
5/1/2018 20:18 – Facebook Post

5:46 p.m.




1130 Face book friends… A dramatic drop from 1144.

That was the number I was at, the last time I checked before Ventus Blackstone became what was meant to be the 1144.

It was interesting because that was the number which Jace Horsford showed me, he opened his jacket and showed me an object which he said his father had given him- which had the number 1144…

1130 is minus 14…or 13 from the moment I last checked.
13 is the amount I had asked Jace Horsford to provide for the play earlier on that day. I was meant to meet him today, but things conspired to bring him to me yesterday. I had only stopped by here for a moment hence the short post.

Why I am here today….?

Because the script demanded this, just for today, and my humor is pretty disgusted with this, but I will let you all decide for yourselves if it was necessary for me to come to what I now consider a truly foul portal.

5:54 p.m.
Yes, that is the number of my cafe from the Arab Bodega and that would be April 5th in Europe, representing Nnamdi.

But the absence of 14 13, facebook friends one day would represent from what I can read and discern from this Script is that N as Nature and the abyss has left the play and that the 13 which I asked of Jace Horsford represents actually who is the true key to Manifestation which would be Man…
Hence the 14 being made absent which began with the first coffee at the Arab Bodega 3 days ago which had the number 14….
Then the second coffee at the A.B yesterday which had the number 38… and which was followed by a coffee from Jace which had the number 63….

Today the coffee number was 54…. and the time now is 6;03 p.m

What this means is that the Nature as the Abyss- that great gap is no more because it full circle of it has been completed.
14 is N.. Nature.. as what is called the Abyss in this reality and the source of the weather.
38 is the C of Harmony as is Speed of Light which creates and manifest Harmony according to the Template of this this Script- The Play of Perfect Timing defeating Time as Space.
And finally 63 F.C as in Full Circle- completed Full Circle, and since the 5 Seas really One Sea, represents in Human understanding (not the actually understanding of what is, since in the true consciousness, there is and never was any Gap. or Space. Space and the heavens is simply a Reflection of that which is a Blue Print, a mirror of Nature broken down into another language).

6:09 p.m.
69.. MW 69.. Is my equation for the Milky Way.. MW…
Which refutes the designation given to it by NASA
And this proof is reflected in the my having had to use the portal and this particular starbucks on Metropolitan Woods avenue as a the venue to prove that truth, in what I had pointed out is a Awareness Matrix of Human Intelligence.
Add todays date linked with 5 Oceans, all One…. 5-1, it means that the great veil of the Sea, the human interpretation of it was that which prevented Humanity from seeing beyond the Veil.
For the Human Mind was concerned by the physical and thus equated His, Her understanding of Nature and Existence by equating it by what they could see.

MW…. are the same symbols but inversed.
And thus one is seeing something in Inversed.. how does one find which two Images is the original?
Do you think it is by choosing one?
No, I had a conversation, my first conversation with Karl- Robert Karl Murphy who I have mentioned, identified Galaxy 1O 11 I C which Brennan B Young identified at the moment of his death as the portal Home- and which Robert Karl was witness to.
In that conversation, I had spoken to him and the Sioux Nation which he was radiating and I told him that they had read Natures Blue print incorrectly by moving and understanding everything through Waves… Radio Frequencies when all Manifestation is Music.
MW… M is 13..Yes the 13 usd I asked from Jace Horsford which the very same day, and moments later it was delivered instead of today…
MW= 13 23… 36… / 63… 360… 69=15… Which is Letter O. and then 1-5 Todays date… moves it to Fact.
Time now 6:36 p.m… just moved to 6:37 p.m.
Which explains a why I was forced to come here.
6×9= 54…. My current Coffee and since to read the Future or the Goal, one can only “Add” ( Joseph and today is St Joseph Day celebrating the worker…) one understand that the x is the past and so one more I am brought here to link the last of the play of the past…
That Nature was the past… Is the Past and to evolve it back to it true state, one had to remove, solve the entire web of its past as the veil or what I like to call the University.

