
4:58 pm. – It is my face book F

4:58 pm.

It is my face book Friend Izu Honda Ebubechukwu-Uzo birthday today.
He turned 41.

Happy Birthday Izu.

I H E-U. 9 8= E U.

as well as Sunday Nshi Mbah’s birthday.

Who is the Original 98.
The question I asked yesterday?
9 8= 17.
E U is the response.
Emeka Umeano
I am Emeka Chukwu Emeka.

Obviously some one heard me, the E Family…?
the Ifinite Fact Y.?

17 Q.I.H is E U. E C.

5:11 pm right now.
E K.
an Evolution of U = 21= 3. C.

Izu means *”/Izu-chukwu/ Gender: m. 1. lit: God’s plot.

*”According to a user from Nigeria, the name Izuchukwu is of African origin and means “Gods Plan/Will”.”

Honda means
*”The name “Honda” actually means “original rice paddy” in Japanese. … The decision to name the company after Honda worked in Japan because it was a familiar and trustworthy name, and it worked elsewhere because it’s simple and unique.”

Original Weave… Original Rice Paddy O R P. O – Ready Player One.

Ebube-Chukwu means “Where The supreme being Resides”

and *”11 submissions from all over the world agree the name Ebubechukwu means “Glory of God” and is of Nigerian origin.
A submission from California, U.S. says the name Ebubechukwu means “God’s Miracle”.

*Meaning : The glory/greatness of God ·

Uzo means *”The Road Is Good
The name Uzo means The Road Is Good and is of African origin. … Short form of the name Uzoamaka.

The Road.

*”Meaning — Meaning[edit]. The name Uzoma means “good way”, beautiful way, or “the good road”, sometimes “have a smooth and easy life”

Oma! Means “So Beautiful”


Should I write, or have written. I am the Y A. WAY.
The Truth, The Light?
As Yeshua declared?

No, way would I write that, declare that openly to you or anyone.
I is for each Individual to discern for them selves.
to acknowledged and Recognize for themselves.
There is no way in Hell or Earth that I would ever make that declaration publicly.
I am Beautiful Pride.

That I had to point things out, explain and constantly call your attention to facts, meaning and symmtery was a torture and torment enough.
But there is a place- space which even I will not go, no matter what has been done to my life in this world story.


I S.

Nshi N.S. HI.
means *”Divine Light Source
The IGBO Word For Our Ancestors That Were Dwarves Are USHI, NSHI, ISHI And ESHI, Which Means “Divine Light Source” In AFA IGBO.

*”Therefore, Igbo scholars worldwide ought to seize upon this added … in Igbo land Esh/Eshi/Nshi is a sacred word implying divine origins of the…”

*”Kwa, which was originated from Akwa Nshi (Igbo for ‘First People’, … Kwush, also pronounced Kush means in Semitic and in Igbo ‘People of the Esh/Eshi’. … Also identified are that the Sahara, the most extensive desert in the world,

Mbah ( M B.A.H…. Mbah Ofor Ocha My Great Grandmother S E L F)
means *” A user from Nigeria says the name Mbah is of Igbo origin and means “Nation, country, town, community”. … According to a user from Ghana, the name Mbah means “the Great Almighty God Or your savior”.

Revelations 20:22. R.T.V.

“Amen. Even So.. Come Lord Jesus.”

*”20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

Revelations 22:20.

A- E.S. A W. E
C- L J… C .V… K .

Revelations T.V.

5:42 pm.

And expansion of Rev 20:22.

*”10} He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

(10) A divine confirmation or sealing of the supplication first from Christ affirming the same and denouncing his coming against all those that will put their sacrilegious hands here: then from John himself, who by a most holy prayer calls Christ to take vengeance on them.”

*”For I testify onto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.”–Rev. xxii. 18. If the Church after the Ascension of Christ had been destined to live only one lifetime, and had been confined only to the land of the Jews, the holy apostles could have accomplished their task by verbal teaching. But since it was to live at least for eighteen centuries, and to be extended over …
Abraham Kuyper—The Work of the Holy Spirit
Rivers in the Desert
T. P. Rev. xxii. I Glorious River of God’s pleasures, Well of God’s eternal bliss, Thirsting now no more for ever, Tread we this waste wilderness. O for words divine to tell it, How along that River’s brink, Come the weak, the worn, the weary, There the tides of joy to drink! “Drink abundantly, beloved,” Speaks the Voice so sweet and still; “Of the life, and love, and glory, Freely come and drink your fill.” Every longing stilled for ever, As the face of God we see– Whom besides have we in heaven, …
Frances Bevan—Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso, and Others”

Please read this again the following words… ”
*”10} He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

He who testifies to these things, Surely I Come quickly.

( and even if they do not Testify)

“Even So, Come Lord Jesus ( Yeshua)

No one publicly testified to me or that I bring my Father Guides Truth.

6:07 pm.
67. Aurelia – Ferrell.

Aylin Sedmir U.
Fritz Venneiq and
Kim ( as Tree)
Stephen Johnson.

