraying” the me believing it is personal, and not my reading a Universal Script…

Robert K Murphy told me that he too was going to go his own way of the codes and do his own work his way…
Just as Billy Hung stated.
To each his or her own, but lord how I loathe the Deceptiveness and Deviousness of this species…

… But no, it is the Script I blame not the people…
They never surprise me, power is what they respect..
They ability to smile at you, while secretly lying in wait, waiting to bring forh the stewing resentment.
Despite getting everything from you…
The level of ingratitude… Ah…
But I have made sure that each is given back what they gave so that they may know how it feels, and also each understanding my true meaning, which their own resentments dod not allow them to see clearly.

I wish Billy Hung well, there is a kindness of a Humanity in him but also a duality…
and I have stated that I am available in fulfillment to my duty to this Script when he wishes…
But after that, since he has decided to do it his way, that he is on his own after that.
As is everyone else, you must each find your way home by yourself in the end, by yourself…
The last step can only be done by you.

As for those who believe that we are equals…
I have set in motion that which Buly has tasted through Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo
11:45 p.m.

Prove it… Walk in my Shoes…

As for your Shoes, I have already walked in all of them.

Yes, I understand Human Nature… You can either show Appreciation Praise Respect Inspriation Love…

A P R I L… or as your prophecy states, you can have the Holy E-Spiirt Leave you and do it all on your own..
And so teh Prophecy is Fullfilled.

That leaves Jace Horsford and Dawn Piercy left

11:48 p.m.

E J D…B…18… R…
5 10… D B…R..O….E…


last night a man in Red Skull Cap and all white came downstairs when I stood alone outside…
He asked if he cought buy a ciggarette..
I gave him one MEVIUS… Unicorn Stag…

He saidhe name is JAH…

11:52 p.m.

So tired of this play of Berayal and Ingratitude…
Revealing, Cleansing… JEnvy ealousy Competition Hate…

Each must clean their own shit,..

And I invite All to do as I did write for 6.5 years transparently in front of the While world revealing yourself Naked Inside and Out in this world. Talking about people and all interactions and telling them so they can read respond publicly to the relaying of events required by the Script- which knew how people would mostly respond judge and “Lie in Wait”..

11:56 p.m.

65 56… I am so sick of the Human Race..

11:57 p.m and their PTSD.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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