M W… 69….6 is the Sixth Sense as Music… M… W.. Water….

Meaning of the name Ventus….

Venus Murphy.
Ventus Blackstone
Valdrino Meta….

6:22 p.m. Right now.
Three V made contact with me one after the other….

Meaning of the name Ventus Blackstone.. V B… V=5… 5=E.. E.B..

Ventus’ name means “wind” in Latin; both it and his Keyblade are called Wayward Wind, known in Japan as Fresh Breeze (????????? Furesshu Bur?zu), and have a “sky” theme similar to that of Sora’s.
From Proto-Italic *wentos, from Proto-Indo-European *h?wéh?n?ts (“blowing”), present participle of *h?weh?- (“to blow”).

Ventus is a character in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep. More commonly known as Ven. He has a heart of light, and Terra and Aqua are like brother and sister to him.

Blackstone refers to the Black Hills of Karada- Link realm of the Gods… They are called the Black Hills…
Karada means

(BDSM) An intricate rope structure tied around the body.

*Why I bring this up, is because what the correct meaning of this means which was corroborated by Robert Karl Murphy is that it is the Universal Body blowing on the Sea of His reflections creating ripples on the See of His Reflections.

I received a message from Ventus Blackstone at 14;40 p.m 2;20 p.m and then I found that when I saw his message and sent a response that it was 14:40 pm 24 hours later…

7:06 p.m.

Making that equation of the full circle manifest.
MW 69… 15… O… And that the only way to establish the True View is my combining both view.. Not one…
The Music is the correct way to understand the “Ripples of Time” an illusion moving on the one reflection which is constant.
O is 1 5… 6… 6 is the Music Manifest.. M M… 13 13 … 26… 8..
I have 8 usd in my wallet.
I am at 1385 Metropolitan Woods… 13 13… I took 13 usd from Jace Horsford yesterday moved by 6th sense, despite my refusal to continue with this obscene script…

7:11 p.m.

* The island of Karada was the venue in Turkey which I had created the International Festival of Sharing in Turkey in 1999, which was cancelled at the last minute.
And the Binds in my body, I have experienced since then as if a Japanese Karada had been woven into me inner muscles and body. And please link that my brother is married to a Japanese Woman and all the portals which had to do with Japan which led me here.
See the meaning of the name of Rebecca… “Earth Worker and to ensare.. bind”…
But I have stated that these are all riddles and stories which I refused to fall prey to, that I know exactly what is happening to my body, and the binds are really the story, the ideas, the riddles which I am being impulsed to solve. Each of these legends and myths coming to life, and then I have to solve it out of Existence.
I am picking up wave lengths and vibrations of Humanity through out time which has filled the Air Waves.
I have been speaking about this for years, and outraged at the same time, that illusions not even real where allowed to manifest in this set up and Script- for the solve purpose and intent of forcing someone ( me ) to solve them out of existence and align the to the correct “Fil: thread in the weave of a Story which transforms through Story Telling “Hypnos’ and Thanos… and the other Six aspects of Death as created by the Ancient Greeks ( which the Western “civilization” is built on and which in turn came from older cultures .. Song Lines… corrupted..)
Erebus… ER EB U.S / SUB…ERE… Melvin Er-er… Link
Nyx .. N.Y….X.. New York X… X Factor Generation X Gardens…
Jace Horsford 24 years old… 24 is X…

*Nyx (/n?ks/; Ancient Greek: ???, “Night”; Latin: Nox) is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness).

Eris… / SIR..E
Nemesis…/ SI SEMEN…
Keres…. K.E..RES..T… / SEER… E.K.

* I saw a message on a poking out of the news Paper… it had the words “Save Us” on in… smhd…

That is 8 aspects of Death… Transformed by Human imagination into horrors.

