
4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M.

A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening…

Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday..

Happy Birthday My Lady!

I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you-

The Change in Plan details of the Evolution Awakening play which blindsided me but which still aligned not to my Truth, but rather what I was reading and translating..

5:OO p.M.

That this play was never really about revealing my Secret Identity but the Arrival of the 5th Dimension Consciousness in this realm at present.

My former host on and off for 4-9 years, Albert S at 268..used the code 2O12…

I recognized this as the code Truth Love…

That Truth is Love and Love is C…

I also recognized this from many other affirmations even till the 2O12 Asteroid Meteorite A.M which hits United States and the U.S.S R…

U.S…U.S…(..A.M…Universe Supreme)

S R…

Stone Ridge…

Royal Santana

Lotus Santana…

I also remarked that the Equation was about the meaning of the name Joseph which means to add.

Joseph Carey.


Sacred Portal 1O3…


2O+12= 32..

Truth Love = C.B…

Christine Baluba..

Chukwuemeka Be..

Conscious Being.




I also recentky mentioned that for my own personal reason I intentionally did not upload the Sacred Portal 32…Which Shows Eros and the Men he had Gathered Fathered And Created True..


Refuse to acknowledge him amd reject and deny their desire for him…

Which means to reject the Truth of thier Existence..

But in doing so are subsequently swalled up by the Consciousness of the Goddess of Destruction Kali, who was witness to not only their desire but to their birth by Eros..E.

5:15 pm.



Facebook Friend Kalli Kelsey…


Is 32 today, and intials


Align her to the Harmony of her role in this 41 Month play….

5:17 pm.

E Q.

5:18 pm


As being the response from the 1111 Dimension called Mind Space but which I have called Universal Space -Universe Supreme ..Manifest Being of the Universe..

The 4th Color in the Rainbow

Green which is Love..

And the 4th note which is FAH…



Representing Emekas Expressied Truth of the Universe..

Thus we end with Sacred Portal 5 which are two..

One with the Brooke..

Named Brooke Shield..B.S.

Giving birth on the Stream of J.O.Y

The Elohim Eros E A-donnai line of New Men…

5:28 The Beautiful E Line..

Donna O’Sullivan

Andrese Harris Burton

Brooke Banwer…

Nadee Nakandala


And Sacred Portal 14=5.

Evolution Is Awakening to a X Change in Direction …

This is thus the affirmation of

T is 2O as Echo.

L is 12- Luke the Bringer of Light, Graceful Creator line Emeka, acted out superbly by Wisdom Jonn Blackwell…


C B.

Geoff Lacour…G L (As Sting, and Andy pictured in the Basement here where I comfortably sleep at below the Surface level… Mother’s name is Brooke brother David)

Kali Kelsey…


Keith Grant


5:39 pm.

Who is the Lady at the Brooke..

*54 S Mountain RD…

Time now 5:4O pm.

Why its Lady M.E..


The Bean Cafe 3rd and 2nd…

Portal 45 off 3rd Street..

Entrance former Tunnel of Love..

2nd and 3rd.

Portal number 54 2nd Street.

Portal 147 The Bean 1st and 9th street.

2nd Avenue The Bean (T.B. Tom Benzian) number 54.

Ist Avenue The Bean number 147…

2 1…B.A…..


See Sacred Portal 147…A..VE Nu E…

See Sacred Portal 54……

3rd Street Entry near number 45 3rd Avenue..





Letter U….



The Equation of the Bean D N A, the D.N E and the Reflected numbers and equations on the Mira Cle is as we have established is a Person..

Not a Place or a Thing.

P.T..Sacred Portal 147…



Victor E.

5:5O pm.

Alot more programing it took to deactivate the Universal Simulation.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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