And only Lord Ye- Li publicly identified and recognized me when I challenged all- that since I knew who all they were, if any one knew who I am.

And of course ARDEN and then
Ferrell and Aureilia.

Only one person asked if I was Yeshua Christ- and that was my mother in 2013.
All written down here.
Its all written here.

And of course, you read the quote of Vengeance.

Book of Love -Victorious
Sacred Portal 120.
Fritz Venneiq.
Sword of Truth “R E- R A”

It states book of Victory and Vengeance.

I was not meant to Recognize you, it was the other way around. You were meant to recognize me and sustain it.
Or at least that which is moving me manifesting it through my body- The Elephant in the room.
My body is literally telling you itself the Truth of my expression Evolution Awakening.

6:17 pm.

Nor Activate you.

Yet this has been done for you Recognition and Respect.

And the the Response…?

Non Existent.

6:18 pm.
F R.
Despite Eternal Knowing activated in you all.

So it is a choice.
And you put your own Desire and needs before this.

6:19 pm.
F S= Y.

I have no desire to ask WHY.
I already know and each to their own.

I am Dawn Chi-men-to- E.. Chimento- Chimeri CHI’M ERI C. E.
Its meaning…

*”The Chimento surname is a patronymic or plural form of the personal name Clemente, from the Latin “clemens,” which means “mild” or “merciful.”

*”CHIMENTI — This surname derives from the first name Clemente which derives from the Latin word clemens, meaning clement or indulgent. It is a fairly common surname found in 18 regions. It is mostly present in Tuscany and least in Trentino Alto-Adige. It does not appear in vital statistic records in The Aosta Valley and Molise.”

After rising in 1993 from the comma Dec from 1992.
Elizabeth and Fred came broke down the door and took me to live with them and thier kids Valentine and Clement.

E F= V C.
C V – Eternal Family… E F as I -EK.
C V is also connected to Fahad Hassen F H 68… 11-22-68

Robert F Kennedy.
*”June 6, 1968, PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, CA”

*”Robert Francis Kennedy, also referred to by his initials RFK and occasionally by the nickname Bobby, was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 64th United States Attorney General from … Wikipedia
Born: November 20, 1925, Brookline, MA
Assassinated: June 6, 1968, PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
Buried: June 8, 1968, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Spouse: Ethel Kennedy (m. 1950–1968)”

I always found it intersting and amusing hearing Arden and Ferrel call each other “Bobby- Bubbey”

John Robert. a reflection.
J R= 10 18= 28 M A N. of the Original Man. O M.
Sacred portal 42.
S E L F.
S E L F R E F L E C T I O N.

Yes 66 on Kim- Trees Door.
1= A R D E N= 42.
3 = CECILI A= 42.

A C= Apple Cider.
A C= D. DA. V.. I D.

J O H N = 47- 4 Day week 74 Seven day week.
11 28- 39. C I.

I could never betray the Truth which serves all of you- despite what it did to me.
I am its Eternal Friend- Lover Loyal Ally.

But Merciful and Clemency after all this.
1993 – 2021.

Liberty lead me to Fahad Hassen F H 6 8.

Liberate the Beautiful Handome Leopard of my Vengeance.

6:47 pm.

Rip them to shreads in thier Non Existence.

That this was not done- Consequences up till this day, this moment is the consequence I bring for allowing this story to go on.
It is I who am the one who the reprsentation alone who can go Beyond Evil.
Because I am Beyond Evil.
It does not affect me … except to give a response which even Evil could not have conceived possible.

That is what comes from being The Source. The Supreme One Balance.
I can go beyond the Evil Selfishness Thoughtlessness of you and all that moved it to this point.
Respond with something beyond that which was done to me and remain. P U./ U P.. R E- E R.

P U R E.

E R. U P… T I ON.E.

Vengeance is Mine.

Further reading.


Dr Barry Fell and Edo Nyland/N.Y.-Land.

” “My thesis is that Egypt was the main outpost from where West African Kwa (Kwush/Kush) culture was exported to the rest of the world. Igbo is the Mega-Kwa language – the Kushite mother-language. Kush is the major bearer of this civilization. Ethiopia was not just an East Africa location, but lay West too. According to Homer, it was in Sunset Ethiopia that the Gods congregated, and the people were called “the Blameless Ethiopians in whose land the gods held banquets”. We have discovered the lost city of this Pre-historic Civilization, with its array of beautiful bronze and pottery works lost to living memory and posing an Enigma to African and World History.”

“My analyses of the early archaeology of Sumer and of the Akkadian/Sumerian/Canaanite (Semitic) languages shows that all of them without exception were children of the Igbo language and that the earliest inhabitants of Sumer had Igbo lifestyles in religion, architecture, clothing, etc., even in the recipe for soap-making (wood-ash/potash boiled in oil).”