But these horrors I understood last night as I lay in my bunk, listening to sounds being made by each of the three people who slept in the room with me.
It started with Yuin Chen in bed 4-016- formerly 4-017, then it moved to 4-015, Lorenzo Widget, and finally to Francis Frick…
I lay awake having admonished Yuen Chen to breath and that it was because of all the Alcohol he drank…
But then as it continued I saw that it was a riddles and I understood how Human being wear masks during the day.
They do not speak or truly say what is on their minds and things which bother them,… they do not speak up..
And so they hold everything inside, they bottle up, their rage, of what could be simple misunderstandings which could be easily resolved… IF THEY WOULD SPEAK UP…
-And even as I found my self solving the riddles – my incredulous being moved back to my original expression and experience with what called Nnamdi who of course no longer exists now that the mess of that past has been resolved and he has evolved to the E realm just as Robert Karl Murphy confirmed but confirmed today…( I will get to what took place when he called me over and asked to speak to me to tell me what had taken place.)

I understood that from peoples sleeping forms, they would release these now toxic bottled up thoughts and reflections… they would release them without even being aware as they slept and they would move through the air, energized by focus and intent.. Anger rage, fury, ideas of what they would do, wanted to do, scenarios they had created in thier minds..
As I lay awake I could feel these literal demons rising from these sleeping forms.. indeed the sleeping forms of all humans who were unclean, had not clean up their thoughts, ideas, resentments, feelings of slight of the day , the week, the years. thier lifes… and World Plants entire existence…
What a mess…
I could see it and feel them attacking my body as Wave Lengths attaching and fighting the natural wake lengths of my own clean body… I do not carry grudges, I let the people know what I feel.. Everyone is aware of this fact… I do not carry that which others impose upon me to carry… Not any more..
I give it back to them. I only carried it before to study and examine these ideas and then demonstrate to the persons or World that they are not real…
But I speak up..

And i saw that only the children slept well, and that it is the adults emf currents which they carry on thier minds and which leak out at night when they exert less control and no longer have to use the mask of Hypocrisy… That they are the sources of the children dreams and sub conscious being invaded and that is what was the suffering children going through, or anyone clean forced to live and stay in a toxic environment.
And mine in a Mental Health shelter was worse, especially since many of the men let down their guards because they are allowed to sleep all day if they wish and this, the things which come out from their subconscious.. their sounds, the vibrations when they sleep…

And the moment I solve the riddle… just like that about 4:41 a.m the room suddenly went quiet…
No a pin drop could be heard. But my body once more was wracked with pain and spasms as I had ingested, absorbed all these sounds…
And so I lay awake as my body convulsed and I aligned and decoded all the had entered me out of me…
Sound… Dna is Sound…

And yes, I am encoding and programing as we speak…

Now, I have already spoken about the meaning of the 13 13… 26… Sacred Portal 26.. Then 8…
26 Is Aphrodite Eros… Venus… 1 22.. The numbers which Jace Horsford sent me yesterday while I was conversing with Robert Karl Murphy, just before i went into a deep sleep which lasted 7 hours in from 12- 7 p.m.

Yes that links Eros-E.. Aphrodite E.A.. To todays date..

And to 8… Infinity Harmony…Sacred Portal 8..
And to Dawn Piercy.

And so, I was brought here minus the 14 Face Book Friends- many of whom I suspect where all those Adverts or masks of young women advertising their crafts…

I just received a confirmation of my deduction of the 14 Face book friends who left, being the end of the idea of a Gap.. “AGAPE” – The Nightmare… The end of the Nightmare.
My page is on 2 messages and 33 Likes on my Icon…

I will tell you what just happened in a moment…
Let me just pause for a moment…


Triple V… V V V … Ventus Blackstone is on line with me right now..

1130 Face book friends left…
1 13 O…
A.M Full Circle… a 1-5=6.. A Fact.

8:18 P.M.
Hueman Race

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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