“Igbo is in the family of Niger-Congo languages called Kwa by European linguists, which includes many Nigerian and West African languages like Ashanti, Akan, Yoruba and Benin (Edo). Igbo, I find to be closest to the original mother of that language family. In fact my finding is that in order to not let the Igbo know that it was their language that birthed the others, the linguists invented the word Kwa, which was originated from Akwa Nshi (Igbo for ‘First People’, also the local name of the Nigerian monoliths that represent First People on the planet). This word was used also by the ancient Egyptians to describe the West African, in fact Igbo-speaking, Sea People (Kwush, see Martin Bernal – Black Athena ) who brought civilization to the Aegean and the Levant during the Hyksos (which means ‘Kwush’) Exodus. Kwush, also pronounced Kush means in Semitic and in Igbo ‘People of the Esh/Eshi’. Eshi are the so-called ‘Blameless Ethiopians’ of Homer. In Sumer and in Igbo, the word meant ‘Righteous/Sons of God/Descendants of the Adama (see The Nag Hammadi Scriptures and the Torah). Adam was Adama before the Fall. After he fell he became Adam, a word, which in Igbo means ‘I have Fallen’. Today in Igbo land we still have the descendants of the Immortal First People. They have never ceased to go by Adam’s original name – ‘Adama’. They are the Land Chiefs in Igbo land.”


Igbo Nkwo, the clan-name of the Igbo nation bears the tell-tale signs that the Igbo nation is the proud carrier of the divine bloodline of the Kwa. The significance of the name Nkwo is that it not only alludes to the Son of God and the Word through the –kw- stem, it is actually the Igbo word for the palm tree – a tree that in all traditions of the world (including Igbo) is associated with divine life and with oracles (Zecharia Sitchen, The Stairway to Heaven). The palm tree is described in The Book of Enoch as resembling the Biblical Tree of Life. (See E. Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch, p. 113) The palm tree was revered in ancient Middle East as a tree sacred to the gods, and it was a vital element in all oracle centers. (Sitchen, The Stairway to Heaven, p. 205-207)



Catherine Obianuju Acholonu & Erich Fred Legner

Review of a paper presented at the Conference on Indigenous Knowledge and the Challenges of the 21st Century, Institute of African Studies, UNN, Nsukka. It was elicited by a recent article in the world renowned New York Times newspaper published on April, 14th, 2011, authored by Nicholas Wade under the title: “Phonetic Clues Hint Language is Africa-Born”


Catherine Acholonu Research Center

Igbo Origin of Humankind

The Mother Language

Egyptian Words of Igbo Origin

Sumerian / Semitic

India / Hindu Words of Igbo Origin

International Words & Igbo Language



A researcher analyzing the sounds in languages spoken around the world has detected an ancient signal that points to southern Africa (meaning Sub-Sahara) as the place where modern human language originated. The finding fits well with the evidence from fossil skulls and DNA that modern humans originated in Africa. The detection of such an ancient signal in language is surprising. Because words change so rapidly, many linguists think that languages cannot be traced very far back in time. The oldest language tree so far reconstructed, that of the Indo-European family, which includes English, goes back 9,000 years at most.

Quentin D. Atkinson, a biologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, has shattered this time barrier, if his claim is correct, by looking not at words but at phonemes — the consonants, vowels and tones are the simplest elements of language. Dr. Atkinson, an expert at applying mathematical methods to linguistics, has found a simple but striking pattern in some 500 languages spoken throughout the world: A language area uses fewer phonemes the farther that early humans had to travel from Africa to reach it.

Some of the click-using languages of Africa have more than 100 phonemes, whereas Hawaiian, toward the far end of the human migration route out of Africa, has only 13. English has about 45 phonemes. This pattern of decreasing diversity with distance, similar to the well-established decrease in genetic diversity with distance from Africa, implies that the origin of modern human language is in the region of southwestern Africa, Dr. Atkinson says in an article published on Thursday in the journal Science.

Language is at least 50,000 years old, and the time that modern humans dispersed from Africa, and some experts say it is at least 100,000 years old. Dr. Atkinson. If his work is correct, he is picking up a distant echo from this far back in time….Dr. Atkinson is one of several biologists who have started applying to historical linguistics the sophisticated statistical methods developed for constructing genetic trees based on DNA sequences. Some linguists have regarded these efforts with suspicion.

In 2003 Dr. Atkinson and Russell Gray, another biologist at the University of Auckland, reconstructed the tree of Indo-European languages with a DNA tree-drawing method called Bayesian phylogeny. The tree indicated that Indo-European was much older than historical linguists had estimated and hence favored the theory that the language family had diversified with the spread of agriculture some 10,000 years ago, and not with a military invasion by steppe people some 6,000 years ago, the idea favored by most historical linguists. Dr. Atkinson’s finding fits with other evidence about the origins of language. The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert belong to one of the earliest branches of the genetic tree based on human mitochondrial DNA. Their languages belong to a family known as Khoisan and include many click sounds, which seem to be a very ancient feature of language. They live in southern Africa, which Dr. Atkinson’s calculations point to as the origin of language. But whether Khoisan is closest to some ancestral form of language “is not something my method can speak to,” Dr. Atkinson said.

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